Transwoman doesn't feel safe in a video game without sexy, feminine robot suits

2  2019-01-29 by Dramaste


I'm not doing direct link because I don't want the thread locked. It was posted 20 mins ago.


I am thoroughly trouncing you. I've seen your mo and I spanked you at your own game. I found your flaw and exploited it quite nicely, my slaughtered braised goose.


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I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

i want to message the mods of their sub a link to this thread so it gets locked anyways but thats way too fucking petty.



There haven't been any counter arguments made yet.

oh so theres no drama yet?

i read the top 2 comments which where both essentially telling op to stfu

It's just too stupid not to post

as this is a very important issue for many people, and not for reasons you might think.

Oh boy

Understand from her perspective she's been pretending to be a man on the outside all her life and is still struggling with her transition even now. So putting herself inside of an obviously male external shell is not particularly enjoyable.

So don't play, but please keep telling us about it.

I personally love the interceptor's sleek sexy look so having a "manlier" interceptor option wouldn't be for me, but I can definitely see a trans-man wanting to play an interceptor would have the exact same issue with it.

Imagine this, in government, and it's actually happening. Let's just change the framework of something designed to make money for .02 percent of the population's comfort with androgynous robot exo-suits, by the way, within the false reality of a video game.

This is why we need a war.

You don't got a lot of time to whine about what pronouns someone calls you when your buddy 2 meters over is blown into a dozen indistinct pieces from a Russian BMP.

I used this phrase / analogy at my job the other day and my team looked at me like I was nuts.

In any decent medieval society, this person would be attending church functions and apprenticing as a stable boy. They would have lived a tough, but not impossible life with meaning, purpose and a higher power.

I'm starting to understand now why societies back then banished their weirdos before they reached a critical mass and the blacksmith started dressing up like a giant fox or some shit.

So putting her in an external shell

I don't get this mentality at all. You aren't put inside videogame characters. It's the equivalent of moving a toy with your hands, or playing with a puppet on strings.

Who would understand this? It's fucking abnormal that they are looking for validation in a video game. It's like their parents raised them in a cupboard or something.

So putting herself inside of an obviously male external shell is not particularly enjoyable.

Does it have a MONSTROUS BULGE OwO

It ain't Rhino, Volt or Vauban Prime, so, probably not.

So far it's just someone requesting a feature in a game. Can't wait for the ethicists to get bussy blasted about it though, then the trannies fire back.

If only it could get linked to a transgender subreddit

I can wait to gamble on the lootboxes in this game to get my robosuit some fake titties.

This but unironically

What is a robot's cup preference?

I'mma trick out my robo-fur suit with double D titties, a dildo with a suction cup and truck nuts.

that's my fetish

“My friend” lmao


I didn't know it was possible to LARP that hard tbh...

Oh and he's complaining about the female characters in the game being not feminine enough. Trannies really are some of the most sexist people out there. Getting offended over women being too manly is literally some conservative shit from the 60s.

the female characters in the game being not feminine enough

shit tier taste, tomboys are great

t. pedo

Oh and he's complaining about the female characters in the game being not feminine enough.

I mean, it's Bioware. They've been making all their female characters look like aggressive jailhouse dykes for years now. You know what you're getting at this point.

Someone needs to edit this post so it is saying how problematic it is that you can't wear a fursuit into combat.

Dismember random NPCs in fursuits

Now that is a game I would make my mom pay for

Dismember random furfags

Then you'd have my attention

My man

I was going to say there was probably a mod for Dead Space for this, but surprisingly there is just a game fixing mod and that's about it.

Try Left 4 Dead 2, it might have one

The Surge had the Creo World DLC, where you can dismember Animatronics by individual limbs; that might be what you're looking for!

Now before you dismiss this I ask that you read on as this is a very important issue for many people, and not for reasons you might think.

For some context, a close friend of mine is a furry and a long time BioWare fan. I got her a friend pass to the VIP Demo since I knew she'd be interested in exploring what the game had to offer. We were chatting about the various javelins she expressed a very significant concern with the way the javelins looked. See, she loves the Storm playstyle. She's always loved playing mages, and has consistently played mages, or mage like options, in just about every RPG with that option. So the Storm was right up her alley.

However when it comes to Anthem she mentioned that she probably wouldn't be willing to play the Storm because of its human shape. The Storm's frame had far too much of a "heroic human" aesthetic for her to be comfortable in. Now sure, the javelins are meant to be speciesless, after all they're large mechanical exo-suits that don't much care about the species of whatever pilot is inside them, and my friend understands this. But even so she can't truly enjoy playing the Storm, no matter how much she wants to, without the human visual cues that she's hyper sensitive to getting in the way. Understand from her perspective she's been pretending to be a human on the outside all her life and is still struggling with her fursuit even now. So putting herself inside of an obviously human external shell is not particularly enjoyable.

( In fact I'd say this issue extends to the faces of the humans in the game not being very animalistic but that's a whole separate discussion. )

Fortunately the game already has the tools to create a solution to this problem. Provide the frame customization options which will create a more animal look to the Storm. In fact this can, and should, be extended to all the javelins. ( well with the possible exception of the colossus, because colossus ) Many people have expressed the desire for a more scaly styled option for the Interceptor, for example. I personally love the interceptor's sleek sexy look so having a "scalier" interceptor option wouldn't be for me, but I can definitely see a scaly wanting to play an interceptor would have the exact same issue with it.

I know for a fact my friend would be much much happier playing the Storm and Ranger in a more clearly furry looking frame.

So to the devs, I ask that you consider this issue carefully, and give us more javelin customization options for those who are not comfortable in the base javelin forms.

Sorry ma'am, looks like his delusions have gotten worse. We'll have to admit him,

I am a bot. Contact for questions

And here I thought only Snappy was sentient.

long time BioWare fan.

BioWare, Valve, or Blizzard: which developer has the worst fanbase? (I'm not including CDPR because they've literally only made one series, so it's not a fair comparison.)

BioWare fans today are basically furries. They're perverts fascinated by animations of people fucking grotesque aliens and they imagine that they're some kind of persecuted minority group. At least hentai weebs aren't always patting each other on the back about how they have such adult views on sexuality.

It's a shame it ended up that way. Now KOTOR, that was a good game. sip

Now KOTOR, that was a good game.

The fact that anyone thought KOTOR had good writing proves that Star Wars fans have low standards, gamers have low standards, and when you combine the two the result is even worse.

The whole point of it was to let you be the hero of a Star Wars movie, and the writing was more than adequate for that purpose. The plot twist was great and HK-47 was one of the better video game characters ever. If your idea of "good writing" in a game is loftier than that, then nobody other than Chris Avellone is going to be able to deliver for you.

nobody other than Chris Avellone is going to be able to deliver for you.

Well, yes, that goes without saying.

Look at best sellers in the last years, what you call "low standards" is too high brow for the average Joe.

The only thing I know is drop the word ‘Mac’ on Steam discussions and you’ll have your bloodbath right there.

Blizzard by far. Overwatch was a mistake

this is a very important issue for many people

Oh, I bet all the non-binary mecha magic users are rioting right now.

Hey, adding robot titties are still titties.

I'm down

Actual footage of you, you disgusting perv.


senpai noticed me uwu

You got me pretty good there

Can we please start The Purge. Some things just don't deserve to breathe.

Gaymers are truly scum of the earth 🤢🤢🤮🤮

This is top-tier bait.

If BioWare were a horse at this point, you'd lead it into the stables and do the humane thing.

shits not even out and people are bitching that their mechs cant be traps

How else are they going to flirt with young boys in the game?

Locking this thread, this isn't going anywhere good.


The mods there do a good job

There's a reason powersuits and power armour, and armour and robots in general both in fiction and real life are designed with a male shape.

The male shape is actually designed for labour and the female body is designed for giving birth. Making any kind of machine meant to do any sort of labour with a female figure is retarded from a design standpoint.

Neverminding how 99.99% of soldiers men.

This is just like last week when Ubi released a DLC and the gaymers got mad because it forced their character into a het relationship to have kids.

This bitch is fucking mental

If she wanted sexy feminine robot suits she should just play Warframe, though personally suicide is a better option than that.

Colossus-Juicy lunch-lady tits DLC

she expressed a very significant concern with the way the javelins looked.

video games

significant concern

Wtf is up with these people? Women don't even give a flying fuck at all.

I agree. Sexy feminine looking robots are 🤤

male visual cues that she's hyper sensitive to getting in the way.

A few years ago I didn't play female Warframes. But I stopped being a gussy about because some walking warcrimes are too good to pass up.