Paternity hell
1 2019-01-28 by ReeseThief
Looking for advice or stories on what can be done or what you did do about potential paternity fraud. Mother is refusing to allow the “father” to be on the birth certificate and randomly holds the kid ransom like a living pawn (usually after we need a document for the doctor, school, any paper really.)
Doesn’t want child support, but seems to use this as a 24/7 anytime child sitting service. Tried to have another man sign the birth certificate when the child was born. She’s a naturally spiteful person so maybe it’s all about control or maybe she’s a liar. Trying to see what the options are here.
TL;DR paternity fraud, men who have been victims, what’s your story?
1 bareballzthebitch 2019-01-28
Get a good family law lawyer. They run about $350 an hour. You will probably need a $10k retainer to start.
1 FenrirDCLXVI 2019-01-28
1 ReeseThief 2019-01-28
I know. I’m looking for advice. I really should just remove my posts because it seems like I’m only going to get teased and not get any actual advice. :/
1 FenrirDCLXVI 2019-01-28
This is r/Drama, buddy.
1 ReeseThief 2019-01-28
I’m looking for any information that could potentially lend some insight into this. I’m new to Reddit and don’t really know how posting works. :/
1 FenrirDCLXVI 2019-01-28
r/Legal advice may be able to help.
1 ReeseThief 2019-01-28
Thank you- I will look there. I’m aware I’m coming off as a desperate loon.. I’m just trying to make this situation as unpainful as humanly possible and knowing what could happen could help.
1 ReeseThief 2019-01-28
Noted- thank you for the help. I typed paternity drama into the search bar and this popped up. I’ve heard that paternity fraud happens to men a lot and it would really be helpful to find out how they conquered a situation that was very much not in their favor. Family courts rape men and I really don’t want that to happen in this case.
1 acidoverbasic 2019-01-28
So I'm guessing the "father" in this situation is your bf?
1 ReeseThief 2019-01-28
Yes. I hope for his sake that he is but it isn’t looking like that will end up being the case. We raise two other kids who are his without issue- this woman is just being spiteful.
1 ReeseThief 2019-01-28
She isn’t cooperating for a dna test. She snatches the kid and runs away whenever we mention wanting or needing documentation. Is there a way to court order this type of thing?