Woke SRDines prove reporting shoplifting is for busy bodies.

1  2019-01-26 by faiththepianofrog




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Known narc and serial larcenist /u/lanternsinthesky has been conscripted to the pinging whitelist for this thread only. Do me proud and don't tell him to kys or anything else dumb and harrasy.


No no no. Don't do that. That's what you're not supposed to do. Smdh my head.


It's ok. I just hope you shoplifted those air pods.

Of course I did and why is that such a big deal? Didn’t hurt nobody no how

does the new drama unironically use memes like these

Libtard = DESTROYED!! 😂😂

At least that’s a PoliticalTM meme


Welcome. If anyone gets super mean or whatnot you don't have to put up with it. Just stay where we can see you and keep your hands out of the till.

I can snatch your wallet though, right?

Anytime. There's nothing in it :(

I guess you'll just cancel your card once you realise it is gone :/

Jokes on you I lack the social skills to even bother

No cards either. Only a fake ID, a Subway club card from 2003 and lint.

a Subway club card from 2003

Can I still use it?

As scratch paper. They ended that program. It only had three stamps anyway.

Can we ping this cow too? SRDines got to berate him and we didn't :(

Maybe. Lemmie know if he gets featured again. I have to babysit these threads and I can't do multiple at once.

Will do! :D

Fat rent cops pressing subhuman, malnourished 'lifters face-first against a scorching hot asphalt while waiting for the police to arrive and take them in is low-key my fetish.

Hot asf

Cause people in the us are extra stupid apparently

They didn’t need the “apparently”.

how did we reach these levels

/u/lanternsinthesky why do you think it's okay for people to take things that do not belong to them?

I don't, I said several times that I think shoplifting is wrong.

Why did you inject race into it when it was whether he broke the law or not?

Why do you hate our thin blue line, and by extension, America?

Bad bait

Not an answer smh.

You actually think I hate America?

You support lawless disorder and crime against hard working, salt of the earth Americans trying to achieve their American Dream.

You are at best a self-hating liberal. At worst, may Allah forgive me for uttering these words, a Chapo user / anarcho-commie.

I mean I guess that is fair, America is awful.

I prefer the term socialist though

> Gets to spend weekends and days posting on reddit in an air conditioned room before sleeping in their fluffed up bed (likely paid for by parents)

> Has more food, wealth, education, luxury, individual freedom, and daily security than 99.9% of all humans in all human history.

> "America is awful"

Lemme say as someone whose family is from socialist run countries, they definitely never have issues of police overreach and violence. No way. And Europe totally isn't racist beyond any American imagination. Nope. America totally doesnt lead the world on LGBT rights too!

I guess a level of brain damage is required to be a proudly proclaimed socialist in the Year of Our Lord, Anno Domini 2015 + 4

It was so obviously a joke, you unironically asked me if I hated America, I couldn't take that seriously.

And the US definitely doesn't lead the world in LGBTQ rights, many other countries legalised same-sex marriage before America did.

Also, I'm not from the US anyway

It was so obviously a joke, you unironically asked me if I hated America, I couldn't take that seriously.

You said I gave bad bait so I tried to apply myself.

It is actually lit if you like universal healthcare and blonde blue eyed women

Big talk from a yuropoor

I prefer the term eurotrash

Imagine being this happy about being from a country with excess white women.

Do you know what a joke is?

Clearly at least one of us doesn't.

I always get my countries that kill gays and the ones that tolerate them mixed up

You think the US is the only country that don't kill gay people?

Why are you so poor bro

I am actually the son of a billionaire, but I am so bored from all the parties, and fancy vacations, and sex with models, and drugs that the only things that excites me are petty crimes, lacrosse, and the works of French comic book artist Jacques Tardi

You may not hate America, but you don't seem to understand the function of society.

why else do you want to destroy america?

I thought it was pretty good bait

What if someone gets stabbed right infront of you? It isnt your problem right?

When leftists and the most misantrhopic of ancaps are indistinguishable by their actions alone... (as long as the perpetrator isn't white)

If someone were to steal something from you, would you stop them?

Yes, but if I caught them I wouldn't report it to the police.

Tbh reporting them to the police could be the best thing you could do for the kid, they'll probably just get a slap on the wrist and it could expose a potentially bad domestic situation, which caused them to steal in the first place, but #POLICE #BAD

Why do you think people should pay taxes to support families but don't have the right to call out little shits when they're doing little shit things?

How do those things connect?

We have a mutual obligation to each other - people call it the social contract. When people break that contract, such as by stealing, they make things worse for everyone. Anyone following the social contract has the right (even the obligation) to stop people breaking it. Doesn't matter whether they're cops or not.

Theft causes higher costs for everyone involved, even if you're stealing from a gargantuan like walmart. You think the business just eats the cost? Everyone who pays ends up paying for it.

To the people arguing with SRDines in that thread, all you needed to do was inject the fact that the kid stealing the candy bar was a white male who smirked as he did so.

Then you'd win them over to your side.

Goes on a tirade against proud strong policewomen

"that white lady who called the cops"

/u/lanterninthesky is just afraid someone will call the police when he finally gets fed up of being an incel and drives the truck of peace.

The jaywalking argument father down is peak pseudointellectual SRDine. Day of the can when?

It's better than the shoplifting thing. Two guys who try and outdo each other traffic management credentials.

As someone who has crossed MULTIPLE streets in my lifetime, they are both full of shit

We should take a note from ancient Sparta in regards to children stealing. In fact we should withhold all food from children so only the strong survive by stealing

The strong raid, they arent thieves.

Considering how much they loved bussy, this is sub is probably the closest thing there is to a modern day Sparta


"Autists! Tonight we sperg in HELL!"

How would they feel if someone broke into their apartment and stole their food? It is just a kid it is alright

It's no crime to oppose Capitalism, so shoplifting is a good thing

Heh, you have to try harder than that to beat communism, kid

/u/faiththepianofrog good drama find fellow dramautist, I salute you. We even got a live lolcow, so rare these days

/u/lanternsinthesky how much would you not mind me taking from your house?

I'm all out of milk, can I just go get your gallon? It's only like $2, get over it

I never said you should be okay with someone stealing from you

No but you said it's not really a big deal if it's small, and milk is pretty small, maybe even cheaper than gas station candy

I mean if you literally only stole a gallon of milk it would not be a big deal, it would be weird and annoying, but it is not like you'd call the cops to report a milk theft or hunt the thief down for some vigilante justice

go woke- go have all your chocolate bars stolen