
1  2019-01-26 by automatic_cluck


They targeted gamers. Gamers.


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LMAO they still think he’s building one.


I'm honestly surprised he hasn't just given up completely and then gone on tirades about democrats obstructing the will of the people as an excuse. It worked with Obamacare, why no every promise he's made?

Surprised he hasn’t annexed Mexico and completely ended immigration

This but unironically

This but disappointed

Bush couldn't put up a chain link fence while staying within a magnitude of his budget.

I sincerely hope he tries to build it, I want to buy some new electronics, and shorting the Dow would be great.

Even if he declares the state of emergency, it will be held up in court for years

The wall will literally never even be started.

Now with more wall!

⬆️Label telling you what the wall is

That's the wrong somatic stereotype, Benny.

How come trump has so much hair?

Implants. Many say that Daddy's pubes are over one meter (1.093613298337707yard if you are burger).


I suspect Garrison is accidentally disclosing a tactical hairpiece that the secret service would like him to wear. It can withstand a direct impact from any bike lock on the US market.

That left one is a good trashy tattoo

Did that old man even say anything about KKK or Nazis or hating Trump? AFAIK all he did was get a bit close to the guy while drumming but still was peaceful and didn't say much. All he did was drum and sing.

This whole stuff about that MAGA kid and the old dude is the silliest thing ever, neither side did anything egregious or even slightly problematic, what they did was much tamer than a lot of protests.


I mean he went to the media and made most of the shit you originally heard about the kids, largely sparking this whole thing.

Sorry if I missed sarcasm.

I thought it was those weird Black Hebrew Israelites that uploaded the video and the old dude didn't even know anything about it. I guess I was mistaken.

It was two factions, the native group and the black Israelites that started trashing the kids calling them racists, colonizers, inbred, etc

Where were they wrong tho

He gave an interview to CNN where he described the kids as like wild beasts ready to pounce on their prey, and that they looked like they were going to lynch the black hebrews, so he felt like he had to do something. So to fix the situation, he decided to march directly into the middle of the kids while slamming his drum, while not ever attempting to say a single fucking word.

Well that's just rude

Holy shit, /u/AnnoyTheGoys! How many years you have? You're old, buddy. Very. Very old.

He spends 99% of his time insulting want waging way against the majority of Americans because he's afraid of the new nation that's being born. I wonder why people think he's hateful.

I guess that only matters of course when your slightly less respectful to whites.

They go nuts over that wall lmao

I can’t wait for all those MAGAtard tears when the wall never gets built.

But it will happen ANY DAY NOW for reals!

No way libtard the wall is coming soon and Hillary is going to prison tomorrow, Melania told me in a wet dream


"Ack! This Garrison guy is such a shitty cartoonist!"

-Cathy Guisewite

Been "One More Wounded Knee" Garrison

"One Man Klan" is my fav

Zyklon Ben

someone put annotations on it, i can't tell wtf is happening in the image i'm looking at

Old man with big nose loves nazism and satanism. The young man loves a blonde man with a spectacular haircut.




It's the second coming of Jesus.

Secret Hillary tribute. The placement of the speech bubbles resemble an ass.

It kinda looks more like her boobs rather than her ass.

Another masterpiece by notorious bigot Ben "One Man Klan" Garrison

So the old Jewish Indian hobo guy wants kids to get shitty tattoos?

And did drawing Trump as a pig demon literally cause Ben pain?

Ben has such a hardon for Trump, he still looks better as a pig demon in this drawing than in real life.

What did he mean by this tho 🤔


Who even are any of those people? Why is Bernie Sanders with a tan arguing with Topher Grace circa 2001?

Trump, Trump, Nathan Philips, some mayo 🤷‍♀️

Trumps eyebrows are out of control 😱

This seems bipartisan

Funny how all drawings of Trump got a lot of hair when he's barely got any.

Trump is 8 years older than him.

If I didn't know who Ben is I would think this is a radical centrist both sides are morons meme.

Not many artists could depict a Jew with this kind of tasteful restraint and nuance. Zyklon Ben is truly the ultimate mensch.

Not many artists can see past the feathers and drums to capture the Amerindian's inner Jew. It requires a certain wokeness to recognize that they are, in fact, one of the lost tribes of Israel.

Few can depict The Jew with this kind of tasteful restraint and nuance. Clearly, he has a deep love and appreciation for the chosen people. Zyklon Ben is a real mensch.

This tbh

rom-com adaptation when?


Nice to see Garrison go back to his Happy-Merchant-drawing roots.

(((Trump))) is literally in bed with the jews so this comic makes no sense