The /r/allfugees are still invading the gillette thread 🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮

1  2019-01-27 by DerekSavageCoolCuck


Drama posting as a whole rots your brain, the sub is easily one of the most transphobic subreddits filled with Enlightened centrists and alt-light trolls, the mod team is a bunch of weirdo nominally left succdems who post on Stupidpol about how they're the bastion of left thought.

One of them made a post about how they used to be a SJW but alienated all their friends and family and now decries idpol, when in reality they're probably just insufferable to be around


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hmm it's almost like every time this sub goes private the quality gets really really good and then every time it opens up again it goes to shit


Allicide when?



There's more of you fags crying about how it all goes to shit than there's allfugees shitting up the place

it's over for non-approved submitter cels

Closed /r/drama = DDF drama @ 92% upvoted + 3-4 "lol a tranny said a thing" posts + 1-2 "lol dumb commies" posts

Open /r/drama = DDF drama @ 60% upvoted + over 9000 "lol a tranny said a thing" posts + 200-300 "lol dumb commies" posts

When we're open, we're basically /r/cringeanarchy. The MDE sub being banned killed /r/drama, tbh.

Bitch, this place was CA since pings were banned. MDE had nothing to do with it but make a meme for the usual autists to spam.

It's so blatantly obvious at this point

aww baby needs his binkie

The rise of anti-commie posts has turned this sub into a weird combination of old-/r/circlebroke and /r/atheism, only focused on communism and not religion.

Eh, the commies deserve it. Atheism was all about picking on people who didn't really go on the internet and mostly kept quiet about their beliefs on reddit. Commies spend all day in their parents basements brigading other subs.

Can't people make their own "anti-commie watch" sub then and not shit up drama? I'm tired of reading undergrads post their EBIN takedowns of communism and somehow ending up looking even more retarded than the commies, which you would think is impossible.

They did, and then the commies took it over. The whole thing got posted to r/drama a few months ago. It was hilarious.

P_K just couldn't be rinsed

Well if commie subs weren't retarded they wouldn't be featured as much here.

Commie subs are goldmines for drama. Most political subs are you dipshit.

political news link posts are bad for drama imo

The sheer screaching overdedefensive autism of conservatards is currently unmatched and that's a problem

Closed /r/drama is mostly commie trannies

At last I truly see.

when the sub is closed it matches my agenda and that's good


>muh mdefugees in current year

way more cth and srdines tbqh

The mdefugee crisis is long gone. Dumbass powerusers keep REEEEing and seriousposting anytime there's too many anti-progressive posts on here.

This place has always shit on the same groups for the most part.

you were easily the worst poster in this sub when it was private, so you don't have a leg to stand on here

Meh. After the myriad of Kiafugeea have turned upbhere after the shut down, some balancing is needed. Otherwise its justs gonna be a myriad of chapotard says sth stupid dae le socialism stupid and haha look at that tranny posts.

I think that poster can be integrated into /r/drama culture tbf.

I beg to differ. Tbh all parties involved in this retarded pissing match should be gassed

Hey, you can't gas (((me))). That's very naughty.

This is an anti sex negativity sub. To the gulag with you!

To the gulag with you!

If you spare (((me))), I'll help devise the 'gaslag'.

Sounds like one of your shitty attempts to trick one us. Nice try

Brapfags get the rope too, I'm afraid

Ban every poster in that thread when?

I'm tired of ragging on him, someone else needs to take over.

How can you be a rapist, and seek equality of the sexes?

the answer was staring us in the face in an extremely veiny and aggressive manner all along

hope you all brought lube

The fake centrists here: WE NEED TO BAN ALL MDE TYPES FOREVER!!!!

Also the fake centrists: it's okay to have SJW brigaders to balance out everyone I hate!

True centrist have a million different positions at the same time and have no qualms contracting themselves whenever convenient. 😎

Yeah, the opposite of a Kiafugee is le evil SJW. I, as an enloghtened centriat, despise both of uou retards l, but if we must have one, we need the other. I am also okay with banning both of you as well.

This is why dramanauts, despite all of their autistic bullshit, are right to urge the sub staying private. It's ridiculous how many unironic fugees flood this cesspool whenever it lowers the wall

Why don't the admincels just block r/drama from hitting the front page

This is exactly in the center of closing the sub and keeping it open.

Clearly the superior option.

Maybe if we play our cards right, we can even frame it as a concession on our part and get some limited pinging permissions "in exchange".

(by "we" I refer to myself, my tapeworms, and the mods of this subreddit)

We're not quite as retarded as T_D to warrant that apparently

And we don't make enough ad revenue to not get suspended.

Pretty sure the mods can block their sub from getting to /r/all. Wasn't that added around the time where TD got front-page-neutered?

How should I know

Other people besides the person you replied to can see your comments u stupid dum

Subreddit moderators can do that themselves. No need for admin intervention.

Seriously, it's some mayo trash seriousposting shithole now. It's a fucking mess.

How do we solve the r drama question?

Dude I traversed three screens of this

I am in awe at you persistence in milking

jcool should have integrated a "strong smooth hand action" category in the 2018 Best of awards

Thank you. I don't usually get this autistic, but this is one serious seriousposter.

I feel like my retarded van der merwe joke I told him got lost in the noise:

So "Van der Merwe" goes to the furniture store and buys a new, lekker black leather couch. He gets it delivered to his home and set-up in his living room. Now he looks at it and thinks, "ag schucks this needs some pillows".

So he goes back to town, but gets distracted - on his way he sees a smoking hot big mamma Afrika lady of the night on the street corner. He gets sad briefly, thinking of his deceased wife Tannie Frikkie.

"It's what she would haff wanted" - he thinks to himself.

So he takes the smoking hot BBW wammen home with him. He gets two nice fluted glasses of Piet Ritief Chardonnaigh and sits down on the couch. They drink their champagne and get hot and heavy. He decides he wants to eat her out, but first he asks to spread her hips as wide as she can.

She asks, "why?"

He says, "I want to see how this couch will look wiff pink cushions!"

The dude is still going ffs. All it took was in simple "You're both retards/No u" combo to get him screeching

He literally can't stop replying. I think I lucked into a mega lolcow.


2 week old thread, 170 comments in 4 hours


Hallo daar, fellow sef-efrican

Molweni and howzit my china.

Close the sub

I’m kind of shocked that someone had the attention span to go back to that Gillette thread and serious post

This is reddit after all.

they only thing KIA wont let you diddle are the freeze peaches.

They are too busy diddling kids.

For fuck sake if you’re gonna close again at least let me in.

Out out out

since they are in our borders can we ping them?


why the hate to allfuges, they give us some great lolcows like this one

lot of downvoting the lolcow over yonder