r/conspiracy goes full retard.

1  2019-01-30 by Ghdust2


Are you genuinely mentally challenged? Please use whatever little brain cells you have left after your glue huffing addiction to think a little bit before posting something as stupid as this again. Thanks and have a nice evening. src


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When I got vaccinated last year I asked the 💉🧬 shills if I could get double Autism after getting vax’d. They said no. They lied. 😤🦔🕹

The good thing about being a redditor is that you are twice as retarded as you are acoustic.

Th-thanks. I always hated those Unplugged albums.


I can't wait until the Black Plague comes back and wipes out all these retards

Every time I read something from a conspiracy theorist or anti-vaxxer I think I've read the most retarded thing in the world. Then they write something else.

I was vaccinated and i have autism. Seems pretty clear cause and effect to me.

pro vaccine propaganda

This is your brain on conservautism

Plenty of far leftist antivaxxer.

I bet at some point in the Dem primary someone asks makes Bernie answer a question about vaccines and he'll say some dumbass borderline antivaxx shit.

The Pro-Vaccine Propaganda

What with that whole "not prematurely dying of a disease for 200 years ago" WELL FUCK THAT. WHEN I VACCINATED MY SON AT THE MOBILE CLINIC HE INSTANTLY CONTRACTED THE TASM SPASM.

goes full retard.

It's always at full retard.

"medical cartel"