Racist Privileged Chapos bash starving Venezuela citizens, then claim that every Venezuelan on Reddit is a rich 'slaveowner'.

5  2019-01-27 by GodOfWineWarWisdom99


I only follow the patriarchal aspects of Islam. Not the aspects that make you a cuck e.g. Abstaining from womanising, penetrating a sweet trap virgin ass and lowering your gaze.


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Honestly chapos are probably some of the most racist people on the site. They want brown people to shut up and act the way they think silly innocent foreigners should or get the firing squad. It's so funny seeing these people try to act woke while going full throttle with the white man's burden.

White latinos are notorious lumpenbourgeois house negroes who desperately want massa yoo-ess-ey to keep the socialists from snatching their established privileges away from them. .. . Venezuela cant speak English. If they're complaining in English they're probably a fake.

They are not racist at all

Venezuela cant speak English.

What a stupid statement.

Well they can only speak one language so they assume everyone else is as stupid as they are.

literally believes the only true Venezuelans are absolute retards incapable of having any political philosophy besides "muh free stuff"

There is a reason the intellectuals always get shot first when the communists take over.

this is the most white upper middle class comment in history.

We need to build the camps. Get on with it already Soros.

If you're gonna quote me quote the whole thing bruh. Venezuelans have some of the lowest english proficiency in the world, if they're complaining in English, they're probably a fake.

White latinos are notorious lumpenbourgeois house negroes who desperately want massa yoo-ess-ey to keep the socialists from snatching their established privileges away from them.

There is no possible context to justify this.

I didn't write that, so I don't care.

If you're gonna quote me quote the whole thing bruh

The first part before the ellipsis is a different comment. The second part after the ellipsis is my misquoted comment implying I said Venezuelans don't speak English because they're too stupid, which I didn't actually say.

Not too mention this whole thread is based on some tweets from people who clearly don't actually live in Venezuela.

So you're a liar who got triggered by an obvious twitter troll. Happens to the best of us, carry on.

Don't see how I'm a liar but aight. Clearly I'm the only triggered one in here lol. Keep defending US imperialism, I'm sure it'll work out this time.

You lied when you said you were Venezuelan/POC.

Lol I litterally never said that.

So you are a mayo paper bag checking Venezuelans? That's pretty racist ngl.

Nope, I'm Mexican. But I never said that in this thread or that thread, so if you could just point out where I said I was Venezuelan I would happily admit I was wrong.

Suddenly Mexican

No good Catholic would be a lefty. How can you support abortion?

Still waiting for that proof I said I was Venezuelan lol and I know this is hard for a smooth pea sized brain person such as yourself, but yes, brown people can have a diverse set of opinions just like anyone else.

You already cleared it up and said you are a Mexican and, it seems, a heretic. And you're right to be very skeptical of intervention. And yes, orange man is unironically bad. But Trump didn't become a multi billionaire without at least treating his employees and business associates well. They had food to eat and generous benefits. Something Madrudo couldn't manage.

Cool man, nice I could clear that up. And yeah very skeptical of intervention. I don't actually like Maduro, I just think intervention would be much worse for the Venezuelan people. If they want regime change then I think they should achieve that themselves. People like John Bolton are already carving up the nation in their minds and they've said military action is not off the table. Also Trump is known to treat his contractors like shit. He refuses to pay many of them and hides behind his lawyers to avoid legal trouble because he knows these smaller businesses cannot throw their weight around. He's an entitled piece of trash who fucks over anyone in his way.

Also Trump is known to treat his contractors like shit. He refuses to pay many of them and hides behind his lawyers to avoid legal trouble because he knows these smaller businesses cannot throw their weight around.

I know that was just bait. But your outrage level is too low and your views too reasonable. I accept my concession.

But only the right opinions are allowed, right comrade?

Ironic considering all the people on this site frothing at the mouth to once again allow the US to stick it's nose in a South American country's politics.

The US hasn’t even done anything. We have only stated our recognition of the new government. That isn’t interventionist, it’s acknowledging an elected leader.

Lmao brown people can have a diverse set of opinions but Venezuelans who speak English must be fakes. Ok bud

How can you support locking up women who get abortions?

How can you not?

Because that would mean locking like 25% or more of all women. You are calling for some Handmaid’s Tale shit.

women should be immune from the law

Yeah no.

Abortion isn’t against the law.

Depends on the state and circumstances.

So what would be the penalty for abortion if it was up to you?

Unsure. Something not overly draconian yet still a deterrent.

Are murderers typically given non-draconian sentences?

Depends on the motive and circumstances. I don't think women kill their babies out of spite or malice or anything. It's usually because they are in a tough spot. But even if you accidentally kill someone it's still killing. "Oh well" doesn't really cut it.

But it’s still first degree murder according to you. We punish first degree murder very harshly.

When did I specify 1st degree? And even if I did I've since clarified. Also this isn't "according to me." I'm talking about Mexican law and Catholic values. Mexico is in the lower 80s% Catholic.

Do you have an example of someone not having a pre-mediated abortion?

Americans have been getting abortions in Mexico since before abortions were legal in the US.

The exceptions in Mexico where abortions are allowed are usually for either rape or when the mother's life is in danger, which makes sense when thinking of them from the perspective of Catholic values. Americans fled to Mexico to get abortions because of the ease to dodge authorities there, not because it was legal there.

A miscarriage is an example of an abortion that was not premediated. Obviously that only deserves the lightest of penalties.

Also stop brigading (you can comment but not vote in linked threads.)

No one thinks of miscarriages as abortions. Almost all abortions are planned and deliberate. What is the punishment? Do you care how many women will be locked up?

How do you know I’m voting?

I know you are voting for the instadownvotes from you and my instaupvotes. We both at 2-0 for our entire exchange on this mostly slowly dying thread from yesterday.

What is the punishment for which? Miscarriage or abortions? For miscarriage a fine should be more than enough. Two weeks wages on a sliding scale based on the individual. For other abortions? I'm no expert on what would be an effective deterent but not draconian. I'd want the goal to be rehabilitation rather than punitive. So short jail term or decent fine and counseling. Like I said it's pretty far from a crime of passion or killing someone to rob them, etc.

Wow you really pay attention to your upvotes.


Wait you are going to fine women for miscarriages? What the fuck?

So we should reduce all murders to short jail sentences then right?

I already explained how I definitely see the differences between murder and abortion and miscarriages. But all are killing, by intent or negligence.

Wow you really pay attention to your upvotes.

Too many MDE and Chapos are fucking up this sub. I don't usually pay attention or care about voting otherwise. Also it's more advice than anything. Sooner or later you Chapos are gonna get cucked hard by the admins for all the brigading. It's already both annoying and unfortunate that we've had to start banning people here for being obnoxious retards in overwhelming numbers.

If abortions isn’t murder, it’s not wrong. That’s that.

Not all killing is murder. Why are you becoming more and more stupid with every reply?

And if it’s not murder, it’s not an unjust killing. You’re confused. What else?

You seem to keep getting dumber. Define murder for me, as you see it. Please use at least 4-5 sentences and flesh it out. I did the same for you earlier when you asked me to flesh out how I saw the different circumstances, intent, what the punishments would be, etc.

The dictionary definition works for me. Pick your choice. Doesn’t matter. You already said abortion wasn’t murder.

What else?

I said as it means to you In your own words, your own beliefs.

No that’s dumb. Dictionaries are there for a reason.

There's a lot more than just a dictionary definition that goes into the concept of whether killing is justified or not, or when an accidental death crosses the boundary between a tragedy and negligence and idiotic recklessness.

I already explained what I thought of several different scenarios. I want to know what you think and how you think what I said adds up to "If abortions isn’t murder, it’s not wrong. That’s that."

Keep sucking socialist dick, I’m sure it’ll work out ... actually, no. Like young American socialists themselves, it has never worked, and never will.

Keep sucking Americas dick, I'm sure US intervention will work this time and bring all the freedom and democracy money can buy to Latin America.

The wonderful thing about US dominance is that I don’t have to do a thing to sustain it.

Not too mention this whole thread is based on some tweets from people who clearly don't actually live in Venezuela.


I am a venezuelan, i live in Vzla, you are an awful piece of scum and you insulting threads were linked to our sub r/vzla were most of us either live still in the country or live abroad after having to flee the terrible conditions your piece of shit ideology caused. And a lot of us speak english because we are not morons incapable of learning languages like you believe


We think you are a piece of shit and so are your piece of shit communist buddies. Good day!



Shouldn't you have a jackboot down your throat by now since you're so oppressed? Seems you have a lot of free time to post pretty much constantly.

Seems you have a lot of free time to post pretty much constantly.

So then all the US chapotards who love our dictatorship are not oppresed and have a lot of free time. 🤔

Damn straight. Also good luck with that "dictatorship" your good US buddies just sanctioned Venezuelan oil. You know. Your countries only economic source. Also I don't like Maduro, I just think if Venezuelans actually want change they should do it themselves. If you allow the US (or anyone else for that matter) to get involved your country will he worse off for it.

our good US buddies just sanctioned Venezuelan oil.

Lol, they are giving control of finances to our legitimate president Guaidó.

if Venezuelans actually want change they should do it themselves

We did, Guaidó was voted for the parliament that Maduro wanted to disolve and he is the legitimate ruler according to our rule of law and our legitimate institutions.

to get involved

Only China , Russia and Cuba can get incolve and use their military force to opress us for free oil right?

Good luck with that propaganda.

So is it your mom or dad that you hate and want to get back at?

Stop downvoting the lolcow, ya chuds!

That was the most racist shit I've read in a while. On first reading I thought OP was making a parody quote to show how racist he perceived the comments to be. But no, you actually wrote that shit. Go have a lie down and think about what you said.

I think you’re framing the statistics dishonestly. Venezuela does have one of the lowest levels of English proficiency in the world, but in terms of actual numbers what that means is about 45% of Venezuelans can speak English in some capacity, according to the EF English Language Proficiency Index. You might see a statistic floating around that claims there are only 20,000 English speakers in Venezuela, but that number pertains to immigrants who speak English as their first language, not Venezuelan ESL speakers.

For reference, that’s actually a slightly higher percentage than how much of the worldwide population has internet access (41%). By your logic, every single person posting on the internet is a fake.

Hi Mexican here.

Usually latinos that enjoy videogames are forced to learn english while playing and trying to get themselves to be ubderstood on online games.

I myself have never taken an English class outside of the basics on school and uni.

Also remember it is known that people in venezuela play runescape to farm for gold because its a better way to get income than "working"

Since there is internet on venezuela and people do play games for money. That means that a part of the population have internet know english enough to comunicate and sell gold.

In other words if there is a part of the population that do this for a living. Its most likely its also the same kind of people that talk and opinate on Reddit.

TLDR: yes you are wrong. Statiatics are nice and all but it tends to ignore the people that are outside of them.

I’m not surprised Chapos don’t believe people can be motivated to learn a new language and better themselves

I speak English, so does most of /r/vzla

Though I'm sure you'll be able to rationalize ignoring actual Venezuelans opinions any way you can.

Also, mamaguebo.

Yes. We know. The poor brown people can't do anything on their own thanks to their subhuman intelligence. Why don't you go play with your other klanmates and let the adults be?

All I said was that on average Venezuelans aren't very good at English, not that they're stupid lol. Nice assumption tho. If they're making so much noise about Venezuela in English over twitter, it's a pretty good assumption that they aren't the average Venezuelan.

Me venezuelan me dumb me cant english you right

Is that a real comment? Holy fuck that's beyond racist haha

Venezuela cant speak English

I'm going to use this line to own chapos 😎😎

Mental illness helps

This is why socialists are not human and should be dealt with swiftly with helicopter rides.


White latinos are notorious lumpenbourgeois house negroes who desperately want massa yoo-ess-ey to keep the socialists from snatching their established privileges away from them.

Holy molly,They are so woke, they become racist

The irony

Bernie Bros were pretty bad when Clinton was winning 70-99% of the black vote. “Why can’t they understand that Bernie is going to help them by increasing the welfare state?!?!?”

Because of their slow internet connections, obviously.

I never understood what chapotards actually stand for? If they see anybody saying that socialism is bad they just put fingers in their ears and call it a lie?


Too much work for chapos

Chapo Trap House Rules:

  1. No existing socialism is TRUE Socialism.

  2. All socialist politicians are fake socialists.

  3. Nobody is allowed to criticize socialism as an ideology.

Basically this

being obnoxious retards to own the libs

Whether you agree or disagree with their politics, their behavior is pretty trash by any metric.

Got a source on that?

When you argue against them just look for tweets of them voicing their opinion about a place they don't even live in.

Not even a hint of self awareness

“Damn, it sucks that my house is on fire.”

“You don’t even live there, why does it matter?”

Yes. And a lot of immigrants have friends and family, including parents, still in Venezuela. It's not just a sentimental attachment, they fear their loved ones are in literal mortal danger.

I was in Curacao (20 miles off the coast of Venezuela) a year ago. There are alot of Venezuelan refugees there and i asked all that i met about the conditions over there. Every bad thing you read going on over there was corroborated by the people i asked. One guy told me how they had to carry their money over there (the ole stank wallet) and another lady told me she had heard of cannibalism.

Yeah I come from Riohacha and I sometimes read news articles about large groups of Venezuelan refugees being processed there, and sometimes they’ll have interviews with them and they’re just all so happy and overjoyed to be there. And Riohacha is a complete dump so I can only imagine the state of things where they’re coming from.

When i was down there, 20 Venezuelans drowned off the coast trying to escape the country on a rickety raft. Locals said it happens about once a week but its kept kindof on the down low or else it would negatively effect tourism. Must be all those evil capitalists forcing them to drown.

This is who it seems like I've been arguing against a lot and boy do I come across as a smug asshole for doing so but until I see Venezuelan farmers speaking up on Reddit ima keep voicing my opinion.”

Didn’t know brains could be this smooth. That’s like saying, “until I see more people in Sudan log into Reddit and comment in this Chapo thread, I’m really not buying this whole genocide thing”

Didn’t know brains could be this smooth

I love this insult. I'll borrow it from now on, if I may.

The best part? When Venezuelans go there and speak up a true they don't like, they ban them. Then, ask for another Venezuelan opinion that, hopefully they would like

But then they don´t care about what south african farmers have to say.


This was a venezuelan farmer btw He died of hunger strike because Chavez stole everything from him, now his farm is a wasteland.




So much defending a "not true socialist" state now that the slow and horrific collapse has about reached it inevitable end

What is fucking hilarious is that Venezuela was constantly lauded as an example of socialist potential until its economy went through the floor harder than most of its detractors ever imagined.

Now it's not true socialism and yet they won't stop defending it. It just shows they care more about contrarianism than any real ideology.

It just shows they care more about contrarianism than any real ideology.

That's American politics in a nutshell right now

I hate socialists and even I don't think that Chavez Venezuela qualifies as socialist. It's more of a patronage economy where the government gave away a massive amount of wealth to the poors to buy their votes. I don't know why chapo feels the need to defend it so badly, but whatever.

These same people defend North Korea which is basically a fascist state at this point. They also are mad that Iranians revolted against a theocratic monarchy with American help. lol.

Their only ideology is being against whatever the west espouses.

No we dont. Lol

You mean a theocracy or a theocratic republic. Iran hasn't had a shah in 40 years. When they did have the shah, he was pro Western.

You mean Trump?

They like that Chavez expropriated multinationals' property.

That part was actually pretty good. He should have done more.

I don't know why chapo feels the need to defend it so badly

Socialism is like having sex with a 12 year old. Even if she's actually a 500 year old vampire it's still really uncomfortable to have to explain to your family why and how you've been supplying her with mana behind their backs.

Perfect explanation.

500 year old vampire

12 year old

Does not compute.

Massive wealth redistribution = socialism. Don't sweat the details.

It’s almost like every time socialism is tried it turns into a fucking disaster that ends up looking nothing like “real socialism” because it’s the political equivalent of a pyramid scheme.

the government gave away a massive amount of wealth to the poors

That is the definition of socialism / communism.

I love socialists.

Yet creating a socialist economy is one of Chavez's most elusive goals — a stark example of the disconnect between the president's rhetoric and the reality on the ground. In fact, the private sector still controls two-thirds of Venezuela's economy — the same as when Chavez was elected in 1998, according to estimates by the Central Bank.

Anyone that believes the amount of Venezuela private property is the same as 1998, because Venezuelan central bank says so is a top-grade moron.

Yep just fake news right?

From the VENEZUELAN GOVERNMENT as the direct source? Abso-fucking-lutely

All governments typically self-report data. Stop being a hypocrite.

they care more about contrarianism

They care about power, they always have. They'll smile to your face and tell you that "now you're truly free in the revolution" as you starve to death while they're eating lobster and champaign.

They're willing to say and do anything to keep a hold of their power.

Almost makes me want to post there about being the son of a Cuban exile. I'mbsure they'd have all sorts of insights on my family history.

You should. If they ask you to post hog post a picture of that chick who got by the car at the rally. It'll really rile them up.

You got a source on that?

Source on what?

Only the bourgeois scum fled cuba. On top of that the middle class just cant understand how important tge work in cuba was

They're just gonna respond with r/asaCuban

Im sure it was my grandfather fault that Castro took his home and business. He just didn't believe hard enough in communism.

Awww my shitty reactionary gwandad can’t exploit workers anymore. Time to go to Miami and vote for Republican down ticket 😢

Lots to unpack here.

Oh look a wild Chapo fag has appeared. Could you please tell me how communism actually healed out Cuba cause I really need the perspective of a middle class white boy. If your not too busy sucking a Venezuelan dictators dick and paying 100k a month to a bunch of fat retards bitching about capitalism.

Healthcare is a human right in Cuba and they send doctors all over the world during disasters. Tell me how life is working out for the other island nations that weren’t able to resist US occupation? Capitalist Puerto Rico is an absolute disaster and getting worse.

Healthcare is a human right in Cuba

Its a two tiered system where buddies of the government and tourist get the best health care and everyone else get shit.

they send doctors all over the world during disasters

Yean to keep up the lie of "Cuba has the best Healthcare"

Tell me how life is working out for the other island nations that weren’t able to resist US occupation? Capitalist Puerto Rico is an absolute disaster and getting worse.

Well Puerto Rico has American to help them out where as Cuba has no one.

"I found bad things the United States did therefore socialism is right!"

Thanks for the Galaxy brain take as usual, chapocel.

“I ignore the real motives and effects of the United States past 60+ interventions in South America, Yemen and Iraq because we’re the good guys.” How’s Honduras doing? How’s Iraq doing? What’s it been 500,000 dead. The following open letter—signed by the Vatican , 70 scholars on Latin America, political science, and history as well as filmmakers, civil society leaders, and other experts—was issued on Thursday, January 24, 2018 in opposition to ongoing intervention by the United States in Venezuela. You don’t have to support Maduro to know the US had bad intentions. Let’s pretend for a second the US military cares about anything but $ and controlling regions. Saudi Arabia is the leading sponsor and funder of Radical Islamic terror and they have religious police that murder dissenters. They killed journalist Jamal Khashoggi, so we sold them more missiles. The Saudis use US jets, bombs and we supply them with logistics in Yemen where they bombed a bus full of children weddings, hospitals and other civilian sites. Yemen is projected to be the biggest famine in 50 years.

Sorry ma'am, looks like his delusions have gotten worse. We'll have to admit him,

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Go commit helicopter ride

Healthcare is a human right in Cuba

Very cool sequence of words, how does it heal people?

Yeah, just fuck the browns in general tbqh

First world life expectancies in a third world country. Meanwhile free market America has had a drop in white life expectancy for the first time in decades following the 2008 banking collapse and subsequent robbery of public coffers

You Chapofags are easily influenced by communist propaganda.

That doesn't contradict anything. If you want a disastrously flawed healthcare system look no further than the US

You seem to be under the impression that both healthcare systems aren’t fucked up.

Nothing confuses a chapofag more than a centrist counter argument.

Well it's true that the only other side to one opinion is the exact opposite to that opinion

Meanwhile free market America has had a drop in white life expectancy for the first time in decades

This is an excellent thing and you should be ashamed for trying to stop it. Disgraceful tbqhwyf

You're right my bad

home ownership is reactionary

Not starving to death is reactionary.

Remember, Castro downvotes the lolcows. Don't be like Castro. Don't steal our Drama.

Gusano tears are delicious.

Chapos love to see brown people suffer 🤔🤔🤔

Not people - worms.

Imagine hating brown people so much that you don't even consider them humans

I don't hate brown people. Just worms.

I don't hate brown people.

But what you really mean by this is that you despise anyone who is not white

No, just worms. White ones too.

What's your favorite Hitler quote? I know it might be hard for you to just pick one, seeing as you like them all, but I'm gonna need to try your very hardest for me.

Hitler was a worm.

Sure but I'm sure you like his quotes about exterminating non-whites

I'm afraid not. In fact as far as I know he was really into exterminating whites too, if they were Jewish or Slavic, but I'm not a fan of those quotes either.

So you just enjoy exterminating everyone. Especially non-whites

No, just the worms. White ones too.

"That dog is mocking me !"

You´d make Hitler blush with that way of speaking.


Approval from Hitler wouldn't be at the top of my list, to be honest.

You have way worse role models aspire to

I personally think Hitler is pretty bad, but whatever floats your boat. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

People who fled oppressive communist/Socialist regimes = worms

Hitler - I mean, I think he's pretty bad.

Got it

Hitler's bad, yes.

Then how come do you treat brown people with the same contempt as Hitler?

Yeah, you jsut think people who don´t agree with your shitty communist religion is not a human and should be exterminated 👌

Care to tell me more about your Cuban exile parents? What was their life like in Cuba? What was their educational level? When did they come to America?

Brown people get the starvation

Day of the famine when

I've seen them claim that eastern european grandparents who were imprisoned in work camps were actually making shit up and being paid by the state. they'd probably accuse you of something similar without a slight bit of irony and self awareness

Ohh, they will call you a "gusanito". Been there.

Please do this. Please.

Do they not know or care that maduro is supported by china & russia, or is foreign intervention only bad when the big meanie head americans do it

Imperialism is when the Jews west does stuff.

Imperialism = invading + white

you forgot these


Did you just say chinamen?

Cant be, as Russia's puppet the us would never be able to soeak against Venezuela then. Duh

The US thinks of Venezuela and Brazil as a monolith, but they are not! Slavery lasted longer in Venezuela and Brazil then it did in America. There is a real history of racism and racial based social hierarchy that still exists there. Do you really think the US (who has been holding crippling sanctions on the Venezuelan people) is now going to come in and save the people in the oil rich country they’ve been starving? They just spent over a month starving US FEDERAL WORKERS for a racist border wall. The war in Iraq is going on year #16 and you really believe we’re going to RESTORE FREEDOM in the country of Venezuela that has the world’s largest oil reserves just months after helping push neo-fascist Jair Bolsonaro into the presidency of the oil rich country of Brazil (shortly after finding a new huge deposit of oil off the Brazilian coast). You don’t find it odd that all the opposition party supporters are more fair skinned and come from families that were historically the upper class before and during the military dictatorships of the Cold War that preceded these egalitarian pink tide movements? Bolsonaro’s supporters in Brazil were all racist white/fair skinned people too. The opposition are deeply racist in Venezuela and even lit a black person on fire in an anti-government protest. The Maduro government is not perfect, but they still have the overwhelming majority of support from the citizens, excluding the rich white ones.

look im gunna have 2 ask u 2 keep ur giant dumps in the toilet not in my replys 😷😷😷

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Thanks bot

good bot

Brazil is at best like 25% white. Pocketman won with 55% of the vote. Are you retarded or something?

Not retarded, just follow South American news. Lula Da Silva still had over 70% approval while he was in jail from a campaign of law fare against him. . Sergio Moro was the judge AND prosecutor in Lula’s case and found him guilty despite not having any evidence. Now Bolsonaro appointed him as his head Justice minister. Moro is now refusing to investigate Bolso’s son’s ties to the gang that murdered councilwoman Marielle Franco. Nikki Haley, Pompeo, Bolton and walltreet love him because he’s going to privatize the oil and rainforest for international interests instead of the citizens.

It wasn't 70%, and he is in jail after being tried for myriad crimes. For someone so interested in Brazilian politics, I'm surprised you're not aware that it was Lula who privatized oil when he started to sell exploration rights in open auction.

The reason Moro went in government is pretty obvious too: he went after the two most powerful parties in government, but somehow both lost and some other guy got in, and he can reforms that'll stock in true fight against corruption.

Cool seriouspost

Oh no someone was lit on fire? Ok, I guess we should let an entire generation starve to death from a govt that illegally dissolved the legislature, because a guy was lit on fire.

Also the average federal workers salary is like $85k. If you make $85k a year and one or two missing paycheck = starving that's your fault for blowing all your money, I don't know what to tell you.

TSA people make like 25k.

Good point it is lower but typical is 38k.

I made a lot less than that in the past and put away money. So I don't agree that just because some TSA workers were living outside their means (which they have the freedom to do) that the majority of the Venezuelan population should starve too.

Plus all the commuter flesh you can grope.

Man, I love being white

Idk the specific dates, but in Venezuela slavery was outlawed in the 1840s while in USA it was outlawed in the 1860s after the civil war

stop downvoting the lolcows. You're supporting Maduro, Hitler and Lenin when you do this.

I once read a comment that said:


Answer to that comment: Yeah, and Russia and China just want to eat arepas, cachapa and cochino frito while they dance joropo with us"

hah :D

The issue isn’t foreign support for a sitting government, its intervention in violation of international norms.

Iirc, there was a pasta factory that was refusing to make affordable pasta, so Chavez nationalised the whole factory and told the multinational that owned the factory to gtfo. Kinda badass, really.

Thus guaranteeing that no multinational will ever invest their money to build another pasta factory in Venezuela ever again. Smart move.

Waiting in line for pasta is a good thing

When I wait in line for a new IPA it’s a good thing so why not pasta

I like that somehow that move wasn't authoritarian

Taking money away from capitalists isn’t authoritarian. You have to.

Thanks for the bootlicking 101

lives in squalor and spends four mornings a week in the bread line before being extorted by despotic police

"A..at least I'm n..not a cap...capitalist bootlicker!"

Also when you finally manage to get that slice of bread, which is made from sawdust and poverty, after standing in literal human shit up to your knees for 10 hours, you get stabbed on your way to the 3 wall shack you call home. But hey, at least you are not a capitalist!

The ellipses are you gagging on Jeff Bezos' dick

It's more like "Pasta Eating 101" when you think about it

>praising the state forcibly stealing a factory with the threat of violence

>"you're the bootlicker"

Being in tears over an industrialist losing a factory he does no work in is the definition of bootlicking

Stop defending totalitarian governments.

Are you here to give me my pasta? Spit it out already.


This is pretty inconsiderate considering most of the Venezuelan people currently sustain themselves by licking their boots for nutrients.

Check your fucking privilege.

Venezuelan here, before any sjws come to ruin things, I certify that this comment was fucking hilarious.

On a scale of 9 to 10, how much do you love it when poor people die for your ideology?

As a capitalist, I honestly can say 0 out of 10. Dead workers don't make me any profit, and processing human carcasses is more trouble than its worth.

Now we're thinking

When you downvote lolcows, you support socialism.

Obliterating international investment in your developing nation to own the caps.

If anyone is knowledgeable on making pasta, it’s Chapo.

"there is literally no difference between good and bad things. You imbecile. You fucking moron. -Chapo

Venezulans are starving as a result of the American, Brazilian, and Colombian siege. It is surrounded on all sides by fascists who can't tolerate not owning that but of clay. Then they blame the Venezulan government for their own siege. If you really cared about Venezulans you'd stop the siege!

Don't be silly, Venezuela is a socialist utopia, it dont need no stinking capitalist trade with imperialist USA

Excuse me chud as a chapotard expert on Venezuela I declare any bad news about the Maduro government to be CIA propaganda.

What siege?

When socialism fails, it's always somebody else's fault! What a truly magical political / economical system: It can never fail, because when it does, it was not real socialism or somebody else fucked it up!

The US thinks of Venezuela and Brazil as a monolith, but they are not! Slavery lasted longer in Venezuela and Brazil then it did in America. There is a real history of racism and racial based social hierarchy that still exists there. Do you really think the US (who has been holding crippling sanctions on the Venezuelan people) is now going to come in a save the people in the oil rich country they’ve been starving? The war in Iraq is going on year #16 and you really believe we’re going to RESTORE FREEDOM in the country of Venezuela that has the world’s largest oil reserves just months after helping push neo-fascist Jair Bolsonaro into the presidency of the oil rich country of Brazil (shortly after finding a new huge deposit of oil off the Brazilian coast). You don’t find it odd that all the opposition party supporters are more fair skinned and come from families that were historically the upper class before and during the military dictatorships of the Cold War that preceded these egalitarian pink tide movements started? The opposition are deeply racist and even lit a black person on fire in an anti-government protest. The Maduro government is not perfect, but they still have the overwhelming majority of support from the citizens, excluding the rich white ones.


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Chapos 2 months ago "but venezuela isnt True Socialism", Chapos now "DAE Venezuela paradise?"

when people overthrow their own governments, there's a lot of bloodshed too, and often reactionary factions come out on top.

Soooo close to introspection as a fucking revolutionary commie you can almost taste the denial.

I just can't trust a country that has yellow on their flag. I can't. I won't.

Chapocide when

Gunna be honest

Chapos are right

Brown people suffering is the greatest thing next to blacks and slavs suffering

Cuba, Venezuela and Bolivia are God’s Devine punishment for being shit skins

So much commie cope 😂😂😂

Chapo has finally pushed out bpt as the most mayo sub on this site

Chapo flip flops over what Vuvuzuela is. Is it socialist? Is it state capitalism? Why would they care if a capitalist country goes, given their hatred for capitalism?

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