Are my fellow flyover dramacels staying warm?

1  2019-01-30 by pepperouchau

I hope not.


Don’t make me put earmuffs on the truck nuts of my extended cab and run you down, boy. 🚛🏗🏚🚧💊

Nuts of peace

It's not even that bad today. -26 C currently, -37 with wind chill. Yesterday we had -37 C and -53 C with wind chill.

Get the fuck outta here with that C shit.

As if it makes a difference at this point. Just swap the C with an F.


The future is now, old system

It’s an easy BS day at work since almost everyone called in. Super annoying to have to bundle up while the car is blasting heat because it’s only 10 degrees warmer than the garbage that is -30 right now.

I actually had shit that had to get done today at the office. Otherwise I would have been among those """working""" from home.

I someone who's "W"FH today, it's pretty great. I might even do it tomorrow, since it's supposed to be like -22F air temp in the morning.


You're looking at this the wrong way. It's a great excuse to slack off even more than usual.

Come hold me tight daddy.

I need your warm cummies.





I need to learn more furry emoticons so I can carry cringy conversations on lol

I need to learn

same tbh, uWu

Just join /r/furrykikpals.

Jesus Christ.

He is certainly not there.

It's over Upper-Mid-West-cels

It tried to snow here, but gave up.

did you know you can cut the middleman and simply drink gasoline ?

Freeze, peasants.


The Rest of the World

I don't even go outside when it's warm

I too live underground

All my classes were cancelled. I'm snug and toasty in bed till noon!

Sorry, I should have specified I was talking to adults.

Same here. I'm shocked my school actually cancelled classes

My school cancelled classes Monday night, since the roads were basically undrivable. They don't seem to care about -30° weather though.

Staying warm no problem. Got two giant windows in my main foyer in the middle of the house (north and south side) providing passive solar and my electric fireplace running to help supplement my gas furnace.

Holding 70 degrees no problem.

Those windows are leaking more heat than the sun is giving you lmaooooo absolute thermodynamic cel

But how can climate change be real if it's cold out?

> 2019. > 'Living' anywhere other than the coasts of the United States of Burgerland

I seriously hope you guys don't do this.

Coasties getting toasty 🤣🤣🤣🤣

It’s over for popsicle-cels!

nah its colder than antarctica here