Boltron gives Venezuela a heads up

1  2019-01-29 by ManBearFridge




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Yeah Bolton isn’t known for being subtle. He trashed the useless UN when he was ambassador.

Bolton acting like a complete fucking retard

Nothing new here, people.

thinking this wasn’t intentional

What a retard

This guy literally won an award from Israel for being the best goy

this dude will do literally anything to get us involved in more wars, I'm quite certain this man gets erections when thinking about drones and bombs and shit

the second trump hired him, I feel like most intelligent people knew it wouldn't be long till we had a new, "foreign involvement campaign" or whatever they call it this time

Massive bait le epic 🤣 style or just retarded? Maybe both? I think both.

Hey, I use Docket Gold legal pads, too.

Good. Sturdy.

I love how bolton consistently triggers everyone on all sides of every room he enters. Should we mod him?

Yep I was about to say the same. I was fully expecting to see Ed emoji reeeesisting in here.