A satirical article about progressive purity gets posted on /r/neoliberal, and some folks take it way, way too seriously.

1  2019-01-29 by GodOfWisdom_WarWine


I only follow the patriarchal aspects of Islam. Not the aspects that make you a cuck e.g. Abstaining from womanising, penetrating a sweet trap virgin ass and lowering your gaze.


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I heard they despise one another, yet /r/neoliberal and chapofaghouse feel so similar. How come?

You need an explanation about why leftists hate neo-liberals (and vice versa)?

No, why they feel so similar.

They are both ideology cults.

The difference in what 'socialism/communism/anarcho-trangenderism' means among the users is huge, so vapid memes and what they hate is one of the only common bonds.

Similarly neolibs basically form personality cults around establishment politicians because they are basic bitches.

One side gets uncomfortable with trashing how shitty the history of communism is while the other gets but hurt when reminded how shitty interventionist US foreign policy is.

Niether of the groups offer good bussy, both are equally retarded.



They don't.

Less hog and vidya on neoliberal.

implying there's actual hogposting on chapo

Not delivering hog should be illegal

Fine *fewer hog requests. Will that do?

They're the same people. Chapos are 14-19 year old retards, neolosers are 20-28 year old losers. The next step in the metamorhpesus is strictly partisan retardation and which side they pick is a coin flip.

Because the only way to prevent chapos from brigading them is to ironically pretend to be chapos, in a shockingly accurate dramatization of the October revolution.

Chapo = dumpy white MtF transgenders who are unemployed or work retail

Neoliberal = dumpy white MtF transgenders who work in IT or marketing

r/Neoliberal is filled with econ majors.

Good joke

I bench 315.

They are basically young republicans who virtue signal

What's up with you faggots linking entire threads? You didn't even sort by controversial. Try harder low effort faggot!

no u.



We had our favorite dingus from down under in this very "community" not get the obvious and clearly marked satire, so let's not get too uppity.