Hahahahahahaha. Sanders Drunken video surfaces.

1  2019-01-29 by CaesarCzechReborn


Are you writing fiction now?

I don't even hate women, and I'm sure as hell not an incel. You seem to have just fabricated that bit. I've literally said like 20 times on here the "I hate women" bit is ironic.



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Most of the default subs are run by bots and shills.

Social media is the Matrix. Look into the ties between big tech and DARPA. The content is curated and contextualized to create a certain response in the public mind. Look up the original definition of Cybernetics.

You are human livestock and the internet is your digital enclosure. And like all good farmers, they have to make sure the herd gets their vaccines or it could mean disaster for the farm!

It’s not individuals who just love vaccines making these gay pro vax memes. Someone is being paid to do it by some shitty organization likely with ties to the Rockefellers and the Vanderbilts or whatever.


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I don't support candidates that go against the will of Allah by consuming alcohol, let alone vote for Yids. May his day of reckoning come soon on judgement day after he chokes on a matzo ball.

Finally, a centrist's answer.

He's 1/512 Sasquatch and walked the trail of beers, so he should get a pass

Let me get this straight


Soviet Russia

unlimited vodka

shirtless party

commie songs

The only way this could get more hilarious - with a tinge of infinite sadness - is for Sanders to get elected in 2020.

Now, I want to see Trump shitposting about this.

“Turns out derty stinky Sanders is a Russian agent, SAD.”

commie songs

This Land Is Your Land

commie songs

"This land was made for you and me..." damn. Guy is worse than a commie, he's a hippy.

Implying there's a difference

When tanks roll over the hippie protesters I think you'll see the difference

If only.

> Woody Guthrie a hippy


it's been like one generation and everyone already forgot about woody guthrie

sad desu

I don't use /s for a reason, bro.

Woody Guthrie was a Okie commie not a hippie.

Isn't he still alive?

Youre thinking of Arlo, his son whos old as fuck but alive.

Sanders to get elected in 2020.

Oh hell yes. Tears of fucking blood.

On his honeymoon too apparently.

It was a visit to Burlingtons sister city, which was in the ussr. Not an official honeymoon.

When I read the first line, that it made him cooler, I was expecting some weird twitter communist style defense. But he's just sitting around singing a dumb song and drinking; it actually did make me like his dumbass a little, and I sure did hate him in 2016.


Yeah, I figured he'd be singing the Soviet national anthem or something, not an American song.

expects wisconsin jew to sing soviet shit

Lmao burgers are retards

Have you met American Socialists? They practically jerk off to the USSR anthem

I dont race mix with whites



Le 56%

|> El Goblino de Las America’s

Wisconsin? Not nearly fat enough.

Also there are maybe 4 jews in WI.

I think those triggered by this are seeing communists singing "this land is your land/my land" and making the connection to subversive jews trying to undermine democracy. I think that's why people are acting like this is a red handed moment, or some dumb shit.


It's "dumb ass", dumbass.

Dumb & ass

consider this post like a second updoot my dude

very refined and very true

nice blog post

thnx 4 sharing

imagine hating a harmless old fool like Bernie Sanders

I hate all kinds of retards. Don't you?

I was expecting some weird twitter communist style defense.

you wanted him to snark and then get exposed as a pedophile?

i know people do stupid shit while they are drunk but usually its fun stupid shit not fucking retarded stupid shit

Spoken like someone who has never been around drunk people

he's an lsu fan, his mom was probably drunk when she gave birth to him

Fetal alcohol syndrome is the default there.

Hey hey hey! Some of us are crack babies.

Drive thru daiquiri in the ambulance to the maternity ward

*while sober.

bruh i went to lsu, i did stupid shit like making out with random girls on the dancefloor of a tigerland bar, not fucking dance around with commies and sing commie songs.

You sound like a fucking normie

I wish. I’m too autistic to be normie but not autistic enough to be whatever you call internet people.

I know the feel bruv.

Yeah you’re just a loser

no shit i post on /r/drama

Isn't communism illegal in Louisiana?

Lol I wish. We had a gov who was basically commie and fdr had to off him or he would’ve primaries him in the 30s. And our current governor just told one of the states largest employers and capital investors to fuck off because they asked for 20 million dollar tax break over 10 years.

link to that last part? hadn't seen that

I followed it through tigersroppings but I’m referring to jbe bitch slapping Exxon over itep tax credit requests. My irl friends who work at various plants in the BR Nola areas are pissed.

bitch slapping Exxon over itep tax credit requests

that's right, I heard about that. meh, it's always one thing or another. I know all the plants in louisiana pay an absolutely absurd tax rate compared to the ones in TX. so I don't fell too bad for em'

My irl friends who work at various plants in the BR Nola areas are pissed.

yeah I got buddies at exxon, methanex, etc who are like, "muh jobs" every time the state asks _______ (insert billion dollar monolith) to actually pay their property taxes. I feel bad that the state is now basically forced to get on their knees to appease these companies while the roads crumble and the schools fall apart.

it's over for Laissez les bons temps rouler-cels

exxon literally came to louisiana and said "if you give us the same deal as texas, we will come to you" they wanted to pay the same taxes they would in texas but in louisiana, plus exxon is already the largest taxpayer in the entire state, and 2 million dollars is nothing to exxon and nothing to baton rouge, its about sending a message, and louisiana in the middle of bidding for a 1 billion dollar plant that will probably go to texas now because of a 2 million dollar fuck you by together baton rouge.

louisiana isnt a shithole because big companies fuck us over, louisiana is a shithole because of awful politicians driving away anybody wanting to do business or create jobs here. its funny how the same group driving away literally the states largest taxpayer, is the same group preventing an unincorporated area from incorporating and funding their own municipality and schools because the city of br sucks up tax dollars from the unincorporated area and gives them jack shit in return

i used to want to stay in louisiana and raise my family here but fuck that, im glad im leaving and never coming back, it would be fucking child abuse to raise a kid in louisiana when i can go to houston or atlanta and make 2-3x more money and give my kid opportunities. i know im retarded but im actually pretty smart for a coonass, and when people like togetherbatonrouge wonder why the Louisianan brain drain is continuing and gaining momentum, this shit is why

sorry for the serious post

That degree finally paying off

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texas spends $89 per resident on corporate subsidies. Louisiana spends $2,857 per resident on corporate subsidies. I know you've already seen the video from TBR so I won't link it, but that video is DAMNING for the state of LA. I'd be curious how someone with your point of view thinks that video isn't a complete and total condemnation of the way louisiana does business with these companies.

and I agree, whenever we have kids, we're leaving nola. place is fun but it's a shithole

Considering I know some of the people who made that video irl and they were literally the dumbest people at my high school. I don’t trust it but I haven’t tried to fact check it. What I do know is Before the itep debacle Exxon said they would bring the billion dollar polyoeflins plant to Louisiana if they got the SAME tax deal Texas offered and after they said the unpredictability of Louisiana tax authorities makes them hesitant to invest in Louisiana. At the end of the day I don’t really care because I don’t work in oil and gas and I’m leaving Louisiana. But it’s frustrating to watch the state constantly shoot itself in the foot because of retarded and corrupt politicians. Hell the Exxon thing was such a wake up call, our super left and super woke mayor held a fucking PEPRALLLY FOR EXXON YESTERDAY. If swb is even sucking corporate cock, you know togetherbr really fucked up.

The per capita tax breaks probably has more to do with less people and less diversified economy in LA. Along with hilarious amounts of crony capitalism.

hilarious amounts of crony capitalism

this is the root cause of like 90% of louisiana's issues, and it's pretty bi-partisan in its roots. a friend of mine's boss was running for mayor in NOLA last election, so I went to one of his fundraising events. One of his solutions was to PRIVATIZE THE WATER SUPPLY in nola.... imagine a democrat running with THAT as one of their main talking points lmao

yes i had an older family member who ran a state agency back in the 60s and 70s and the stories he tells are fucking unbelievable

oh even better it was 2 million NOT 20 million, fuck Louisiana politicians

Why should corporations not pay taxes?

It’s an industrial tax break to incentivize more plants which are the backbone of our local economy. It used to be if you met the requirements you got it but our governor signed an eo that let shit like the Sherrif and school board veto then if they wanted to which makes no fucking sense. Exxon is still the single largest taxpayer in the entire state.

Being the largest taxpayer doesn't justify tax breaks. You are just rationalizing subsidizing oil.

This is how they get you to volunteer to bend over that barrel while they race to the bottom.

so they come here instead of Texas. for their newest billion dollar investment all they are asking Louisiana is to give them the same breaks texas gives them.

So... race to the bottom for who can suck off corporations more. Why do you think what you are saying disagrees with me?

the politicians have to suck the corporations off for sure, even our super left mayor is throwing pep rallies for exxon right now, the voters just have to sweeten the pot a little bit so we can get economic investment, this is how shit works in areas that don't inherently attract business like nyc et al. the companies still pay a shitload of taxes, they just pay less taxes than they would. at the end of the day giving exxon a 2 million dollar tax break over 10 years for a plant they built is still a net gain in jobs and taxes for the area.

What do these plants do anyway? They have reason to be there, cheap labor and land are some reasons. Businesses have spent decades leaving for the South to pay less money to employees and governments.

its not cheap labor, i know absolute retards who have plant jobs and make 100-250k a year. they do it because its on the river and near oil. the plants make all kinds of chemicals, refine oil, make plastics and shit. and that shit can go in southeast texas just as easily as southeast louisiana. and most of the business that leaves louisiana, which is more favorable to businesses that arent buddy buddy with the political elite like the fucked system la has. thats why the texas economy has actually diversified past muh oil. like for example smoothie king just left nola for dallas, which is coincidentally attracting a lot of companies from SF too for their corporate hq, but i cant speak to sf as much as i can speak to why companies are leaving br and nola.

To be fair I was talking in general. For instance car plants getting built in the South because it is right to work states.

The price of labor is relative.

no chemical/oil/plastics plants are an entirely different ballpark than manufacturing, you need to train people to do highly specialized jobs, and these people can be retards, and they have to work turnarounds and long hours, but they get paid by the hour and their overtime rates range from 1.5x-5x and they can work as much or as little as they want, so retards who would be relegated to construction or lower skilled trade jobs get these jobs and make bank, they dont have/need a union because companies are in such desperate need of them that they throw benefits and money at them and fight over them, a trained/certified operator can walk out the door of one plant and into another in a second, so management bends over backwards to keep them happy.

Was that the guy who did his own radio show back then?

a riveting tale

im aware of how boring my life is thank you

Now you're just humblebragging about your tonsil hockey exploits.

imagine being proud not knowing the name of a girl you made out with while blackout drunk

Well it's sort of a mystery box: you're either pleasantly surprised or horribly repulsed when she is pointed out to you at a later date or—and I guess this only applies to chad drunks—you wake up next to her and there are no condom wrappers to be found.

Nice. At least he wasn't completely naked.

Just wait until Zyklon Ben draws a comic about it.

Thicc Bernie when!?

I'm waiting for brapping Bernie.

Unfortunately he wasn't completely naked.


Oh no he took of his shirt, drank some alcoholic beverages and sang some shit songs.

This guy is so relatable.




I read a lot of Reddit. In fact I have taken a better liking to it over Facebook, and sometimes read 2-3 hours a night. All different subs covering tons of different topics. Rarely, do I see any rudeness, insults, or personal attacks to the OP. In fact Rule #1 of Reddit is "remember the human". People seem to lose a lot of respect towards others when the anonymity of a computer screen replaces a face, and things are said that people would normally not say to someone's face, less risk getting punched in it. With that being said, some of the people on the CR sub have nothing nice to say, ever. You can open their post history and see that every post they have made here as well as to other subs have been either negative towards the OP, a person replying, or trashing the topic in general. Maybe they have no life, and bide their time in their parents basement being an absolute shit stain of a human to other people. Maybe trolling is some sort of prevision for them, and they acquire sexual gratification through it. I don't know. However, what I do know is that each sub of Reddit is a community, and when people act that way, it fragments the community. People don't want to log on here and read someone calling the other person a "retard", or launching ad hominem attacks against the OP or the person replying. It's childish, and quite frankly bullshit. Again...I don't see these kind of behavior on other subs. The purpose of this sub is to talk about drama, hence the name, and people should not be criticized for what they post, unless of course it is an insult to a particular person or group. If people want to post traffic accidents, fine. If people want to post they found a cockroach in their pizza at Moe's Pub, fine. If people want to post about Bernie Sanders shirt less in Russia, fine. Point being..when I posted randolphcox's cope, people took to insult me, acting as if I somehow should have known this or that. I posted this simply because I wanted the input of others on how to handle it, or find if anyone else had the same thing happen to them. All of the other childish name calling nonsense was not asked for, provoked, or otherwise warranted. If you want to have thoughtful discussions on here, then go for it. If you want to act like an absolute moronic asshole, then maybe drive down to St. Luke's and have yourself committed to the psych ward, and you will probably fit in much better there. That is all, thank you.

If only you could put that energy into your relationships

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I read a lot of Reddit. In fact I have taken a better liking to it over Facebook, and sometimes read 2-3 hours a night. All different subs covering tons of different topics. Rarely, do I see any rudeness, insults, or personal attacks to the OP. In fact Rule #1 of Reddit is "remember the human". People seem to lose a lot of respect towards others when the anonymity of a computer screen replaces a face, and things are said that people would normally not say to someone's face, less risk getting punched in it. With that being said, some of the people on the CR sub have nothing nice to say, ever. You can open their post history and see that every post they have made here as well as to other subs have been either negative towards the OP, a person replying, or trashing the topic in general. Maybe they have no life, and bide their time in their parents basement being an absolute shit stain of a human to other people. Maybe trolling is some sort of prevision for them, and they acquire sexual gratification through it. I don't know. However, what I do know is that each sub of Reddit is a community, and when people act that way, it fragments the community. People don't want to log on here and read someone calling the other person a "retard", or launching ad hominem attacks against the OP or the person replying. It's childish, and quite frankly bullshit. Again...I don't see these kind of behavior on other subs. The purpose of this sub is to talk about drama, hence the name, and people should not be criticized for what they post, unless of course it is an insult to a particular person or group. If people want to post traffic accidents, fine. If people want to post they found a cockroach in their pizza at Moe's Pub, fine. If people want to post about Bernie Sanders shirt less in Russia, fine. Point being..when I posted randolphcox's cope, people took to insult me, acting as if I somehow should have known this or that. I posted this simply because I wanted the input of others on how to handle it, or find if anyone else had the same thing happen to them. All of the other childish name calling nonsense was not asked for, provoked, or otherwise warranted. If you want to have thoughtful discussions on here, then go for it. If you want to act like an absolute moronic asshole, then maybe drive down to St. Luke's and have yourself committed to the psych ward, and you will probably fit in much better there. That is all, thank you.


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petition to rename as copebot


A person who has never gotten stupid drunk with a group of slavs is a person who has never truly lived.

Don't care if he was drinking with commies or eurasianists. A man who drunkenly takes his shirt off with Russians is a man who gets my vote.

I think it looks like a fun commie honeymoon too, but that's not how it'll play in Peoria.

What's so special about a city in Arizona?

does it mean any Peoria because i didn't even know about the one in Arizona, but the one in Illinois.

this part I mean

As a result, it has traditionally been one of the country's leading test markets. In the 1980s and '90s, comedians like Sam Kinison and musicians such as Bob Dylan, Robert Plant, Metallica and Phil Collins all perfected and launched concert tours in Peoria. During presidential campaigns, major TV networks would visit Peoria to gauge the response of everyday Americans on national issues and candidates.[4]

It is specifically about Peoria, IL. But it is a synecdoche for middle America.

Wasn't it not even a honeymoon and more a diplomatic visit that he brought his wife on?

Directly after their wedding, yeah. But a diplomatic trip to the USSR is pretty much Bernie and Jane's dream honeymoon.

It's over again for Sanderscels.

It's over again for Sanderscels.

Implying Sandercels won't make this a H U G E deal on how "relateble" and "cool" Bernie is.

I can't stand Bernie, but that looks like a fun time. Older people will probably not like the whole commie thing.

Yeah, it would’ve made sense if it was an anti-American song or something. As it is, this is such as non issue.

They being said, I’ll point out the double standard: had this been Trump, leddit would be yelling “you seeeee, he’s been a Russian shill ever since!!!!!!”, or even better, had it been Kavanaugh they'd be saying "omg no shirts what a disgusting pig total rapist!!"

Ummm Sanders is a Soviet shill, sweety.

Wait are they all naked in that clip? Do you think it was some 80s Soviet Swinger thing? Do communists share the love, as it were? Did Sanders mount a NATO invasion of that comrade cutie to his right?

Inquiring minds want to know!

Jesus, does he have negative muscles?

Communism will do that to you

TBH this probably is going to make him more popular, just how how the right freaked out over AOC dancing

The dancing thing was such a non issue that woke Twitter blew up so they could use it as evidence of how afraid the conservatards are of commie mommy

The only thing that video was was make right wing twitter break no fap

Gib goblina milkers 🍼🍼🍼🍼

Wasn't she in high school when she shot that video?


putting a fat pair of latina milkers as the engine on a communism train was a great move, I gotta admit.


It is pretty amusing how hung up outlets like Fox News are on AOC. She gets an astounding amount of coverage on the right for a freshman rep from a blue district no one cares about.

Do they not realize the parallels to Trump? They're just giving her free advertising.

We've already established that they're stupid for not being radical centrists, this is just further evidence

Of course they are. She’s a walking talking GOP as. Every Trump 2020 ad will just be quotes from her as the face of the left.

Of course they do. It doesn't matter, though, because I seriously doubt they care if she gets popular or not. They cover her and pretend to think she's the devil because then they'll get more retarded rightoids watching them.

The mere fact that this was posted as somehow Sanders damaging is supporting evidence for the claim that the right sperged out unironically over AOC dancing.

Look at that physique. Like bush twigs for arms lol

Damn. That was boring. When I read that he was drunkenly singing in Soviet Russia, I expected the song to at least be le internationale or something.

Sanders collided with soviet Russia CMV


Oof looks like Apple has been bought off by the conservative media/patriarchy to auto correct “colluded” to collided. Sad

We should judge people for what they did in their late 40's.



cringes It's "spasibo", Americanoid

this site sucks so much dick

This is going to sink his campaign for sure

You can really tell he embraced the culture of his Russian hosts by how he strips half naked while drunk. It seems like thats a prominent feature of every picture Ive seen of a few old dudes sitting around a shitty apartment drunk somewhere in Russia.

Even Bernie Sanders argues for cultural integration. ITS OVER FOR MULTICULTURALISMCELLS.

zizek slavoj has it right, i dont give a fuck about ur culture and i dont want to know it.

I was hoping for something embarrassing, but that just made him more relatable 😕

Right? Only thing that could have made it better would be Manischewitz.

Reads Forward.com

Has the MDEfugee flair

🤔 🤔 🤔

found it somewhere and decided to share our Drama. Every man a Dramatard.

And now I am supposed to search drama in comments...

Drumpf Bernie is finished now 😎

B A S E D Granpa A S E D

Pants Suit Mommy been holding this one for a while.


"Grab em by the pussy."

MAGAtards shrug.

(anyone on the left does a thing)

MAGAtards: "Unelectable!"