r/movies debates Michael Jackson’s libertarian leanings (sort by controversial)

1  2019-01-28 by 5sharm5


The only point you'll ever have is that you represent the sad, fedora-wearing, bloated face of capitalism in the 21st century.

Unfairly made famous and rich through copied ideas and appealing to kids. And yet is driven by some bizarre need for attention to spout insane, teenage edge lord style views. You are clearly not all that up on politics (or anything, maybe you can code?) yet your wealth has given you an oversized platform of confused 12 to 16 year olds to yell "sjwjjwjwj" at over and over again.

Honestly, I don't give a shit if you've been driven mad by fame or some bullshit. When I see amazing creative people dying depressed in poverty every day and you get to sit on twitter and make half assed 'now yur the nazi' comments, it's fucking sickening.


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Michael Jackson drama is the Dust II of internet arguments. It's the same every time but somehow still fun.

... I want to argue, but I can't lol

It's over for thriller-cels

You hear the door slam And realize there's nowhere left to run You feel my cool hand As it slides down towards your bum You close your eyes And hope that this is just imagination Boy but all the while You hear a creature creeping up behind You're out of time

You hear the door slam And realize there's nowhere left to run You feel the cold hand And wonder if you'll ever see the sun You close your eyes And hope that this is just imagination Boy but all the while My creature's creeping up your behind For a good time

Hot Take: every male famous musician from the 40s to the 80s is probably a pedophille.

Michael Jackson was castrated by his dad as a kid therefore the molestation accusations couldn't be true

How the fuck does he have 3 kids then?

They aren't his kids.

The chemical castration that Joe Jackson allegedly performed is not actually castration.

Unlike surgical castration, where the gonads are removed through an incision in the body,[1] chemical castration does not remove organs, nor is it a form of sterilization.[2] Chemical castration is generally considered reversible when treatment is discontinued, although permanent effects in body chemistry can sometimes be seen

They aren't his biological kids.