Azealia Banks is woke on the Irish Question

1  2019-01-28 by CommonWrongdoer


Okay, so first of all, you've just made a reply to me that is in two unrelated parts. The first is unrelated to anything I said. As long as you comport yourself in this manner, you will only be met with derision. It is a nonsense method of communication.


  1. This Post -,,

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Whereโ€™s the lie?

t. Island monkey descendant

She's not wrong.

She is though. About pretty much everything she wrote. Even if Ireland is full of subhumans, fucking people of the same ethnicity isn't 'inbreeding', Ireland is not quarantined. Literally nothing she wrote is factual.

Found the inbred mick.

it should be tho

This is a Brit psyop. Never trust the Limeys

Fucking Hibernian bots.


Mostly Irish, she isnโ€™t wrong. Sub mayos BTFO.

Hoy ti toy ti toy, tis another potato famine.

Okay fuck all you guys I'm taking my pot 'o gold and going home ๐Ÿ˜ค

Keep exporting the supermodel level redheads with daddy issues, pls

I'm just the Norman Conqueror to press all their buttons

Truth hurts.

What even sparked this?

I think it was this argument she got into with the airplane crew while flying to ireland. Literally the dumbest drama I've ever seen, it's hilarious.

Brilliant. It's like attacking the US because your AOL email got hacked.

Correct. Next post

I always get Azealia Banks and Kesha mixed up.

She just mad that those chicken sacrifices didnt summon some Lucky pot o bussy.

When Azealia Banks is more woke on the Irish than Dicky "Ethnic Cleansing" Spencer.

But donโ€™t the Irish have skills? Skills that they have acquired over a long time. Skills that make them a nightmare for people like her?

โ€œIโ€™m happiest knowing the Irish are quarantined on an isle so they can continue to inbreed and keep their defective genes away from humanity.โ€

Put that on my headstone when the fent finally takes me.

quarantined on an isle

If anything it's the opposite, half the mayo world has been MICK'D at this point.

The Hibernian menace is nothing to joke about.

Perfect women don't exi-

I still don't get how this sub can prefer lame duckling Tay Tay over this black goddess.

Hot take

Irish arenโ€™t people and the famines were a form of eugenics to eradicate scum

Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Starving On An Island Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Go Fish Like Nigga You're Surrounded By Water Haha

Potato monkeys are an inferior lot for sure.

Her say crazy shit for attention posts are like Kanye's, sans whimsy.

"The rest of the world's white folk don't want to associate with you"

Uh, honey. Irish people aren't white. I'm not even certain they're people.

Mommy ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

Can I get a quick rundown on the Hibernians?

This is peak retard right here.

tfw be the only white people that even black people can be racist again.


Wow she is a pro shit talker. Respect.