UK niggas getting rid of tiddies

1  2019-01-27 by BenaGD


I’m riddled with shame. White shame. This isn’t helpful to me or to anyone, especially people of color. I feel like there is no “me” outside of my white/upper middle class/cisgender identity. I feel like my literal existence hurts people, like I’m always taking up space that should belong to someone else.


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Because someone trying to defend their unreasonably hated interests is just soooooo fucking funny. I'm only here for this post. Sorry kid, but I don't get off on laughing at other's expense so I'm going to gtfo of this degenerate cesspool asap. People wanna get rid of furries. Well how about places like this instead? The world would be infinitely better without drama. This sub is like the young people version of watching the Hallmark channel.


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“Surely it’s high time for the police and prosecuting authorities to address and tackle the issue in a robust manner, sensitive to the personal issues that arise for young victims and their communities.”

Unless they are pudgy bucktoothed mayos posting retarded tweets, I highly doubt the UK cops care thb.

I know a solution: post these AA cup titties on Twitter. Suddenly the e-police might give a shit.

If anything, theguardian are in need of a lecture on islamaphobia and the erasure of lived experiences of trans-men

To he bonest

Perfect proportions for Yamete

Too old though

Africans have some weird traditions. For example: Okonkwo, the male protagonist in Things Fall Apart believes in witchcraft. Idiot.

Thanks for giving me flashbacks to tenth grade

I read this while on vacation back in high school

>Not being illiterate

I remember when he gave his daughter away to some psycho bitch. The best part about the book was when he killed himself. What a shit character

Lmao remember when he straight machetes his own son down? Fuckin based literature



Oi, you gotta a loiscene for them milkas m8?

Try and say it's evil and you'll be put infront of your own Sharia court that the government has no bearing on.

The entire island needs to be glassed.


Big >> Small

Hot take

Flat is justice.

Oi, you gotta a loiscene for them milkas m8?

what now suddenly they don't like cultural diversity?


yikes me once, that's an oof y'all from me, chief.

yikes me, can't get yikes again!

Is there an African tradition that doesn't involve bodily mutilation?


Or rape.

Wherever they go. They must also rape

No. Lots of body modifications that Africans do is so that their women are ugly and undesired due to centuries of slavery related raiding.

Should someone tell them slavery isnt legal in the UK.

their women are ugly and undesired due to centuries of slavery related raiding

What's the reason for british mayos being so ugly?

Alcohol during pregnancy and island based inbreeding.

I can see it

  1. Not enough sun

  2. Really shit diet

  3. Inaccessible dental care (desperately needed due to 2)

Nibba what? Dental care is free.

Many aren't. You just look at cherry-picked images. Why are Americans so obese?

I'm looking at 99% of them that I've ever seen. Literally a whole continent of mongoloids

England is an island, you twit.

What is an island

The Turks stole all the good looking women and made them sit around bored in their harems.

Brave bongs trying to cure salami nips, I see nothing wrong with this

Which country was it that had the law that tiddies can't be too big in porn? UK or Australia?

That was Australia. For a relatively short period of time the govt was flirting with the idea of China-tier internet censorship.

i clicked cus i thought it's tendies. fuck me i almost triggeredd.

Dang African folks... we have some awesome things about us.


But sh!t leave the backwards sh!t in the past.


You don't see northern Europeans still burning the wife when the husband dies. Dang folks!

Diversity is our strength!


Black boys are all out chasing white women anyway, what a pointless "tradition". Literally nothing will change.