Man who routinely fellates his brother on Twitter celebrates endless war to own orange man, who is in fact bad.

1  2019-02-01 by Oh_hamburgers_


This, but unironically.


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I became an antisemite the first time I saw this guys Twitter.

The two people who spam Trump's twitter feed the most are two brothers who look straight out of an A. Wyatt Mann comic, have the name "Krassenstein", and are literally scam artists.

Even /pol/ couldn't make that up.

I'm quite certain those two dudes kiss each other on ther eg

I'm getting a half chub thinking about the gallons of cum they dump into each other's assholes each night.

They get raging clues and their next one liner will totally end Drumpf.

Definitely is a trend

(((They))) stopped hiding long time ago.

Bashar al-Assad is a LION who cannot be tamed by American neoliberal elites and their lapdog soldiers

arf arf


That looks more like a Pomeranian

Except for when he was losing the war and Russia had to bail him out. Or when Israel blew up his missiles and he did nothing because he'd lose a war with them horribly.

Not to mention that while there was Western assistance in intiating the civil war, it was his own incompetence that caused Syria to becoming so vulnerable. Dudes a fucking moron

Peaceful protests appearing in a city and a couple of anti-regime graffitis in alleyways.

Do you A, let them fizzle out on their own, B, throw some food subsidies at the problem, or C, jail, torture and kill the protesters and refuse to let people know what's happening to them?

I know right it's not like America and it's greatest (((ally))) weren't funding the opposition including isis. It's shocking that once we stopped funding the opposition the war did a complete 180

America never funded ISIS. You swallowed the Russian jizz.

it's greatest (((ally)))

Saudi Arabia?

What if I told you Syria has been at war with Israel for several decades?

"At war" but there's rarely been hostilities since the 70s because Assad Sr. was too pussy to keep fighting Israel but wanted to look like a tough guy wo his people so he refused to sign a treaty.


Letting soldiers die to own Trump. A true win for America!

think of the children poor soldiers

The KrassenSTEIN brothers are something else. Still can't figure if they're smart propagandists or absolute retards.

Absolute retards.

At some point one must start to notice things regardless of the consequences

More and more people are. It's just a matter of time now

This douche and his brother are opportunists who are trying to make as much money off the Trump resistance as possible. This is about the good old-fashioned Jewish search for more money, not the (((((((((((ZIONIST POST-MODERN FRANKFURT SCHOOL NEO-MARXIST UN SOROS ESPERANTO ISRAELI MOSSAD))))))))))). I highly doubt that either of these retards genuinely care about Israel.

I'd expect a Jew to say that.

🤔🤔🤔 I guess it's just a (((coincidence))) that most nationalistic Israelis LOVE Trump

israelis aren't real jews you idiot



Democrats pre-Trump: "you racists just hate brown people"

Democrats post-Trump: "wtf I love killing brown people"

It's not the same people so this doesn't reveal hypocrisy. The left opposed Obama's wars while the right called him a cuck for not doing enough.

I guarantee you either Shlomo or his brother have at least one tweet criticizing Obama or Hillary on their hawkishness

Maybe someone who likes spending their free time on stuff like that will find one

What if I told you he wasn't really leftwing?

I'd probably say jokes on you, because if I have to be on the same team as Ben "I love immigration, just not to the Jewish nation" Shapiro then you have to be on the same team as the Cashenstein bros

We're both anti trump so I guess you're right. The left is anti Capitalist. Just remember that

That‘s an incredibly narrow view of the left. The major left wing parties in Germany (SPD) or Italy (PD), for example, are generally social democrats.

The left is anti capitalist. Social democrats like conservatives and libertarians fall under liberalism.

But lefties love corporations 🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐


We know that far lefties can't decide on what's "truly" left so you saying that isn't a surprise. 20 lefties in a room are 1 leftist and 19 reactionaries or counter revolutionaries.

But the point is that it's clear that this guy is only against this move because Trump did it. It's funny because I'm a liberal that's kinda ambivalent on Afghanistan, I could be for a pull out, I could be for intelligence continued engagement. But I'm not gonna yell about something and protest it just cause Trump is for it, so at least I'm not that guy.

The left is anti capitalist. It's not that hard

Last time I checked Obama expanded the drone war and Afghanistan with full support of thr democrats

If anybody's gonna start a war with the Labians and the Nigers it's the Demoncrats


Reminder that those two are scammers and got obliterated in their AMA

'member when the left was anti-perpetual wars in the middle east?

That was neat.

That was before Trump derangement syndrome.

which elected democrats have ever been against war? none of the big ones

hint hint maybe this is a reason that so many young people are becoming deep lefties, because democrats just do rightoid shit but afterwards go, "oh man but we gotta' fix these inner cities tho amirite" with no actual leftist action

just like after the bailout, young republicans all went tea party because they felt their elected leaders didn't really represent their interests re: fiscal conservatism

Uh young people are more right wing than ever

some are, some aren't. seems like the trend is going to the extremes, i.e. tea party or demsoc over republican or democrat

Nah, an average they are more right wing than 10 years ago

I think I can tell where you got this assumption from, because it smells like booty hole

I bet that guy is one of those people that looks ugly as shit without their glasses

Killing brown people to OWN orange man

The liberals are supporting deployment of your troops now? just because orange man bad?

>TFW Democrats are Republicans from 20 years ago, minus the religious pandering

Really shifts my Overton window...

Guess progressives love wars in the middle east now?

Sometimes I wonder how many people would kill themselves if Trump came out as anti-suicide.

Makes you wonder how woke you have to be to get verified on Twitter if these two schmucks can't get it no matter how hard they try.

DAE murdering brown people to OWN conservautists?!??

This, but ironically and with an actual sense of humor.

Author "How the People Trumped Ronald Plump"

Holy shit I didn't know the Donald Blumpf meme was actually real.

Wow these Krassenstein fellers are that retarded

The Senate voted to tell the commander in chief of the US Army that he's gotta keep fighting?

Fun fact: Congress can't do anything about it. Trump is the Commander in Chief and tells the military what to do. Congress can go kick a bag of rocks as far as their authority is concerned.

It's strong enough that a decent amount of scholars don't think that Congress could recall soldiers under the War Powers Resolution.