Gamer weebs cry sexism when a female is added to a fighting game

1  2019-01-28 by TheColdTurtle


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It's over Akira-Toriyama-cels

It doesn't seem like they are Dragonball fans given the weird complaints they make.

They actually think Videl is a gpod character lmao


Really do be like that

Dragonball predicted Gamergate. If only we had listened

It's about ethics in senzu bean distribution

Wtf i have to buy fighterz now

people itt with enough knowledge about dragonball to be able to find fault in the specifics of resetera bitching should be deported from this sub at once

No u

active in these communities: Persona 5

weeb gamers aka pedophiles are not welcome here


You have to go back

You described literally zero of the comments here. Retards crying about drama that isnt there should be deported from this sub at once. its the top reply in the thread you idiot. You unironically follow yugioh, so im not surprised you have the intellect of an 8 yo, but please in the future can you keep you comments to yourself?

can you keep you comments to yourself?

You ok there buddy? Did I hurt your feelings?

gamers are the most dangerous, easily radicalized demographic around today..its not as much as i am upset, as i am legitimately worried about the future of this here forum if it gets overrun with your ilk

Compared to edgy retards like you who have to make a new account everytime they get banned for being retarded?

imagine being proud of the fact that youve spent 8 years on this shit site without saying anything interesting enough to cause powermod spergouts

Imagine being a retard that uses "imagine" to starts sentences.

still infinitely better than being a weeb gamer tbqh fam πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ

Your opinion is less than worthless though πŸ˜‚

Why are you so defensive? is it so absurd to you that normal people would find people who jerk off to childrens cartoons reprehensible?

Oh baby the classic "Why are you so defensive?" when someone calls you a retard πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œ

Good luck with whatever retarded shit you think of next!

no response in regard to ur pedophillic tendencies i see....are you in denial, or just dont realize that even free societies such as /r/drama wont tolerate your fetish?

No one thinks less of women than male feminists.

Wow Videl! The best character in all of Dragon Ball!

This but unironically

Weeb gaymers? That’s whole other level of trash.

not all pedos are japanimation fans

>caring about short hair videl

Tfw not great saiyanwoman

"We're tired of the only female representation in video games being a character for the men to ogle at. This is objectification."

"Oh okay, so we will make the female character a foe that you would have to beat."


You can do what early game developers did and make the characters you have to kill or beat up actually traps so that way it doesn't count as violence against women.

Videl with a dick was already canon for me not they just need to add it to the lore

How did you forget Bridget?


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Is it like when they made Starbuck a hot chick, and then made Higgins a hot chick, and Boomer is also a hot chick, and Olympic Decathlon champion Bruce Jenner a *hot* *chick*?

I won't buy it until I can play with Gohan Blanco or El Hermano.