Everyone's favourite race baiter Tariq Nasheed announces that its over for Native Americancels in the Black Power Movement.

1  2019-01-28 by ZoomZoomingAway


No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


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I see snappy is still sentient.

Malcolm X once said that he admired the Klan for at least telling him they hated him to his face. Unlike liberals who hated him behind his back. The original Black Power movement loathed feminism, intersectionality and all that shieet.

malcom x literally allied with nazis

Muzzies and Nazis share a lot of ideas, tbh.

Oh, so jewy

oy vey

He also moved away from that position when he left the NoI and they eventually killed him. Shit's a cult.

Found the spawn of Yakub

Damn, I've been found out.

I'll get you next time, black king!

Maker and creator of the Devil.

Swine merchant.. your time is at hand.. Fuck with me and your time will be now.

Yakub.. your presence affects the minds of my people like a fever. You Yakub, are the maker of 9 thousand 999 evil diseases corrupt, pork-chop eating brain-

X moved away from the NOI because he saw that Elijah Muhammed was living as a pimp at his expense. He never stopped hating Baizuo.

His writing about visiting Mecca was pretty cool. He really changed his mind once he converted.

That was more Elijah Muhammed allying with the American Nazi Party against the wishes of Malcolm X. X preferred his anti-Semitism to be more subtle.

he admired the Klan for at least telling him they hated him to his face.

But also

X preferred his anti-Semitism to be more subtle.


Look up the biography of Malcolm X the author Alex Haley had to edit out Malcolmā€™s anti Semitism. X realised Nazis = bad optics. That is all. Wouldnā€™t you rather have your enemies out in the open than to be more insidious?

Wouldnā€™t you rather have your enemies out in the open than to be more insidious?


Hitler liked Islam cause he saw Christianity as too kind.

Islamofascism gang

Based and blackpilled


Just how many names so you need watermark?

Do y'all keep banning him and that's why he needs new alts every other day?

No not even. I have specifically unbanned him in the past. He spergs the fuck out so often and gets all violent out of nowhere and then shows up with a new list of names.

All he has to do is calm the fuck down.

All he has to do is calm the fuck down.

(Pretend?) Tankies gonna tank.

He is always a tankie. He is textbook radlib self loathing white guy IT worker.

And this is why we need mayocide.

Nah, he's just a thin skinned faggot

Imagine implying love of bussy is an insult smh.

Black culture is much more macho than progressive male culture, black male culture is macho maybe even to a fault.

Progressives as in the real believers of it are probably outnumbered by people that stand with them mostly out of self interest. Take muslims for example, a hyper conservative group that stands with progressives only because of geopolitics.

Little Jonny Haidt has some good seriousposts about different meta cultures. "A culture of honour" (i.e. an eye for an eye, an offence is met with a challenge), "a culture of dignity" (i.e. turn the other cheek, forgive and forget, stiff upper lip). Unfortunately Haidt speech becomes Hate speech when he describes a third emergent culture, the culture of the progressive woke male, the "culture of victomhood."

Makes sense: Win by winning. Win by not playing. Win by losing.

Playing the victim for points isn't as new as we make it, absolutely.

Playing the victim for points isn't as new as we make it, absolutely.

that's cause they knew feminism was cancer then, and it's just as malignant today.

haha gross

Tariq has to be some sort of CIA operative charged with keeping blacks retarded.

I've started referring to the popular rappers as "CIA agent vision-board members"

State-sponsored media influencers.

Cry about a rapper being dead although he was convicted of assaulting a pregnant lady. Rap fans are really are the worst of the lot.

They are blacks after all.

Hot take.

Toasted. Hot things are usually red.


Nigga what?

what did he mean by this?

Popular rapper XXX beat his gf and threatened to shove a fork up here vagina (even admitted to it on video) then died in a shooting fans cried etc etc

popular rapper Kendrick llama said in a leaked interview that llamar is an ancient wakandan term for "white genocide" yet he is allowed to sell albums all over the world with no repercussion whatsoever.

And people still have the gall to say Rap is not racist.

They are blacks after all.

Most XXX fans are wh*tes.

They are black from inside.



charged with keeping blacks retarded

What kind of job is that?

A sinecure.


A job that really doesnā€™t require you to do anything


Even his campaign to capture the party presidency relied heavily on wooing this constituency back into the structures of the ANC first, then as contributors of time and money to the ruling party and, finally, as dependable ANC voters next year.

During the campaign, he reserved his most charming performances for audiences with the ā€œclever blacksā€, a term used disparagingly by Jacob Zuma to describe black professionals who were critical of the ANC under his leadership.


It's like being the weatherman in Miami


No, he's , Bill Hicks

I didn't realize that I could actually want someone to die based on punctuation.

One accidental comma and i'm suddenly despised...

Oh sweatie, you've always been despised.

!Hahaha, ha, ha!, ha; haha" ?

You should have been bullied more.

I'm too crispy conventionally attractive for that.

Hey hey hey... don't forget about Terrence Howard.

Terryology baby


I want

Take the cape off maā€™am.

I think he is at least honest about his standing rather than going around screaming about a supposed intersectionalism that either does not really exist.

Being honest about being retarded isn't exactly applaudable in my book. He's still a fucking retard.

No he's not, he is being honest aboutbhis self interest.

Is it his self interest to be a fucking buffoon at every opportunity

Apparently. I would love to get in the "anti racist strategist" gig by tweeting racist things.

This but unironically

Actually his aggressive gaslighting and general covert and overt abusive style totally fits the suspicion.

Tariq is 100% self-aware and putting on a show. Remember, this is the man known as K-flex with the hit single "Wash Yo Ass".

Pretending Tariq Nasheed is known out of the Twitter/Reddit bubble yikes sweaty šŸ’…

Black Alex Jones is my favorite performance art piece of all time.

I didn't realize how fuckin hilarious he was until I started reading his replies to people.

"take off the cape ma'am" lmfao

Why is he obsess with capes?

An autistic enigma, wrapped in AIDS and KFC


CringeAnimal tourists, please leave. r/drama is a bussy-loving zone.


Dude bussy lmao


Looks like you are gradually turning into a bot

f e m i n i n e   B E N I S

hits save

That's gold.

I prefer talcom x

why do we keep posting about Talcum X? it's always just some variation of "he said something retarded"

...this isnā€™t Talculm X, son

Not knowing every detail of Shawn King's life and times

Not knowing his picture and all related appellations

take the cape off ma'am

This is Orange Man level of shitposting lol

It's a work of art

fucking bantz

I'm doing my part as an oppressive mayoid and appropriating that burn later.

I'm becoming a normie what the fuck does that mean?

Caping is the act of blindly defending something or someone.

omfg... honestly how did you not connect what he said? superhero = cape. "stop being a super hero". fuckin idiot. you do not even have to be on the internet a lot to work that out in your head...

My peepee is getting hard go on

I love how by being a nutter, he really... trying to come up with a way to say this that can't possibly be related to color ...he crystallizes for us certain attitudes. Whites are all homogeneous and need to self-flagellate because <1% of them are descended from slave-owners. Now he's caught the Cherokee, so all the Reds are evil too. And the Asians? Well... I'm sure Mr. Nasheed has a reason to hate them too.

Ironically a very large percentage of black people in America are descended from slave owners.

They get the bullet first, god damn uncle Toms.

Honestly makes sense on why black people have issues with violent behavior. The oppressive rapist white male is deep in their DNA.

woke af^

one drop


The ultimate cucking

wow they need to apologize, like, now.


classic mistake rookie.

A lot of asians (especially chinese and japanese people) are actually very racist, hell, even Ghandi is reported to have been very racist, so yes, he probably hates them too.

Well he was an African Indian tho


Tariq, my favorite nigger!

Don't say the nword

What if he had a pass?

Wash yo buffalo

I saw the video of the suspected white supremacist teens

How come the suspected rapist Nazi Tariq Nasheed writes this?

big thonk

This dude makes Erykah Badu look like June Cleaver. 10/10 hoteps. Highly recommended.

Tariq's mind is a massive enigma. Just when you have him figured out, he finds a new way to surprise you.

I wish i could have a career of just shit posting on twitter all day long.

Whatā€™s stopping you? Set up a patreon, follow your dreams


Tariq nasheed knows where wakanda is

Just wake me up when black people come to power and start putting all the jewish people back in the concentration camps.

He's just a beta version of Malcolm X

What up with all these repsect your elders bs

Ill respect my granma/grandpa and my relatives all day but why would I respect a random crazy fuckers just cause hes older than me, even less an older dude thats picking a figth with fucking teenagers

Yep Respect Wisdom but elders are often retarded. and you dont respect retards.

What up with all these repsect your elders bs

Probably all the Chinese in California put whisper into their ears.

He turned a corner recently and now the twitter frog community is starting to love him.

"Im treating these other groups the exact same way they treat our group. No better no worse. The exact same way. That is fair"

Didn't my g MLK have something to say about that mentality???

Lol why do a bunch of people in that thread claim that the Indian chief was defending black youths? How can someone have such a strong opinion but be so uninformed that they don't know the people involved when there is hours of video evidence? Smh my head

Quite simple. POC are always right, the encounter had two minority groups so therefore the native must had been protecting the black man from those evil whote boys

What I found so weird about it is that those black Jews were old men. Like I understand the logic behind shifting blame to whoever your villain is but how do you confuse boomer tier black men with youths?

I'm by reviews he claimed that he thought the Black Hebrews were under attack from the manga boiz

Heā€™s retarded but kinda right, as part of one of my previous jobs in college, i has to deal with ā€˜nativeā€™ people a lot, Iā€™d say 9/10 people claiming native blood or who qualify under federal guidelines of having like basically 10% native blood, look 100% black lol

If heā€™s ā€œanti-racist unless someone harms blacksā€ how does this nigger handle blacks killing other blacks?

Itā€™s all good Mr.Tariq. I appreciate the exchange and look forward to more of your tweets.

Omg so C I V I Lā„¢ļø Literally canā€™t wait.

And that is very unfortunate... BUT

There is always a but, and his head is clearly in it.

What the hell is caping?

Natives are and always have been way more oppressed than blacks

That is an elderly man who actually was protecting a group of AA protesters.

I donā€™t think the Black Israelites need protection from some teenagers šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£

Iā€™m glad someone had the guts to stand up to them.

Playing race games is all fun until native americans get brought up.

no way in hell is anyone convincing me that black americans had it worse than them.

Again, this is why you don't play who's the bigger victim. There's always a bigger victim.

I'm convinced this man eats paste three meals a day.

This drama is old and stale as fuck. /r/drama really is dying.

Tariqā€™s not a ā€œrace baiter,ā€ heā€™s just a racist

He's the living avatar of 5-Hour Energy, because he's stays fucking woke

How are people still talking about this

He is right. Native americans used to systematically rape black women and castrate men when they raided settlements in the south, and they had an even more brutal form of chattel slavery than Southern Red necks.

Can't wait for the race wars

There is an old story to the effect that some people once came to a very small pool of water to bathe. The man who entered this first came out clean and his descendants, the white people, have the same appearance. He had, however, dirtied the water a little and so the next man was not quite so clean, and his descendants are the Indians. By this time the water was very dirty and so the last man came out black and his people are the negroes. Three Indians were once out hunting. One went after water and found a nice hole of water but was afraid to drink. Another went down to it, dipped his fingers in, and said, "It is good. Let us go into it." So he dived in and came out. When he came out he was white. From him came the white people. The second dived in and came out darker because the water was somewhat roily. From him came the Indians. The third dived in and came out black because the water was now very roily. From him came the negroes. Just before the first man dived he felt of the rocks and they rattled. He did not tell the others that this was gold. They went on from there and the Indian found something else. The white man was told about this and he picked it up. It was a book. He asked the Indian to read this but he could not. The white man, however, could read it, and it was to tell him about this gold. The book gave him this advantage. "The Nokfilas (whites) were terrible people to take the lead."

As told to John R. Swanton by informants in1929. Published in "Myths and Tales of the Southeastern Indians".

Good job bobby, here's a star

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I appreciate that u/LongPostBot, but it's Robert, not bobby.

lmao at Jack Posobiec retweeting then saying he appreciates Tariqā€™s tweets