u/Annoysthegoys irl

1  2019-01-28 by le_epic_xd


Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


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Must be using a booster seat

Watch out Jason. More words like that and the Heeb of Steel is gonna throw your ass around like one of his shiksas.

Doubt. (((They))) are vampires. There's sunshine in this photo.

The last shutdown in Drama really aged him or he dyed his hair. Apparently he was a gingerNinja.

I hear Azealia Banks called him an inbred Jew leprechaun.

Get this beady eyed long nose propaganda OUT

My first thought was fat, amish Bubbles

I wish I was smart enough to invent a (((hat))) charger 😥

Solar panels.

When ridiculous religious traditions line-up well with modern society. We're seeing history here folks.

He's using a smartphone, which the sects in the NY metro area strongly discourage (web access), and most if not all the Hasidim I work with (goy here) use flip phones. Texting is apparently OK.

Well this guy is in Israel. Plenty of religious Jews use smartphones

Why would they put power sockets on the ceiling. /r/CrappyDesign

This is common on buses that travel long distances, presumably it's to keep cords off the ground where people can trip on them


I asked a bus driver while I was going from Helsinki to Stockholm and later asked the same when I was in Alabama. I don't think I can find any peer reviewed papers, sorry bud

Now that's what I call an unorthodox way to charge your phone 😂😂😂


imagine sending a super sexy lady to sit next to him and then try to seduce him, I'd love to see him try to fight her off, sadly he's too weak to fight her off.