"underrated comment"

1  2019-01-26 by Matthew94

I swear this is the new "y'all" and "yikes". When do normies get the bullet?


Let's unpack this

Let's get this out onto a tray.

Let's poop in neat, orderly lines on the tile.

Let's gargle its ejaculate in concentric circles.


I wish I enjoyed life anywhere near as much as Steve.

Hot take

People will never be as good as us.

no u

Get out of here with your facts!

Bofe sydes do this, it's the most obnoxious shit on Reddit. That and shhh you're ruining the narrative!

"this will probably get downvoted to hell" followed by a very popular opinion that gets tons of updoots

I link-jumped from some other thread to a comment thread from eight years ago where someone asked for a link "for science" and someone responded "here you good sir". How has this kind of thing been allowed to continue for eight years? I think its time to start a sub for speech-policing reddit normie-speech. This has gone on long enough.

underrated comment


Reddit promotes the regurgitation of old ideas, as the normies crave the short dopamine rush from upvotes. This has caused creativity and innovation to stagnate, as users prefer to safely parrot popular jokes and comments rather than risk getting downvoted for saying something that has never been said before, or even worse, completely ignored.

Reddit also promotes pseudointellectual garbage about normal people because everyone here thinks they're a misunderstood genius.

Yes, everyone here is really an idiot. Except me, I'm just a misunderstood genius.

I'm not saying I'm better lmao

No I'm just mocking the people that think they're better.

I bet you're really fun at parties.

Somehow I feel like the people who say that don't go to any

Once more for the people in the back!! XD


You think "underrated comment" is new?

How is babby formed?

"Y'all" and "yikes" sure as shit aren't new but you can't deny they've exploded in use on the net during the past two years, you dumb fuck.

I said "underrated comment" not ya'll-yikesing

U big meanie 😾😾

What is using a well-known example to explain a general concept?

How is babby formed?

You said "underrated comment" is the new "ya'll yikes" but "underrated comment" is older than the increased yall-yikesing

Underrated post

That;s the old y'all

not an argument

yikes oof zoinks!

Overrated take

Bold pays off for him, let's see if it strategy Cotton

Is there a bot that could automatically ban anyone who types in a redditism as a comment?

holy shit i came here just to say this. the real protip is always in the comments.

All of the examples in this thread are dumb and obnoxious memes, but they make /r/drama butthurt so I have to respect that.

"This ain't it chief"

It's nowhere near as irritating as when reddit learned what a logical fallacy was.

“Wow, you must be fun at parties” or “who hurt you” should be immediate grounds for execution by firing squad

Weird fl... I can’t even finish typing that shit.