That poor stork 😒😒 This is so sad, can we get one like? 😭😭

1  2019-01-31 by Ghdust2


This is not the time or place for another black-dick joke


  1. This Post -,,

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Maybe he does need to label more things, because i have literally no idea what this is about.

New York is pushing abortions right up until the baby's born. It's is causing some controversy as you'd expect.

smh, pussy westerners. In India you can just ask the abortion hog to kill your baby up to a month after birth.

If you shout 'PΞΏst HΞΏg' three times in a mirror, the abortion porcine will bless your household.

Post Hog

Post Hog

Post Hog

It worked!


Lmao superpoower by 2020

This is the most fucking awful thing I've ever seen.

Relax, it's an Indian. Theyve got like a billion extra.

Like.......... How does a pig perform the abortion?

It kills and eats the bby.

a month after birth

Are you sure it's just a month? I've seen some shit in the slums, boy

Oh man /r/antinatalism must be pumped!

I support abortion rights, but that's straight up sick. Make up your damn mind before you grow a full fledged human.

This is for cases when the "full-fledged human" turns out to be a deformed, mindless abomination.

So another drama mod?

/u/DarqWolff on suicide watch

So business as usual, then.


This should honestly trouble you more than anyone else in this sub. I'm sure your mom would love to abort you in the 674th Trimester.

Imagine projecting this hard *and* SπŸ˜‚EπŸ˜‚EπŸ˜‚TπŸ˜‚HπŸ˜‚IπŸ˜‚NπŸ˜‚G

My mom can't abort me, Ed, she's dead, like your sex life.

libtard rekt epic style 😎😎😎

Ah, so conservatives freaking out over nothing per usual.

im going to avoid serious posting and sperging out, which is hard to do because my charity work deals with adoption, but the shit the Virginia governor said yesterday about delivery/abortions makes me sick to my stomach

what did he say?

β€œgussy > bussy”

1776 pt2 now

you can look up his exact words but he essentially said doctors and the mother would be able to make a decision about a babies life after it had already been delivered

would be able make a decision about a babies life after it had already been delivered


that kind of destroys all the bodily autonomy arguments for abortion if you can kill a child after it has been born and is no longer a part of the womans body, when does the child get bodily autonomy?

When they get their first gun.

The real American answer. Ron Paul would be proud

It’s up to them to enforce their own rights

Shut the fuck up.

Nice argument

Stop serious posting here.

no u

You got owned my dude.

He's just mad because he doesn't know how to have a good time

You sound triggered.

No one is arguing with you, retard

When the poor child isn't born dead and brainless. Parents and doctors ready make decisions for the children after they are born since children obviously can't make informed medical decisions for themselves.

I feel like that is something someone would have noticed before it looked out.

Yeah but it still has to pop out at some point and then the doctors and parents have to deal with giving the baby end of life care.

Is there money to be made in baby hospice?

I'm sure insurance companies have found a way to profit off dying babies

age of majority

We should go back to the old ways of the Romanii

The paterfamilias has ultimate right over the life of every member of the household

I won't sperg





crying about aborting deformed babies


Does the "father" has a say if said child is of a melanistic persuasion?

And it's done in cases where there may be severe deformities, there may be a fetus that's non-viable. So in this particular example, if a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen. The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that's what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother. So I think this was really blown out of proportion

He's saying that if a retard flipper baby is born not breathing, it should be up to the parents to decide to resuscitate it. I can see why you are all emotional and crying about deformed abominations being born with no brain function, since after all you came into the world with the same condition.

Two independent clauses though. You can be born missing a leg and not be considered non-viable.

The infant would be resuscitated

And then the part you left out is that the mother can then choose to keep or terminate the baby.

Imagine pretending to be centrist and not reading lmao.

Isn’t killing retards something the nazis did? Now the left wants to off β€˜em too. What a topsy turvy world

Adult retards, and without choice.

But yes.

Let's just say post birth aborting the subhumans are no longer off the table

Misleading. It's still 24 weeks for elective abortions, just as it has been since 1970. The main change was that they allow for abortions where the 'health' of the mother is in danger up to term, whereas before it was only if the 'life' of the mother was in danger. Whatever that means.

They also moved it out of the criminal section of the code and into the health code section or something.

Thanks for the details, I never read all that the boring shit underneath the headlines.

Nah it's legal in most cases now because u just need one doc to agree with the vague wording of the law

You left out something major. It’s not just health it’s β€˜mental health’

That is, if a foid gets neurotic about having a baby she could have it killed, even in the midst of delivery.

yeah this means that if ya pretend to be a bit of a fag and find a baby hungry moloch servant who agrees, abortion 4 u

Better than a foid killing herself, the dad, and the baby.

Not really, this is bad for Dramacoin.

No, it's good cause it triggers the moids and the Cuckservatives.

Not if it's a mayo foid.

Who cares tbqh?

if a foid gets neurotic

ruh roh Raggy

Imagine being this big of a pussy faggot cry about this, lmfao


Not surprised.

Post pic


Oh you don’t care? Well I care even less, so I guess I win. Bye L O S E R

ecks dee xd

This is a good step for humanity because the next obvious milestone for the abortion activists is retroactive late-term abortions after birth so now we actually have a chance to abort u Ed.


β€œMental health” usually requires a psychiatrist’s signoff.

Nah family docs do most mental health treatment in practice

It's still 24 weeks for elective abortions,

The main change was that they allow for abortions where the 'health' of the mother is in danger up to term,

Yeah and now a mother can say she's going to get PTSD the day she's crowning and terminate the baby which effectively gets rid of the law you're trying to claim is still in place.

Bruh lmao

VA gov on abortion this morning:

β€œIf a mother is in labor...the infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians & mother..." as to whether or not to terminate the now born child

Sorry for serious post but don't pretend to be the one correcting a misleading statment.

Wow, that's the most fucking thing I've read all day, and I hang out on r/subredditdrama.

β€˜Health’ expands it to include mental health and since aborting the baby will improve the mothers mental health it de facto extends it till term.

this seems to be the only argument that people have against the legislation, which states that it must be "necessary to protect the patient's life or health". Given that 24 weeks is already like five and a half months, I don't see many women suddenly deciding to bullshit their way to a late-term abortion that far along, for which they'd have to convince a doctor that it is "necessary" to protect their mental health. And I imagine actual cases of someone getting an ok for a 'mental health late-term abortion' would be extraordinarily few in number. When you're that far along in pregnancy already, I think most people would just finish it out and go the adoption route. And even besides that, how ethical would it be to stick in a 'but not mental health reasons' clause in there? If doctors say someone's pregnancy is a severe risk to their mental health, I'll take their word for it over the barely-informed fears of random tards who aren't actually dealing with pregnant women all the time. There's not gonna be a sudden rash of six to nine month pregnant women getting abortion passes because they claim to be suicidal or something. It's retarded political fear-mongering.

Good. The more dead mayo babies the better for humanity. Inshallah.

When will people learn that life isn't sacred its more of a joke.

Here in Manhattan I cannot sleep for the incessant booming of the anti-baby cannons on all sides, but you complain to be the community board and they're just like "Eh we gotta get those babies"

Have you not yet been conscripted into your block's anti-baby battery? They have me doing 10 hrs a week. Deblasio personally threatened my family when I initially resisted.

Some random bird eats a baby while New Yorkers try to save the baby by shooting down the bird

Thehe stork is savving the babay from blade runer



This is actually one of his more subtle ones.

It's actually kind of clever, even if I don't agree with it.

It seems to be a pelican carrying disgraced former NY governor Eliot Spitzer out of New York and to Real America so that he can whorefuck in peace.

I can't believe I forgot about this.

It's not Eliot Spitzer though because he'd be trying to take the whore with him.

Carlos Danger died for this

Based NY. It's hilarious how much r/conservative cryposts about these "evil" abortion laws lol.

Ok, I think I understand this now after seeing the first link

We need to enslave all children instead of aborting them

We need to enslave all children instead of aborting them

Nonono, we need to enslave the children of our children by making compromise with sin. Not our children directly. This is kabbalistically important!

be conservative

Whine about abortion daily

Retarded daughter gets pregnant with Cletus Jr because muh abstinance only


Tyrone Jr


Aborting Tyrone first


Thankfully the daughter actually was not pregnant from Cletus Sr. since the libs enforced nationwide spermicide extinction programs since 2013.

cryposts about these "evil" abortion laws

I figure it's because their base rewards them for pretending to care

Is Ben Garrison pro gun control now?

No those are flak cannons.

Your founding fathers actually intended for navy and artillery to be privately contributed. Smh my head, learn some history.

Your founding fathers actually intended for navy and artillery to be privately contributed.

You jest, but that kinda was a thing.

I don't jest, that's what happened. The barbary war was won with libertarian 24-pounders.

Oh, so we don't disagree and we're all on the same page?

Well, fuck you anyway, Patsy, this is /r/Drama. It's time to stir the puddin'.

No fuck u nerd

Thank you.

This is actually a pretty well made cartoon.

Could Ben be kicking the habit?

Maybe its a false flag

It's surprisingly well done. He must have been off the fentanyl when he thought of this idea. No worries, I'm sure he'll relapse tomorrow.

You should be able to abort age 0 to 18 tbh

No reason not to extend that to 90

Surprised the stork didn't have a phat ass considering Ben's recent comics

Don't give Fentanyl Ben ideas to become a furry.

>when the knot is labeled

Why would you give me those thoughts of a 80-year old man snorting fentanyl while drawing an anatomically correct knot.

God I wish WW3 would start right now.

-knot, about to enter Hillary's big ol' brapper

God I wish WW3 would start right now.

Same tbh

Without labels, I can only assume that the moral of the comic is that guns are bad.

I do not believe that this was made by Ben "Mo Mochies No Problems" Garrison.

I think ben garrison is either reading this sub causing him to becoming more self concious.

His recent drawings have really cut down on all the retarded labels and become simple and straightforward enough to the point where the scribbles actually look like half decent political cartoons.

Maybe good ol' Benny actually got into fentanyl rehab after all.

This actually swings a bit to far to the other side where it's hard to understand what's going on without context. Still an improvement for Benny G though.

The real drama is in the comments here.

As is tradition when the sub is open to all the normies srs posting.

Blood for the blood god.