Where a bunch of inceltears users realize this meme applies perfectly to them, and they are incels just on the oppisite side

1  2019-01-28 by loveabigdick


I totally realize most people are going to disagree with me here but I feel compelled to say that closing the sub for a joke wasn't a very kind thing to do. We have seen TONS of posts from vulnerable populations talking about how this sub is a source of support and humor in a dark time. Irony and dirtbagism aside, taking away that support without warning was not okay.

You can say I'm being silly, or humorless or reactionary. Whatever. I love the show and I love this community. But sometimes I come home after dealing with ableism and our nightmare reality all day, and this sub is one of many things that make me feel better. It wasn't a good feeling to find this sub closed for the sake of irony. Maybe that's laughable or pathetic. But for me, it's true.


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I sure do hope the incels are right and they will all be removed from the gene pool within a generation. Insallah.

“You’re a virgin because of your personality.”

“I’m a virgin but at least I don’t identify as an incel.”

You don't identify as an incel. Inceldom identifies you.

I didn't choose the incel life, incel life chose me.

Remember, you're a volcel if you have standards. Unironically.

So many cope lord on that subreddit.

"I'm a hateful virgin that doesn't try and improve himself but at least I dont hate wahmen!" Fucking galaxy brain white knight shit over here

I've never had sex without paying

I'll be off consoling myself for this fact by burying my face in some 36DD's

I’m essentially an incel but points for a decent meme. I'm essentially an incel

/r/inceltears in a nutshell

If we identify with the thought that "I am an incel" then we will be doom to remain an incel. I think of myself as a Chad in progress

I think of myself as a Chad


Ooof. These people know you can just lie on the internet right? Or at least not be so honest about shortcomings.

Take some lessons from me. Be a Castlevania character. Be someone else. Fake it til you make it.

temporarily embarassed chads

How a culture of temporarily embarassed Chads produced /r/inceltears.

Getting super mad at r/inceltears retards is a great way to out yourself as an incel.


Can’t argue with that logic


getting super mad at r/the_donald retards is a great way to put yourself as a trump supporter

This but post-ironically

A post-ironic paleo-marxist? Lobster Daddy warned me about guys like you!

By that logic you ITards are all incels for getting 'super mad' at incels lmao

he thinks I browse IT


Chad in progress? No, a "Chad in progress" is someone who decided to join the gym. A "Chad in progress" is someone who took the first step in forming his own opinions and informed decisions instead of parroting others and relying on others to make opinions for him. A "Chad in progress" would much rather focus on his own life instead of sucking up to girls online and off.


Most of the users in IT, for being those "Chads in progress", sure are falling back to their beta incel ways. No Chad believes in this "Toxic Masculinity" garbage, no Chad sucks up to women in the hopes of getting laid, and no Chad goes on a subreddit like /r/inceltears and posts 50 posts a day in the hopes that they won't be an incel.


Lift that first weight, bra.

a chad isnt someone who is ever "in progress". a chad is a mesomorph build. he would look jacked even without lifting besides fuckin a lot of women which helped build his abs. retard

No such thing as a Chad in progress. A Chad doesn't have to be muscular, all he needs is face and height.

they've hit the second level of denial. Better to think you're a volcel than shooting up a school tho

A constant feeling of being unworthy of affection and a dislike of socialising does not a good girlfriend make

Just find a dude with exact same issues.

It's hard to go on the hunt for a dude when you're 500lbs

So a Reddit dating service?

IT are just Incels trying to cope by shitting on other incels


Same with r/justneckbeardthings

Pretty much everything on reddit is either written by or heavily upvoted or downvoted by autistic, fat, self-diagnosed mental cases who jerk off to cartoons. I mean that literally.

Go on that sub and search up “dressed up”


I'm only a virgin because of those SOCIALIST women.

So did the OP of that post make that third panel not expecting it to apply to his sub too? Smsh

Its shocking to read a bunch of women incels in there. Unless they are all tranny faggots claiming to be involuntary celibate women because no lesbians want to suck their cock.

Same thing for women as gay men. Really easy to get dick over the internet, including dick that's way out of your league, but much harder to settle down.

Most Bio-Foid incels are just picky. They just need to open their legs

It's real weird, incels are just self proclaimed permavirgins, but then that guy ran over some people and got in the news so now incel means anybody who really hates women, and then there are the /r/trufemcels who are women who very openly admit that they could get sex whenever they wanted it but it would be a pump n dumb with some disgusting dude so they don't want it. It's like everybody just decided to ignore what the word originally meant. So you'll see a lot of "I'm not an incel, just a real sad virgin", which is big dumb

Whatever happened to good ol' "robot"

Wizard was the better term.

with some disgusting dude

What makes them think they deserve better?

It's not that they think they deserve more than a disgusting dude, they just don't wanna have casual sex with a disgusting dude because it does not benefit them. kinda like how incels either won't fuck prostitutes or don't count it if they do

Fair point. Still, they shouldn't whine about being pumped and dumped when they bring nothing else to the table. Same thing with incels who beta-bux.

Exactly. Some people need to realize that's the best they're gonna get. I feel like the internet/social media/porn has ruined people's standards and given them all false hope.

It's more about the entitlement and pretending to have like a whole conspiracy explaining why you are a virgin/single than anything else really.

Blaming people just for only wanting a real relationship with someone they actually want to be with always striked me as going too far IMO.

In literal terms incels are just older virgins who can't get laid for whatever reason

The incel community on the internet established a sort of ideological inceldom that very much is misogynistic and entitled

and then there are the /r/trufemcels who are women who very openly admit that they could get sex whenever they wanted it but it would be a pump n dump with some disgusting dude so they don't want it.

Any incel could get meaningless sex tonight with a whore. Yeah it would be difficult to pull it for free but don't pretend as if $200 is some insurmountable barrier that makes male inceldom soooo much worse. It's really only slightly more difficult for a male to attain meaningless sex. They reject it anyway because they're honor can't be sullied by touching anything besides a virgin maid willing for a life of servitude and child bearing. How dare a loose thot even touch them! Oh yeah but females have it soooooo much better because they can call up some random creep who's fucked a thousand chicks and has all the std's in the book and will never call them again.

Femcels scare men away.

Gotta love the embrace of the "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" narrative by progressives when you it comes to incels.

Treating women like objects is bad; also all of your self-esteem should be based on how much sex you can get from women.

Universal-level IQ comment.

It's because dating is an arena where woman have all the power so to say that the dating world is unfair is to imply something negative about women.

You'd be surprised, redditors will argue tooth and nail about how getting dates, getting laid and attracting a significant other is just as challenging for women than it is for men.

Most of them have a negative self-image that is utterly delusional. Like they just look a tad bit awkward and somehow they imagine that no one woman could ever bear having their penis inserted into them without incredible revulsion. They're ugly on the inside, not the outside.

Be that as it may, that doesn't make "have you tried not being shit" better advice than it does in the other scenarios I describe.

Sounds like self-esteem issues, not being 'ugly on the inside.'

Are you an incel if you don't hate women but you just can't find a woman who actually wants to be with you?

is a celibate

not voluntarily


Ding ding ding

Holy shit the entire thread is like that

yeah I thought he was exaggerating but the first ten comments are all "lol this is me".

Incel Tears are just incels who decided they hate themselves more than women? Woah, shocking.

Inceltears turns out to be a bunch of incels, more news at 11.

They admit it in their community description.

We do not condone blanket hatred of virgins or the romantically unsuccessful,

Wow, way to take away the fun, buzzkills.

I think of myself as a chad in progress

Male feminists are the worst

Remember that guy that tried to prove he wasn't an Incel because he posts on inceltears?

If you are not hateful and all, people here don't really think that you are an Incel then.

Isnt the whole point of that sub is to be hateful?

I've found a weird correlation of r/truefemcel users and r/inceltears users

Braincels are mad that femcels can get thristy guys to want to fuck/validate them pretty easily and femcels are mad that lower rung guys can get eventually get married by being betabux/stable.

They have different goals and thus believe that the other group has it way better.

I am of the belief that everything that happens in my life that I don't like was caused by me


Man lots of depressing comments in there

It's literally easy as fuck to change your opinion of yourself, idk what they're doing