Holocaust Memorial Day megathread

1  2019-01-27 by wazzupnerds

It’s our Christmas guys! Wake up!


Celebrating something that didn't happen. Smdh

Yeah the Germans built all those concentration camps and railroads for fun across eastern europe

Imagine being this retarded

I threw ashes in the face of my Jewish neighbor, to help him reconnect with his past.

I'd really like to hurt you for saying that.

yeah, but you won't

I wish there was another Holocaust so that Ben Shapiro would finally get what he deserves.

Implying that being a manlet isn't a fate worse than death

Yeah he but hasn't learned his place.

Every day is Holocaust Memorial Day because they never let you forget it. As I typed that 3 holocaust museums and a memorial were built, and a new edition of The Diary of Ann Frank came out.

what kinda memorials you think we should build for the mayocide? Maybe just like a huge statue of Dave Matthews #NeverForget

Uh... surely you mean MAGAthread

Well this is going to bring out the best comments

already has

What's the difference between a cow and the holocaust, jews cant milk a cow every day for 80 years

Do you still have man boobs?

Typhus awareness and prevention is always useful thank you

u/Annoysthegoys what are you doing on this special day?

"Why does every Jewish holiday have to do with them escaping something?" - Chris Griffin

some say that they are spamming holocaust memorial threads and there’s already 6 million. it is probably around 200k. tops.

6,000,000? Really? You actually think that many joos died? Hah, funny story bro.

Do you even know how long it takes to fully disintegrate bodies? It's literally impossible to do it that fast. (((They))) just want you to feel sorry for them.

Hitler in fact enjoyed the company of Joos.

DUDE *snorts another line of Pervitin*

What if we make the gas chamber have a single narrow door,

I'm talking a single way both in an out.

So when we send the sonderkommandos down there to pull out the bodies,

they'll have to stand around like complete idiots waiting their turn to go through the door!

They'll be so fucking pissed.

And then

Get this—

We build all the furnaces on a completely different floor

So every time they take a body out, they have to put it on an elevator

And repack that elevator.

And run it hundreds of times a day!

And then—

Hang on I'm not finished.

They have to unpack and take them back off the elevator

And oh mein gott dude, get this:

They'll have to drag them down another hallway. A completely different hallway dude!

And then, after they've already loaded and unloaded these guys three times.

Then, they'll have to stack them on top of each other for a fourth time onto the furnace tray, and hope they don't roll off each other.

And then finally push them in the furnace.

Like, dude, they're going to be so fucking pissed when they find out.

Best. 👏 Prank. 👏 Ever. 👏

still unemployed then?

I am a bot. Contact for questions

Thank you. My own uncle was killed by the Germans notorious masturbation machines and my aunt was chased down and torn to shreds by German Shepards with poison tipped fangs. So it's nice a sub like this can set aside differences and come together over their love and compassion for jews.

I squeeze some oranges into a pan and put it into the oven to make Oven Baked Juice.

Ya we need to impeach Trump so we don't have another holocaust.

Trump diddnu niffin

we need to have another holocaust so they dont impeach trump


  • The mantra of people so retarded they would be sent to Dachau

You can tell the holocaust didn't happen because no one could be around that many jewish people whining and complaining about everything without blowing their own brains out.

But Hitler did blow his brains out

Hitler was the most successful nazi killer in history

Modern genocide denial is so stupid. There's no more pride and honesty in one's work anymore.

They go through all the trouble of building the camps or gulags and then act like it was self defense when asked about it.

Back in the day any leader would be proud to brag about their accomplishments. Mongols, Romans, etc all pointed out their genocides on the greeting cards to make sure everyone knew about them.

Just admit it bros, it's the least pathetic thing to do

/r/unexpected is toast, the whole sub. This is so hilariously tactless and poorly orchestrated, I love it.


oh boy oh boy what did i get

oh its just ash

Isn't that when Hitler had a Jew barbecue in 1942?