Fallout 76 patch disaster and the devs who try to bury any news about it

1  2019-01-30 by CedV


That was worse than I thought it would be. They even singled out a certain user.


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There are people still playing fallout76?

Bethesdrones yes. You have to be a simpleton to still be supporting them anymore

I lIkE iT sO iTs NoT a BaD gAmE!

I heard that if I play for 1000 hours and make 100 reddit comments white knighting for him, then Todd Howard will come and fuck my in the ass physically, not just metaphorically. I'm not giving up yet!

God Coward

Odd Soured

I do, but I'd play it a whole lot more if they actually fixed some of glaring bugs and actually owned up to the fact that it is deeply fucked.

The only thing more buggy than Fo76 is the patches to fo76.

I haven't played it in a while, stopped after I launched a nuke. Honestly just waiting for more shit and the game to be fixed


Me too. At this point I play for an hour or two every couple of days or so. I like fallout, not Bethesda

I’m having an identity crisis since the only two options are a) being kisass Bethesda worshipping fanboy/girl or b) literally developing a superiority complex over not playing a video game and bragging about it on the internet



Imagine having any faith in Bethesda post-Morrowind

My chick bought us copies for Christmas and I openly started laughing at her. She had no idea, she thought it was just a sequel to Fallout 4 and was very excited. After I explained everything she goes "ew, why did I buy this shit?"

That was probably the audience Bethesda was going for tbh.

That video of the dude trashing the GameStop because he couldn’t refund Fallout 76 is still fresh in my mind lmao

I gotta watch that shit lol

There has always been a ton of games and game-related crap that exists purely on oblivious people buying them for . It's been funny watching a worshiped company transition to that segment though.

dude trashing the GameStop


D'aww, at least she tried.

Half the posts in fo76 are pudgy beard boys bringing up their gamer wive's for no reason, so it might be right up your alley.

My chick bought us copies for Christmas and I openly started laughing at her.

You might be autistic.

My chick


How big is her dick?

Just what I am wondering. It doesn't even look like a fun game.

This story is about a lonely khajit and a orphan human boy, one day like others a khajit has return from a long journey of adventures, the people of town look it like a heroine, because she have the ability to swallow the bandits and returned to the Prison, even she have gifts of the villagers, but when the night come, all the people go to there houses also the khajit that have his house in the mountains, his house was full of gold and treasures but it have the empty of live, the khajit feel lonely from the inside because she lost his best friend that was an elf, the next she look that they was and orphanage in town so she go ahead, once she enter all the kids was playing everywhere, but it was adoption day and all the kids was already adopted, so the khajit ask to the people of the orphanage if they dont have kids, they say that it have one last kid but the people dont adopt him because his parents use him like a dummy and also they punch him and they destroy his face ,the khajit says that don't matter so she go to see it , when she enter the room she look that they was a kid playing alone with a bag in his head, she asked him if he will like to go with she, but the kid say no because who will want to see his face, the khajit says that its gonna be different if he accept so the kid says I dont have nothing to lose, when they get out it was knight and monsters appear to attack people, so the khajit have the idea to swallow the kid, the boy says if that will not be dangerous and she says no, after the khajit swallow the kid they go in the way to the khajit house, when they get to the house the khajit ask him if he want to get out but the kid says no because he was comfort in the belly, also the fill the empty inside she with having a person in his live again, I know i have errors in the writing but its because i talk spanish, also if someone want to help me make my story true i will say yes of course, i dont have the game so if someone want to help me i accept we can make a comic or even a video, its my dream to see my story to become true




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/u/lightumbra delete ur fucking piece of shit faggot bot

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no u

I gave up weeks ago. It's getting worse, not better

I'm suprised people are still talking about it.

Imagine defending an absolute shitpile of a game and deleting comments against it because they are "RUDE AF"

When gamers can't handle themselves the mods step in

Imagine defending the feelings of a corporation. For free.

Atleast white knights have the fantasy they might finally have sex with their eternal defensee.


Delusions of grandeur

Imagine caring about games. Literally intangible toys

>deceive and scam customers

>they get angry

"the real problem is that you guys can't behave civilly"

"this is why we can't have nice things"

There’s so much good drama coming from the r/fo76 subreddit but it hardly ever gets posted here

Be the change you want to see in the world, friendo

That comment string reads alot like the BFV subreddit recently. I think because both of the games have been so thoroughly bashed since their release, and both have had massive numbers of players quit the game. The only people left are the ones willfully blind and offended at any legitimate criticism of the game. so, even when a user figures out a huge problem like this, everyone just avoids the major issue either: A) critique's the user's post history or B) finds some semantic thing to disagree with.

Doesn't help that the BFV subreddit was created by People who couldn't handle all the thought crime happening on the Battlefield sub

The battlefield subreddit is infested with gamer gate faggots

Ehhh...I'm not willfully blind, i just think gaymers blow bugs way out of proportion for internet outrage points. A player model loading an invisible magazine into a gun is not "game breaking," it's just annoying.

I'm still enjoying BFV.



Lmao i literally had to stop playing after one match because I got the infinite loading bug

I paid 80bucks for this pile of shit

I have a bridge to sell you, only $80

tell me about it, only two games I bought recently were bf5 and fallout76

fuck me i'd have saved like 60bucks if i'd waited a 2 weeks to buy broken ass unfinished games

Why the fuck wouldn't you wait for reviews? You can literally wait until .01s after release and then buy it based on reviews.

Why the fuck wouldn't you wait for reviews?

All my videogame friends pre-ordered it and they were right about MHW being great when I had doubts after playing the series for a long time.

I had a person on the fo76 subreddit tell me that Todd didn't lie about the game looking 16X better because "well actually the rocks are 16x as dense and even if you can't see it he's right" when the game copy pastes FO4 lol

All my videogame friends pre-ordered it

Your friends are retarded, trust your own judgement

The only people left are the ones willfully blind and offended at any legitimate criticism of the game

That's completely false for the bfv subreddit. The subreddit has been almost nonstop bashing the game, the devs, EA, and other players since release, with a few 'Am I tHe oNlY oNe WhO aCtUaLy LiKeS tHe GaMe AnD dOeSn'T cArE aBoUt ThE buGs' posts sprinkled in. Only with the recent patch that fixed a majority of the issues has it died down a bit.

Lmao gaymercels

This is hilarious for the couple glaring deficiencies it exposes without any doubt, for whatever beth studio is developing/maintaining this game:

The studio tasked with development and game design has zero idea how their game is actually played or how it actually works for 90% of the people that played/play it. They have no idea what the main balance and mechanic issues are and have been since November last year. They see a couple weapon types that are overpowered when the two-shot and explosive modifiers are rolled on the same gun, but instead of the simple solution of not letting the game randomize weapons with both modifiers, they instead nerf, into the ground, each modifier separately. They don't recognize that the real problem is that essentially all ranged weapons are nearly worthless without either one or both of those modifiers for max level content, when compared to melee weapon/builds. If you use guns in fo76 after this patch, and even before if you didn't have a TS/TSE gun, the game is basically telling you constantly that you're playing the game wrong.

They also nerfed popular perk/talent cards for 'overperforming', when anyone with some time into the game would tell you that the reason the cards are so popular is because the mechanic they are mitigating is fucking stupid and unbalanced. In this case, armor/weapon durability. This is basically the logic whomever is in charge is using:

nearly 100% players are taking a talent which reduces armor durability damage by 90%, this means that the talent is overpowered, and definitely not that the armor durability damage mechanic is way too strong!

Essentially all of their design changes can be summed up with that Simpsons principal skinner meme

Even more hilarious than their lack of game design knowledge about their own game is that apparently they're completely incompetent software developers from a technical perspective. This patch, somehow, was developed on the game build from before the previous patch. This means that when they rolled the patch out, it reverted a bunch of changes (many, popular, and good!) to the state before the last patch. This is obvious in the change of bobby pin weight, which was changed to 0.001 lb in the last patch, where before it was 0.1 lb and an extreme nuisance. The last patch also 'fixed' a bunch of dupe exploits, so rolling back to before that build means that they are back again.

I am extremely sorry for the seriouspost

Really, I dont

That dude looks like Gus Fring.

I honestly don’t know if the reason they’re nerfing cards is because they want to pad out the game’s length and keep the playerbase for longer or it’s just sheer incompetence and lack of understanding from their community.

Like, Bethesda would’ve avoided so much flak, brand damage, reputation damage, etc if they just made a traditional Fallout game but with ideas and critiques that were learned from previous fallout entries. I think this highlights just how little Bethesda actually cares about their fanbase in general lol

The vast majority of players don't have weapons with explosive or two-shot, much less builds designed around them. You reddit gamer dorks don't get that your min-maxing weirdness from mind-numbing hours of videogames isn't even close to the norm.

If anything you're Skinner thinking the guys with in-depth telemetry data don't know who's doing what in their own game. Hell, getting better stats and update cycles was the entire point of FO76.

This is just one facet of an almost impressively flawed game. I haven't touched the thing in 2-3 weeks because every time I do it seems they've found something new to fuck up. I only ever found 1 two-shot weapon, but I've seen plenty of people who had them while I played. I don't recall what level I am now, 70 or 80, most of it at nuked whitesprings before the xp nerf so that wasn't much time.

the guys with in-depth telemetry data

can't fucking version control their own codebase nor do they have in-game GM tools

Do they know what's going on in their own game? Seems like a valid question to me. Energy weapons have been useless for 3 months, and all it would take in a rough sense is changing 2 table values for base damage and durability per shot to make them viable. In adjusting the TS/E problem they managed to turn the game back into a melee is king faceroll again, so that definitely screams competency to me.

cope harder lmao

I am extremely sorry for the seriouspost

I forgive you

I am extremely sorry for the seriouspost

Nah my dude. I knew the game was a pile of fiery garbage. Now I'm informed.

Update us in another month.

You actually play this shit? I really wanted to like it from the concept but had a bad feeling they'd royally screw it up, and they've managed to exceed my expectations.

It takes a special kind of software developer to actually want to work at a game company.

Well I haven't for a few weeks. A longtime gaming friend of mine got it and didn't have anyone to play with so he bought me a copy. At the moment I'd only play if he's up for a session, but we're both pretty disillusioned with the game so we/I haven't.

Iirc there was about a month or two where the game was randomly ignoring and blocking your friends, which made it basically impossible to join as a team. The fix was, no joke, installing a shitty elder scrolls card game and unblocking your friends through that because you couldn't on fo76. You might have to do this multiple times a day.

The fix was, no joke, installing a shitty elder scrolls card game and unblocking your friends through that because you couldn't on fo76. You might have to do this multiple times a day.


Don't buy obviously stupid games, how is this difficult?

What’s the state today?

Uhm sweetie, companies that crunch dollars have feelings too, be respectful towards them.

Will someone think of the shareholders? SOMEONE PLEASE THINK OF THE SHAREHOLDERS?!?!?!?!?1/1/1/1/

People are losing their minds in that thread because people are not being mature and respectful to fucking Bethesda


Fuck of nu drama gaymer fags

Fair enough.

no u

Large publisher has released a shitty game and isn't doing good job in turning it from shit to great. People complaining about this shitty game they foolishly bought anyway is incredibly fascinating and entertaining. For other half of this sub it'd be good RL karma to get stuck in a community of grandmothers discussing episodes of daytime soap shows. Imagine sitting there listening to your grandmom explaining how terrible it is Ridge and Brooke are getting married instead of John and Brooke. That is exactly how this stuff feels in terms of entertainment to anyone who isn't convinced most fucking exciting things ever have to do with some shitty video game drama. Yes, there are bad video games. Gamers must still rise up tho.