Israel is a legitimate state

1  2019-01-31 by Feanorfanclub


The people involved here probably don't even respect bussy all that much.


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Uh, sweaty, shouldn't you be taking your HRT meds?

Weird way to spell Palestine

What does this meme mean?

Iā€™m honestly struggling to get it too

It might've made sense if they switched the placement of "the holocaust" and "anything else besides the holocaust". But even then, weak humor. 2/10

The "masses" only see the holocaust when the Jews come up, but the Jews moved on and try avoid bringing it up.

I think.

There are clusters of religious conservatives in America and elsewhere that get... really weird about jews and israel. Like, really, really weird.

As in, like, basically believing in anti-semitic conspiracy theories about jews secretly controlling the world, but also believing those conspiracies are an important part of God's plan, and also seeing themselves (christian conservatives) as sort of honorary members of the conspiracy, even though they have never even tried a bagel, much less had a conversation with an actual Jew.

Their attitude is something like:

"Don't worry, Jews. Yes, we know about your horns and secret blood-rituals and that you conspired to kill the messiah and how you're all going to be excluded from the Kingdom of Heaven but don't worry, because we want to *help you** achieve your secret goal of bringing about the final war and the end of the world!* That's right, we know what you're up to, and we're okay with it, because it's all part of God's plan!"

Reading or hearing more about these kinds of views does not make them get more coherent or make sense, and those who circle around this strange drain of conspiracy theories tend to speak in oblique codes and suggestive hints that never really spell out what they are saying.

Needless to say, they have some pretty (((interesting))) ideas about the holocaust, and who was behind it, and why...

My guess is that this maymay came from one of those circles.

All them words won't bring your pa back.

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It's real. Palestine ain't.

Serious posting in r/drama


this but unironically

Rock book has titties on top lel

People who put time into thinking about Jews are short bus users

Mumrepuai could do it better.