General Franco was the greatest centrist of all time. He beat the commies and virtue signallers in the Spanish Civil War, convinced the Nazis and Italians and Allies that he was a fascist (so the Allies paid him not to join WW2). Franco then avoided WW2 completely.

1  2019-01-30 by ZoomZoomingAway


skrrt skrrt my heart hurt


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Franco made Spain rich post WW2 by making it an ideal holiday location for drunk boomers. Franco wasn’t religious himself but saw it as useful to rule with. Franco deliberately made demands Hitler couldn’t follow so as to avoid WW2. And most importantly Franco never got high on his own supply. He never believed he was a brilliant god like figure. He just was a competent military commander who just took over essentially.

He was a competent motherfucking cunt. Sad he died on bed.

Franco made Spain rich post WW2

Idk if you can consider it rich after like 200 straight years of losing a global empire

God Bless QE1.

based spaniard

Catalonia NS don't think it be like it is but it do

Being left of Hitler doesn't make you a centrist. No, King Solomon is the real centrist icon. He was going to cut a baby in half to solve a custody dispute. He had literal galaxy brain takes. He was among (((them))). He built a temple to one God and then married a thousand women and worshipped each and every one of their gods just in case. People came from all around just to hear his centrist wisdom. Now, you might think this is an exaggeration but he managed to have him wrote down as doing something so that counts for something. Franco is nothing in comparison.

Virtue signaling wastes of time such as For Whom the Bell Tolls, Homage Catalonia, Darkness at Noon, Spain My Heart, Casablanca, and Guernica.

Franco was a thug.

Ok, I saw Guernica, it was the shittiest form of art that I've ever seen. I went to Spain, and they revere that painting so much it's fucking stupid.

Their whole story about Guernica is that Picasso was so shook by Franco liquidating the revolutionary socialists that were assassinating members of the royalist faction is that he painted it in one night.

Some people go "Whoah dude, one night, that's amazing!" until you fucking look at it.

There's a reason it sucks, and that's cause it got painted in one night.

Surely it is not the rest of the world but you who are right.

I mean look at it, doesn't that look quality?

Guessing you're one of those smoothbrains that don't like modern art because a "3rd graders" could do it? (And I mean modern here, not contemporary)

I'm one of those "Anyone can have an opinion on art" brains who thinks that if you display your art to the public, it will be judged by said audience, and that objectively it's possible to agree/disagree with any given opinion in the art world.

Yes, yes, there's no such thing as an objective aesthetic judgment. We've known this for well over a century. There is, however, a standard of taste, you sophomoric goon.

no such thing as an objective aesthetic judgment

There is, however, a standard of taste,


Absolutely no contradiction there. Please go read Hume.

I'd rather read something fun, like Mein Kampf.

Enjoy the struggle.

BTW, the bombing raid that Guernica was based on was a miss. The target was obscured by smoke, and the aircraft missed their target.

It's all over for Picassocels

It wasn't wtf

Based and Falangepilled

Posted by Falangism gang

I've had family that lived under him. She said as long as you didn't shit talk him you'd be fine

So like Castro?

Also transitioned from Falange to democracy successfully after the war, only ruler ever able to tone down fash to success and freedom

Franco's Spain was not a democracy. You are really dumb.


I don't know man, something about not giving women the right to vote appeals to me. Maybe I'm just ready to PBUH.


He only killed like 30,000 political opponents and allowed zero oppositions. No big deal.

At least this subreddit is finally showing its true colors instead of pretending it is something it isn't.

Well, you have to consider who those people are. Are they "political opponents" or were they people who raped nuns once they captured territory? Pretending that there wasn't a reason for a swift reaction against socialism in Spain is not only ahistorical but also makes you an undesirable.

You love your right wing murderous authoritarian regimes.

They raped nuns


Imagine being this brainlet.

Just because you claim everyone person that was killed by Franco's regime raped nuns doesn't make it true. It is just how you have to justify being a fascist. You do you though.

I mean, they all took up arms against the legitimate government of Spain, so they should have been shot, or worked to death.

That is some quality bad history right there. Though that is a staple of fascists.

The military had the constitutional right to step in and stop the socialists, saying otherwise is just wrong.

That is some quality bad history right there. Though that is a staple of fascists.

That is some quality bad history right there. Though that is a staple of fascists.

Fuck off chapo fag

Sorry champ, you don't have to be a chapoite to dislike fascist dictatorships. Not that your fetal alcohol syndrome brain can understand such things.

They actually didn’t really rape nuns. Republicans militia murdered thousands of clergy but the raping of nuns in particular was pretty much entirely Insurgent propaganda.

Proof #748373627262 that centrists are just embarrassed fascists

First there's ww2 where Hitler is like "ja, we need dein help" and Franco is like "pues, no entiendo Alemana lol." Then he avoids nearly all the reconstruction problems after ww2, he avoids international war crimes trials, he slowly loosens his grip on power and almost overnight after he dies, Spain becomes a modern 1st world democracy (to the extent that Spaniards are genetically capable of that). Franco played the world like a fiddle and got to live out his days in peace and wealth. That's radical centrism defined.