Which subreddit has the most pedos, r/libertarian or r/KIA? 🤔

1  2019-01-27 by Ghdust2


I did a research paper this summer on this subreddit and there was a published study that found that 74% of attacks on Reddit came from 1% of source subreddits. I assume that subs like r/Drama are the 1%.


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Theyre the same sub, no?

r/libertarian currently is full of commie scum, who prefer feminine dicks to children.

While us at r/Kia are prefering feminine vaginas of 1000 years old vampires looking like Children.

What's the difference ahuhahuhahuhahuhahuh

One day there will be a Jeopardy show about reddit and if somehow one of you will be lucky enough to participate, then pls don't forget that the $200 question to the answer "KotakuInAction" is "What are ethics in child rape games?".


Libertarians have principles, of which are that children can consent sure, but KIA demands that kiddo porn should be mainstream.

Everyone on /r/libertarian is also a regular on /r/kia, but /r/kia does have some posters that aren't lolbertarians.

So it stands to reason that /r/kia has more diddlers than /r/libertarian.

Libertarian has 275k subscribers, while KIA has 100k. 275k is more than 100k.

Ah, but 100% of people on /r/Kia are pedophiles, because they ban you if you call them pedophiles; if you call people on /r/libertarian pedophiles, they whine, downvote, etc. but they dont ban you

All libertarians are pedophiles, they just call it ephebophilia.

They did for a while when the Daddy loving mod took over

That's just because gamer jimmies are a lot easier to rustle than lolbertarian jimmies.

You must be fun at parties fam 👌

I am the fun most.

That's what (((they))) want you to think.

/r/pcgaming threads that talk about weeb games is always pedophiles claiming not to be pedos in the comments. You can watch them out themselves in real-time.

Almost as if gamers are pedos 🤔🤔🤔

gamers rise up to loli asses

The ven diagram of this is just a circle around both subs


KiAfugees OUT

hey im not downvoting and i was shitposting here since many months ago.

If you care about GG (or tangentaly related shit) past 2015 you are a loser

KiA by such a wide margin that there really is no comparison.


[e] Just checked out the thread: I take it back.

KiA. The answer is KiA.

We put people to death, we don't put people to rape

Well what does he think happen in prison?

Can I just go on record right now and say loli did nothing wrong?

Which roli did nothing wrong.

My little dictator.

You are objectively speaking wrong, sweaty.

I serisouldt doubt there is a pedo on reddit who doesnt post in both

as r/Kia tard i can say the we are more of sexual harasment watch, We dont even reset the clock on MALE FEMINIST ACCUSED OF SEXUAL HARAMSMENT. We Have Anime weebs, Game porn affectionados etc. But i dont think we got outright pedophilia.

/r/libertarian doesn't have a complex of fighting degeneracy while jacking off to kids.

Lol at one comment.

" "I'm not gay, I just jerk off to drawn pictures of rock hard, throbbing cocks penetrating other men forcefully and shooting hot sticky loads up inside their tight bussies. That doesn't make me gay. It's just a drawing, lol"

This is what you pedos sound like to normal people. Also applies to bronies and furries."

Well you don't become an author if you just think about writing a novel.

Reddit defend Pedo hentai like it's the 2nd amendment

I'm not a Burger, which amendment is the loli-hentai one again?

a 400 year old vampire that looks like a loli isn't a minor though.

it's ok tho, because really i'm just jacking it to a 400 year old vampire that just happens to have the supple body of a 12 year old.. totally legit not a pedo, guys.

Ask them what property of said loli vampire they are sexually attracted to and they will fucking break their own neck trying to backflip through their own shitty reasoning.

....her personality.

KIA probably considering half the mods want to fuck kids (and the other half either are kids or retarded enough to be considered kids).

By all means keep digging yourself a bigger hole. I'll wait.

Like a pedo would wait and go for the bigger hole lol

In our KIA they are not pedos put patrons of difrent kind of arts.

Libertarian has quantity, KiA has quality.