Incel MDEgenerate fucking dies

1  2019-01-29 by brd4eva


You're not even trying to be witty or anything, you're just circlejerking. How does it feel literally karma whoring, like, actually just being a human who cares enough to type multiple comments for no purpose except to draw a nearby majority's attention to the fact that you agree with them?


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And nothing of value was lost.


Faggiest way to kill yourself lmfao. Seeking attention in your racism sub. Real men shotgun their noodle in front of McDonalds after a final presidential feast.

Virgin private cry for attention vs Chad public spectacle

I mean if it ain't self-immolation in the public square why try?

If I was going to off myself I'd probably get one of those fade away drugs, go have a big feast at a really good restaurant then put on a big sign that says "they're coming" and take the drugs with a noose aroubd my neck in such a way that I'll slip off and have my bidy hanging in some public place. Also I wouldn't shit for days ahead of time.

I'd put plastic explosives under a hat then go start an argument with a shopkeeper and detonate at the point where it was reaching a peak

Np link

Hopefully you'll join him soon as well.


Press S to spit on his grave

2 page suicide note

Yeah, that's not going to get read.


Every ancestor in your direct line survived unknown hardships, many unlike anything we could fathom in these easy times. They survived and here you are.

Talk to us

And you would forsake this brotherhood? For what? A speckle in the dark night?

Live to see the dawn.

Imagine not committing suicide so that you can talk to these LARPers.

I'd be attempting again within five minutes.

Guy is about to kill himself, you know what will surely do the trick to pull him out of it?

Generic fascist and aryan brotherhood-esque phrases. Works every time

I kind of like it, makes their autism seem more dramatic. It's a nice breath of, well differently scented, air from all the other spergs that pretend to be scientific.

Keep in mind, you're doing exactly what they want you to do.

post bussy then do a flip faggot

Wait when did the racists take Sky King? Sky King belongs to all of us.

MDE memed him first

Lol incel

The only cool way to kill yourself is with a big fucking machete

Lol incel

I would rather have a thousand mdegenerates over a single npposter

Why choose? Chuck them all into the ovens.

some of you pieces of shit commenting in this thread aught to join him. in which case, he'd be the only loss.

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