Daily Bible verse - Jan. 27, 2019

1  2019-01-27 by RandolphCox

I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; *she must be silent.***

1 Timothy 2:12


to the "person" who downvoted this: the lord knows that you did and HE does not forget.


Smdh, how dare you genderify the Lord.

God is a girl with a dick

Timmy needs to get in line. We got cute-feeted women around here.

Feet pics can be exchanged for goods and services

The Book of Timothy sounds like a Canadian autobiography

This but unironically.

I'm hard

Book of Bussytude

Verse 14:88

Let he who is mayonnaise cast the first stone at he who is miracle whip

Its from the old testament where all the real action happens


I guess Timmy here hasn't heard of our queen AOC

I'm going to church now because of this post bravo OP