Drudge lets the mask fall

1  2019-01-29 by Oh_hamburgers_


Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


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Oh shit, it’s my nigga Colin Powell’s homepage.


I just love the boomers in the replies here. It ranges from confusion, to outrage, to "GOD WILL PROTECT ISRAEL FROM MATT DRUDGE, I SHOULD'VE KNOWN!".

I've never understood either extreme reaction Israel gets from the lovers or the haters.

Well the haters see it as a theft of land from the people who originally lived there.

The lovers see it as biblical prophecy, that Jesus cannot return until all Jews return to Israel because of the insane translation of the Scofield bible.

drama that will carry us to Armageddon

You had one chance to call it Dramageddon and you fucking blew it. Most definitely not epic.

And thus I have cemented my place in hell.

You still have time to correct this. All you need to do is post a picture of your most valuable asset, The Holy Bussy.

I can't bring myself to do it. I'll accept my place on the right hand of Satan.

I don't think you'll enjoy what Satan's gonna do with your bussy but it seems like your mind is already made up.

And you fucking loved coming right in there and snatching that one right from his under-developed mind, didn't you?

oh shit i am laffin

This is absolutely glorious. It looks just like a webpage from the late '90s except it's actually not ugly, broken, and useless.

I should start reading Drudge Report...

what EXACTLY, did he mean by this?

uh oh, im noticing something

Careful now, noticing patterns is the first step on the road to fascism

uhh, what is the "Swamp"?


Time for another round of "Hacked or Closeted Nazi"!!!

Neither, the eternal boomer. He forgot to link the corresponding article that shows it's a quote from an Iranian general.

And now I look like a complete idiot for buying an ass load of Dow Chemical shares.

We've all been there bud.

Drudge is literally Jewish, he’s just been hacked or finally gone into psychosis.

And how likely is it, that the over 4 thousand people nonchalantly liking the tweet also got hacked?


i dont see a problem honestly


I love how the bible belters fall over themselves chiming in with their own hidden truth. #Preterism

Just another Tuesday in Bumfuck, Oklahoma.

And its deleted.


Isn't Drudge Jewish? He probably meant to link an article, but was too dumb to do so.

People who post mobile twitter links on reddit deserve the rope.

I love israel because of how it brings out the best hypocrisy in people.

The people who say "Punch a nazi, btw nazi is everyone right of stalin" are also the most likely to say "Fuck israel and everyone in it, wipe it off the map!"

I just like how his twitter profile is just as shittily designed as his website