Per the usual, a SRD thread about cops is a shitshow. Highlights include “Go die in a school shooting” and “the amount of leftists hatemongering against police in that chat is sickening.“

1  2019-01-30 by Ghdust2


Hell hath no fury like a suburban soccer mom cucked, I guess.


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This thread makes me physically ill.

literally no one:


That SRD title way scooped us on this one but

Well, to be fair if the lapd had just ceased to exist then maybe there wouldn't have been riots in the first place (+100)

And then people would’ve been left to the wolves. (+20)

You post in teenagers a lot so I don't know if you're just a young kid who hasn't experienced the terror of our militarized police force yet but trust me they are not good people and they do not protect you. (+150)

I want to frame this as it is the essence of metareddit.

I had to post in SRD because you linked to the wrong thread!

That CB2 thread was pure.

SRD being moderate was before my time, but down voting people for laughing at anti authority spergs is like cb2/negareddit level.

Classic oversociaized behaviour.

Rebelling superficially on social media about police while living a life never interrupted by police because they actually comply with civic norms.

Dude weed lmao

The unabomber was completely right.

Yeah, but bombing wasn't really the best way to go about spreading his message.

I would have guessed Chapo if I hadn't read the title already.

What IS the difference, Chapo vs. SRD, really?

Implying the people who demand abolition of police won't be the first ones to die when society devolves into a war of all against all.

Saying that the police are built on 'white supremacy' is nothing compared to the nazi prison gangs / freikorps that'll pop up after the cops cease to exist.

Why do people keep making the mistake of thinking an institution can be racist?

I mean, it can.

The Nazi institution was racist.

🐷🐽oink oink🐽🐷

Time to make this little piggy SQEUAL!

I mean, r/drama does it far, far worse, take a scroll through the front few pages, notice that most threads only get to like 60 comments tops there, the few that are 200+, always about trans people, always with a drama link to be found.

And everyone here is proud about it (there are 0 threads involving trans drama on the first page currently)

(there are 0 threads involving trans drama on the first page currently)

This is intentional. We are aiming to erase trans people from our drama

Now if only the same could happen to commies.

We have the superior Traps. SRD just can't handle the fact.

Got banned from SRD for the 'wrongthink' of calling out a bootlicker for his shit-tier opinions.

I didn't think SRD of all places would be an alt-right shithole masquerading as a leftist sub.

its a lib sub

Lib sub zoppity bop

Tbh it's current year and if you're not an anarcho-capitalist warlord with a fiefdom you should keep yourself safe.

SRD vs Chapos



Hope they destroy each other

The funny part about this is your average Chapo/SRDine would shit themself if actually confronted by police.