Mommy planning to come back for round 2, Daddy due to win easiest second term in American history.

3  2019-01-27 by 9SidedPolygon




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I am not sure which is more cringey, the litany of erroneous assumptions you splayed out or the act of calling upon the student archetype with the intent of derision. Anti-intellectualism, check. src


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Is there a picture of Hillary where she looks honest?


Funeral hasn't happened yet so no

A woman being honest?


I can’t wait to see the campaign ad where the show the footage of her being tossed in the van like a side of beef

hahaahahaha what a clever turn of phrase

guys I just checked this phrase and it's posted in T_D, downvote and don't feed the troll!!

Stop trying to make 'side of beef' happen, Gretchen.


If the Dems let her get within speaking distance of a podium they might as well have served Trump the presidency on a silver platter.


Paging u/the_reason_trump_won.

Come my lady come come my lady you're my trumpified sugar baby

Trump should offer to finance Hillary's 2020 campaign. At this point it's probably his best path to a second term.

For bonus shits and giggles, he should attempt to pardon himself and Hillary in the same executive order.

Trump already offer a $100,000 check to Hillary in 2009. Trump thought that Hillary was going make a great President someday.

Could you imagine the meltdown if he tweeted that.

Would immediately rank among the top ten greatest Trump tweets of all time.

What if trump isnt the Rep. nom? smh why are people STILL sleeping on Jeb..........

I'd love nothing more than to witness the Democratic and Republican parties simultaneously commit suicide by nominating Hillary and primarying Trump, respectively.

Primarying trump would be smart are you kidding me. Can you imagine if we had a non Retarded republican in office?

Fentanyl-Americans' loyalty to the maga cult has only grown stronger since the last election and Republicans know they can't afford to burn that voting bloc. The GOP made its bed and now it has to sleep in it.

To the contrary I’d be willing to cross the aisle and vote Hilary in the primary. This will likely be my vote tbh

Some people just want to watch the world burn.

- Alfred Nobel

Nah drunpf VS Hilary 2.0 would send dramacoin through the roof

Not disagreeing but I'm pretty sure that would cause Civil War 2.0 and I live here and stuff.

Imagine not having over 3k .223/556 rounds and waiting for next civil war enthusiastically.

Imagine not having over 3k .223/556 rounds

I don't have to imagine 😢

Civil war would be dramacoin3

Honestly, not even having a gun, those rounds are a good investment. Same with .22 rounds

Eh, I'd have to like, eat my pets and stuff and that just doesn't sound fun.

Though I do have some ammo and a couple guns so I'm not defenseless.

No what I mean is, when Democrats win rightoids reeeee about guns and the price of bullets goes through the roof. I’ve made hundreds off of .22 rounds and politically motivated purchases

Oh shit, that's a great idea. I think I'm going to make some strategic purchases myself. Thanks.

Np. Not even being ironic you can make really good short term cash ime

not saving money and investing in 7.62x39 like a true Chad

Bahahahaha wats next 10mm?

Can't really have a civil war if one of the sides just consists of feminist dance theory majors tweeting angrily on the Twatter.

Yeah but their opponents are all fenty addicts on hoverounds so it evens out.

Mommy won't have to worry about Daddy running in 2020 as he be in jail before the primary begins. Its only a matter of time now before the Deep State removes Trump from office.

That’s true

Truly a shining example for radical centrists everywhere.

Closed primaries exist in most of America.

Not Tennessee big pun

Thanks, I didn't know which states don't. I know it is a minority.

It all depends, if drunpf gets no primary challenger then I’m either voting gabbard, if she’s still in, if not I’m gonna pick the most idpol dem left in the race. I’ve lived in both, open primaries states are the best.


Are you endorsing me for an /r/drama mod spot?

Yes. Consider this an official nomination.

I think this almost makes me overqualified. /u/ComedicSans I'm ready to take the green when you are.

All you have to do is eat /u/MasterLawlz.

Stop trying to normalize your vore agenda.

I'm no science person but that sounds like a good way to catch the autism.

Life fuel for Jon-Huntsman-Jr-cels

The media turns whatever republican the nominee is into a retarded republican.

Remember Bush was an illiterate idiot from the deep south who was Cheneys puppet.

And Romney was a out of touch misogynist who was an animal abuser and was going to put black people back in chains.

true but someone non-retarded from the political side, at least bush got shit done, even if like half of it was retarded shit.

And Romney was a out of touch misogynist who was an animal abuser and was going to put black people back in chains.

Don't forget "stuck in the cold war" for thinking that Russia was America's greatest geopolitical adversary.

That one aged like milk.

The media doing that was what got us Trump. When every republican is a retard, no one is.

Trump not going make it to the 2020 election. It only a matter of time before Trump force to resign from office. Republicans only hope of defeating Mommy rest with a Socialist Jewish name Bernie Sanders.

Or would primarying trump rile his base up? He would become the outsider while a sitting president

Which true defies any sort of logic but well trump...


Trump should run as a Democrat this time, and beat Hillary in the primaries.

please clap

Trump isn't going to make it to 2020. Republicans only hope of defeating Mommy lies with a Socialist Jewish name Bernie Sanders.

Best drama outcome:

Hillary wins.

Trump runs in 2024.

Christianity is the single largest vessel of human evolution yet to grace recorded history, at least until the last 75 years or so. This is not your pastors Christianity and some tenant of my position is sure to upset everyone!Let me qualify all of this. You’ve probably heard me say that “cybernetics is the opposite of apocalypse”. Ok so that is effectively a “theological” statement. My outlook or experience of my perspective is rooted in a kind of “faith” that basically states that the conveniences of modern life such that they are cannot go away and will only continue to accrue as creature comforts because they are also the chains of our subjugation. If the creature comforts and their cocimtant institutional arbiters are complicit in our subjugation as equally as they are a means to “convenience” then we need not fight to protect them or keep them in our life. On the contrary we have to be emboldened to disabuse ourselves as much as possible from as many obligations and conveniences as we can. The Midas’ gift of convenience is the greatest tragedy humanity as ever known. There is nothing more luciferian than utilitarianism. The fight that most think is a pomeicks one therefore is a market driven one just as I think there can be a stronger argument made against transgender from a Marxist perspctive than a moral one because it isn’t fundamentally not a moral issue. The argument can be made asbut this doesn’t mean I’m interested in this it’s simplt an example of the profundity of nuance avaialable when one attempts to escape the ideological. Cybernetics is the opposite of apocalypse” is also what “abc = 666” means as well. We are doomed not to freedom but ever increasing auto-telic self-selecting complexity.

All those words won't bring daddy back.

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Mommy, America already told you no two times.

NO means NO!

Reeeeeeee she is grandma! Don't call her mommy! AOC is mommy! 😍😍

AOC is mamì you whitewashing colonizer.

I'd colonize AOC.

Id engage in sexual intercourse with her for the purpose of producing amerimutts if you know what I mean

19% upvoted is a pretty good amount of cope.

“The tangerine terror”

Can they get anymore uncreative???

How many times does America have to tell Mommy that they're just not that into her?

This chick just can’t let it go can she

The Democrats have so many likeable and modern candidates to choose from yet they’re fixated on old farts like Clinton and Warren.

The Democrats have so many likeable and modern candidates

name one that isn't a complete who

Name recognition is horse race bullshit for big media types. Nobody had ever heard of Barack Obama before he was on the cover of Time.

Beto O'Rourke is decently well known but has absolutely 0 experience.

Tulsi Gabbard is hot and there's no rule that says you can't put your ballot in crazy.




Ed_butteredtoast unironically loves Mommy

/u/ed_butteredtoast you Mommy-loving faggot pajeet

doesn't ping




I told ya

"But mooooooooom, it's MY turn to be president!"

While she shouldn't run, she should continue dangling the prospect of running to keep conservatives distracted while more viable candidates build up their campaigns.

I think her ego is too big to intentionally allowing herself to be a bait.

EDIT: This is from the r/politic thread u/BrotherOfTheRedAjah posted. Crazy stuff.

Probably would end up rigging the primaries again and then proceed to spout shitty memes and to REEEEEEEEEEEE about frogs.

It would honestly be fucking hilarious. The collective suicides among /r/politics posters would be worth it.

I don't think thy guessed the conservative's idea mommy incorrectly, however.

It's like a quotation I've read: "You know you're a Republican if you want Sarah Palin to run. You know you're a Democrat if you really want Sarah Palin to run.

Now we just change the name and switch the party.


See this is EXACTLY what I think she's up to...she's trolling them, LMAO.

this is every bit as retarded as anything said about 5-D chess.

How many times do we have to teach you this lesson old man?

fist me mommy 😩🍆💦

There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again.

Housekeeping... You want me fluff pillow?



Jesus Christ, you're not even wrong. How many times does she need to be shown how deeply unpopular she is?

Name one possible Dem nominee who will be more popular than Mommy.

PROTIP: you can't.

That really says something about the Democratic party.

Faucet Mommy

I'd say Bernie, but you said possible nominee. Really, if he got close, the DNC would just rig their voting machines again and then cancel all further exit polls when they expose the election fraud. Just like last time.

As a non-American, I haven't paid any attention to anyone who hasn't previously been in a Democratic Cabinet. But since we're playing, Joe Biden is as functionally retarded as Trump but has less baggage. No wonder he's already been pre-emptively targeted for "REE ONLY PAEDOS HUG CHILDREN FOR OFFICIAL PHOTOGRAPHS".

Biden could make for a fun election, I'd personally be posting as a rad fem preaching political nihilism after the Democratic Party abandoned women in favor of an old white man.

A non-ironic bona fide Democrat (Bernie doesn't count) who genuinely believes that the welfare of the poor is more important than identity politics. Surely there's one?

No love for my girl Pocahontas? 😢

Disqualified by age, isn't she? In any event, she's playing up to the IdPol shit with her "look at the right wingers get so mad at me because I grew up a poor brown girl", although her most recent 70% marginal tax rate idea is actually a traditional left-wing economic policy.

We'll have to see what she decides she is when she is actually old enough to contest for something.

No, I meant Warren, silly.

Oh right. Warren, not the actual ethnic one. Lmao.

Gramma Warren hates the banks and loan sharks like I hate the banks and loan sharks. She's cool with me.

Her worst stain is being 1/532566 American Indian and that ain't that bad.

I don't think there is one, and I don't think they'd be electable. The American left not only isn't thinking about the lower classes anymore, they're often openly hostile towards them.

For good reason. As someone who grew up poor I can tell you that the poor are terrible people.

The democratic party decided that poor people are uneducated yokels and many of them are wh*te so they gave up on them.

No wonder he's already been pre-emptively targeted for "REE ONLY PAEDOS HUG CHILDREN FOR OFFICIAL PHOTOGRAPHS".

Sounds like someone is trying to cope for their own latent child touching tendencies.

Obviously the thinking man's paedophile does his child-touching at official engagements when there are, by definition, a million cameras around.

rLy MaKeS u ThInK

That's part of the thrill of it for him.

So you feel qualified to talk about what a paedophile would think and do, eh? 🤔 🤔 🤔 🤔 🤔 That's a hell of a thing to admit, Champ.

Don't call me champ you creep. i'm blocking you and reporting you.

Report me to the mods. Do it.

If Biden looked dumb, I think that's mostly just because vice presidents don't have much function other than being laughed at. But really, he's survived in politics for decades and the only thing that stopped him from winning last time around was not feeling like taking on the Clinton media machine while his son was dying.

Joe Biden: He's an old white man who gets grabby with the ladies, so he's got crossover appeal for the economically-anxious-americans, but he was in that buddy cop show with Obama, so da yoof and The Blacks will vote for him.

This but literally.

Wasn't Trump supposed to have everyone in concentration camps at this point? Has he done anything so far that's even that fucking crazy bad? Like has he done anything even approaching what your typical republican candidate would have done by now? Like getting us stuck in a 15 year war in iraq?

Well, he hasn't exactly gotten us out of Iraq or anywhere else, kind of like what his predecessor did.

You mean transferred the troops from Iraq to Syria and Lybia?

Like has he done anything even approaching what your typical republican candidate would have done by now?

You kidding? Him and the regular Reps. were basically sucking each other's dicks until the former started mucking up the latter's precious stock market with trade fiascos.

Also wasn't Obama supposed to have my ass in a FEMA camp like 5 years ago smh politicians can't do anything right.

Well there are his camps for immigrant children, he's pardoned Joe Arpaio, and endorsed a pedophile for Senate. Outside of the headline grabbing stuff he's gutted the EPA and put a lot of corruption into place.

Good. The EPA is garbage, and immigrant children carry diseases.

This again? How many variants on this article are going to be written?

They're unironically trying to collect data to see if it is at all viable. Everytime an article gets posted to reddit or twitter they shift through all the comments and see if there's any hope.


How many times do we have to teach you this lesson, old man?

"Daddy due to win easiest second term in American history"


Now come on, that's the sort of hubris that made Clinton so complacent the first time round...

Yeah, run the one person in the entire world who could have lost to Donald Trump, reality star.

Don't forget that she still is hugely popular in some groups. Her sub on Reddit was big.

You still see clinton 2020 people on facebook. Her fans are as delusional as trump's

Please run.

Are you fat shaming me

Ideal spread:

Trump 2016

Hillary 2020

Trump 2024

That'd be Hilaryious

Clinton 2020: Grab him by the bussy

When we hit peak drama coin does it split like a stock, or do we have to divest it from actual drama?

To be fair, he's probably gonna win anyways because this country is full of retarded incels.

Please split the vote. Let Bernie easily sweep this nomination. You’ll take enough Biden supporters he will have a cake walk.

Third time's the charm.

This situation is crazy. Hillary would have won against any other rep candidate and daddy would have lost to every other dem candidate.

Now they wanna go at it again. But I for I for one welcome 2020 maymay war.

Diaper Wars 2: Hillary vs Bernie, the reruns

Round 3 you mean

This can't be real.

It's finally time for the libertarians to get as much as 6% of the vote with trump vs hilldog.