They targeted weebs. WEEBS!!

1  2019-01-30 by SignalEvent


Being a racist loser that makes fun of racist losers doesn't make you any less of a racist loser.

Pretending you're too stupid to understand how you spend your free time doesn't make it any less pathetic to spend your free time that way.


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I appropriated the title from here.

stealing from Chapo


Chapocels win again 😞😞😞

giving credit to Chapo


chaoptards 🀒🀒🀒

Famalam I am not giving any fucking clicks to CTH.

> imagine thinking reddit's ad-masters give a shit which page you click on this busted site.

I am tired and falling asleep, can someone tell me if gamergater is accused of attacking weebs or being weebs ?

I mean, both are true of course but I am curious what's ghazelles' jihad today.

Leftist weebs are mad because other leftists call all anime fans alt right, pretty good shit

Inter-party drama is wack, we need more posts of the left and right eating their own

anti anime left

Every normal person with a working brain is against weebs.

even weebs

Can confirm, as a weeb I pick on capeshitters, YA fans and gamers, but I know we're first in line to be gassed.

>tfw every time I think I've escaped weeb-dom, weebrain suddenly takes over me again.

It's a disease.

I pick on capeshitters,

We deserve it too, tbqh.

especially weebs

Fucking weebs.

that's why I keep my weebism a secret

Comments like this are why gamers are so oppressed. Your kind will never erase us.

hentai > weebs

I don't know, hating weebs because you think they're consuming fascist propoganda seems a bit exceptional

Imagine complaining that the fifteenth installment of a franchise just isnt as good and that you just cant enjoy weeb cartoons the same way as you did 20 years ago despite following it closely the whole time. Imagine being probably 30 and still knowing enough about anime to be debating whether or not its β€œmature” and if anime tiddy jiggle is bad.

Imagine being so unhappy with your life that you call people that watch asian cartoons nazis.

Dude have you tried not shagging pillows uggh

can they not make pillows with sexy young girls on them then?

it's technically gerontophilia, ok ?

I just hope Hina from Hinamatsuri is actually 300 years old because she's a really cute girl

Lolice wants to know your location.

we lolicons are a proud people and not afraid of anything

If it means more of pedo degenerates kill themselves than it's fine with me.

Imagine being so unhappy with your life that you watch asian cartoons.

Got me

TIL weebs want to be 80's punks

Muh Nanking Holy hell these people are insane lmao

what does nanjing have to do with this?

Imagine unironically thinking anime has any bearing on Japanese politics.

The fact that they are still on a gamergate sub 5 years later proves that no one cares about them.

I'm Chinese and you can call me racist (against a country that genocided my ancestors and still won't acknowledge it) if that means not liking anime that isn't thinly veiled softcore porn involving manic pixie dream girl meets milquetoast self insert wish fulfillment, or thinly veiled WW2 apologia disguised as action movie (looking at you, Attack On Titan and Drifters).

Jesus, long-winded sarcasm with double negatives. What is this person actually trying to say? They only love Chinese softcore porn featuring manic pixie mary sues?

Also: the POC is racist against other POC! What's the protocol for this, ma'am?! Does anyone know how you say "Uncle Tom" in Mandarin?

Well there's a term for like mainlanders calling taiwanese people japanese agents or brainwash by the japanese idk the term but most of the 50 cent army in china like to say that alot when it comes to taiwanese or other chinese people that disagree with them.

Look at the top of the comments β€œI'm Chinese and you can call me racist (against a country that genocided my ancestors and still won't acknowledge it) if that means not liking anime that isn't thinly veiled softcore porn involving manic pixie dream girl meets milquetoast self insert wish fulfillment, or thinly veiled WW2 apologia disguised as action movie (looking at you, Attack On Titan and Drifters).”

We need to get more gays and trannies into the Catholic church to save it from the monarchists

Weebocide when?

I mean I hate most American media for being hyper capitalist, heteronormative nonsense

Why are many of these fags commies? I dont get it do they go far left cause 4chan went far right?

These people are definitely not mad at everything