Ben Garrison is now drawing hentai 😳😳😳

1  2019-01-27 by YHofSuburbia


Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


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Grammy Pelosi lookin’ fine for a septuagenarian.

Some real tight yabbos for anyone over forty, let alone seventy.

Big tiddy Pelosi

  [ ]       


tfw when no bigtiddyspeakerofthehousegf

Why even live bros ?

How many times did Ben have to stop and stroke one out while drawing this?

Ever tried to get your dick hard on fetynal?

Exactly opiates essentially neuter you. Zero cumming and your T drops lower than the collective T of a drama related discord’s users. Benny likely felt nothing here

explains a lot about modern mayo behaviors

The white genocide no one talks about.

just grow up and do heroin

all the heroin has fent in it nowadays, that's why the junkies are dying like flies.

seriously ive seen hardcore junkies whom i thought would outlive me on sheer willpower to get their next score get insta'd by a tiny fent hotspot

Isn't killing your own customers at a high rate really bad business?

Not really. That shit practically sells itself.

People often intentionally seek out a dealer if someone they know has recently OD’d on that batch of dope

The big draw for Fent is that a tiny amount can be cut so many times. Like micrograms are necessary for someone to get high. The problem is...a few micrograms too much, and you kill someone.

Fent is crazy cheap from a supplier compared to say black tar or China white. It takes less space to ship.

And like OnlineHandleGuy said, its common for addicts to seek out a dealer who had a client nod out because it indicates their shit is really pure. Well it did...before fent.

The downside of fent, from an addict's perspective is its got terrible legs. The high doesn't last for shit.

The Sacklers made sure there will be a never ending supply of opium addicts in the countryside

seems to have worked out ok for the tobacco companies

well that's how heroin is anyways without fentanyl. The process through which is made doesn't fully purify the heroin living certain spots of the extracted resin still laced with opiates so you can have one spot be weak as fuck and another will kill you still doing the same size dose.

He can get hard on while on fentanyl because the giant opiate induced constipation shit that is wedged in his colon feels like bbc.

I just figured it was the big orange dildo that's always rammed in.

You can get hard, it's just hard to cum.

How many times did Ben have to stop and stroke one out while drawing this?

Come on mate, we're all just humans. Who could resist a little bit of cane toad strangling to this picture.

That's what I'm saying. I saw this and went to town on myself.

Judging by the overall quality of Benji's work I'd say he spends maybe 5-10 minutes on each cartoon. This one must have taken him all day with jerkoff breaks.

If he stopped for every stroke he'd never finish these masterpieces.

Can you even imagine the private drawings this guy is making for himself?

He even drew giant sperms flying away from her head

Made me look ... but it's worse than that even: it's true.

Ben Garrison is a crazy person.

Crazy talented you mean.

Fucking retard you mean .

I mean he really is a good draftsman. Yeah, he’s crazy but he kicks the shit out of whatever dried up hack draws Doonesbury or whatever political cartoon crap exists these days.

Let's imagine that you're professional musician. You can play the guitar, piano, flute whatever instrument it is. You are classically trained you can play Mozart, Beethoven. You're that fucking good. Now knowing that you are a complete professional at your instrument you decide to make your career playing Backstreet Boys covers. That in my opinion, wasting your talent, is worse.

But Ben Garrison, he's a fucking retard.

You’re real serious, huh? Lighten up and have some fentanyl buddy, shit’s not that serious.

Winterband a good example of this but they sing about anti-trinitarism rather than doing boy band covers. The lead wizard can really shred.


dude Arianism lmao

Their rivals should be Athanasius and the Nicene Creeds.

muh virtousity

This but ironically

He is, unfortunately, not talented. Just bottom barrel average.


Can you imagine being him?

Ya he's honestly a closeted Nazi in my opinion. It wouldn't surprise me if he was the one who drew the much more racist version of his comics as a way to garner attention for himself.

Line between mad and genius is thin. In Ben's case it might not even exist.

Shine you crazy fentanyl junkie

What the frick

I'm gay


This is like a month old

Nah, it will never get old

I especially appreciate that the camera is labelled 'Transparency'

Hey just noticed.. it's your 1st Cakeday d4ddyd54m4! hug

Aww thank you!

fuk u

awful bot

Yes, very subtle and really says a lot about our current political discourse!

it’s so you know it’s not the media

Why is Schumer wearing socks and Pelosi isn't 🤔

Too Broke to Be Jewish


Because if he wasn't wearing socks that would make it gay. Ben ain't no homo.

pelosi was wearing slippers

i will forever associate that name with amy 😫😫😫

He's been doing it for a while.


The fuck is that


If I had to wager, it resembles some old Discovery channel shit.

That doesn't even make sense....

What a complete psychopath. I already think most people that do political cartoons are pretty crazy, but Ben takes it. I'm legitimately concerned for his mental health. What sane person would make this, put their name on it, and then let the public see it?

Bruh, look at Chuck's traps 😍😍

Yo how did you guys get hold of my custom porn?

How is this your thing, but there's no RBG?

You just haven't found that stash yet

Why is Chuck wearing a skin watch?

It helps to show everyone where his artistic priorities are.

Look at that detail on Schumer's quads and Pelosi's toesies.

Meanwhile he forgot to color in the watch. We know where his priorities are.

Something tells me this could be a very useful reaction image someday.

Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image

Source | Why? | Creator | ignoreme | deletthis

you mean today

That's our president, show some respect for Christ sake.

not my president

Sorry sweaty, that's not how it works

you don't know SHIT about us law

Stay mad, libtard

you tell me where the fuck on the constitution it says a CONFESSED RUSSIAN SPY like Trump may serve as president for the united kingdom

First part

Peak conservative humor

How many of you sickos are beating your meat to this?

So.... Where's the drama?

Go back to /r/politics allfugee

isn't it in watching the mental decline of Garrison?

Begone mayo trash.

Why my pp hard

Why is Chuck wearing sicks but Nancy isn't? Who is the guy on the right? What city are they in?

Why is Chuck wearing sicks but Nancy isn't? Who is the guy on the right? What city are they in?

There was an artist from the last century, I cant recall his name, Louis something, who had schizophrenia and you could see his mental decline through the progression of his art. I feel like this is similar and we are watching this man descend into obsession, paranoia and possibly sexual deviancy in real time. Fascinating stuff.

Louis Wain was his name. Here is a gallery of his work:

Never heard of the first person you linked. Those paintings are terrifying. Mental illness sucks.

Fyi those pictures are not in chronological order. He drew cats, and he drew patterns. People arranged the cats and patterns as if they were in chronological order so that it would seem like it was a steady decline.

Thank you for educating me on that, I hadn't looked into it further.

The 3 cat was really cool, I would have bought that painting. I wonder if he made any more cool variations later.

That escalated quickly.

I miss the day when Ben was still dissing the banks.


is this loss

Like what the hell is even going on here?

How the fuck does this guy make any money?

He makes $180k/mo on subscriptions alone from MAGAcels. I don’t know if he’s published/syndicated also.

It's weird not thinking $180k/month is a lot of money. Not that I make that much, I just work in an industry (finance) that pays some way more and has clients that make astronomically more.

He's getting $180k/mo just to shitpost. Let that sink in...

It's not surprising. The CTH hosts get a lot of Patreon bucks sperging to NEETs every month.

Usually I understand the point, but I am completely lost this time.

...what message is he trying to convey here exactly?? This one is so far down the right wing propaganda hole I can't even begin to decipher it.

Yea, this one is just...what?

At the beginning of Dec there was the oval office meeting where Nancy & Chuck didn't know there'd be cameras...and then they immediately played him into delivering one of the greatest self-owns of his presidency by taking personal responsibility for any shutdowns.

I dunno what else it'd be referring to with "transparency"...tho after watching Nancy run train I guess there isn't much else for Trump-cucks to cling to atm

They're convinced Trump won that showdown.

Because memes and shit.

They aren't even sharing gifs with text or whatever. Horrible paintjobs with weird-ass titles telling everyone how Trump owned them made the rounds after the "debate" took place.

its a celebration of art and human sexuality. Grow up.

It looks like Daddy is forcing them to fuck. Maybe they don't like being asked to pee on the President.

I don’t respect Nancy Pelosi’s intellect, I just view her as a sex object.

Whats his inspiraton and secret? The fent? The meth?🤔

No bussy? smh

what does this even mean

It finally happened. I’ve gone from laughing to worrying about his health.

Who are these people? There are no labels!!

Does Zyklon Ben have some exhibitionism or voyeurism fetish?

Subscribe to his patreon for the uncensored version

the curtains are actually Trump's luscious side hair, he sacrificed it for our country, what a brave man.

> Implying Schumer's thunder can be hidden behind fewer than 4 hands.

Like a horse, Chuck is measured in hands

why is trump's tie flying like that?

it should be under his suit

unless it means something but its hard to tell without labels

The fuck is this even referencing?

Will never get over how Garrison became vaunted by DDF. They know they only reason his cartoons were so popular is because /pol/ made fun them right?

It’s a sad thing that T_D got overrun by senile Boomers who post Facebook garbage (usually jpg compressed to fuck because they literally took it off Facebook) that “really makes you think”.

Tbh this one does nothing for me. Needs more labels and suspiciously round buttocks

whew i'm glad trump was there to explain the joke i was confused at first