Publishing your game anonymously because you're scared of the libturds, lol.

1  2019-02-01 by DerekSavageCoolCuck


every time I get summoned here, I have a quick look around and find that this place gets worse and worse, it's like a black hole which mangles everything that gets sucked into it. src


  1. This Post -,,

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I've got a family. I have kids. Until the cops stop criminalizing conservative opinions and start dealing with lefty terrorism, it isn't safe for me to make a video game mocking libtards.

I am literally crying for him right now. 😭😭😭

Amazing post history too. Either this guy is legitimately a drooling retard or he’s only pretending, and I’m not sure which would be sadder.

unironic Pewdiepie watcher

The former. Either an edgelord teenager who couldn't code a Hello World/draw a texture/market his shit idea, or a WOKE tendie basement dweller.


"muh conservatives are the most oppressed majority can't publish muh game"

"What's your game called?"

"Gas chamber simulator 2019: South of the Border Edition"

Sounds like gamedevs are trying to rise up, lets fuckin get him! (in game)

I can't even imagine what kind of game this fool has in mind to be whining this hard. Must involve cutting off tranny dicks or being a cop and shooting melanoids in the back and getting penalized for shooting wh*te people.

If he's in the UK the game might be liking controversial tweets.

Or making a video with a certain salute.

how the fuck is that real lmfao

If it involves insulting Muslims maybe. That demographic is crazy.

> Though it's possible that I was bullshitting everyone because I really want to make a furry porno game my respectable accountant ass can't be seen making.

The weird part is that someone answers his question completely and accurately almost right away.

Disrespecting The religion of Peace™ will get you pretty dead and it's not like we don't have a dozen examples to prove it.

doesn’t that only work if you go to Iran or something

Lol there's a whole laundry list of attacks. Just to name a few - Charlie Hebdo, Dutch cartoonist and the Satanic Verses dude.


Who cares?

that’s a pretty shitty hit-miss to be banking on, though.

They seethe a bit when you insult them, but mention the Prophet (Inshallah) himself and the radical ones turn into fucking rage zombies.

people also insult Muhammad every day tho

Try doing it publicly and on a high-profile.

Sam Harris does have a high profile

It's the wahabbi Sunni who are really big on insults to Mohamad. Actually it's not so much the insult to him as the act of depicting him. They're iconoclastic and don't want Muslims being tempted into worshiping Mohamad by seeing depictions of him. Like in Saudi Arabia there is a series movement to demolish Muhammad's tomb and hide his remains because of this.

Radical Shia Muslims find it annoying but mostly shrug. Even less fundamentalist Islamist Sunni. Like Hezbollah and Hamas both condemned the Charlie Hebdi shooting.

But wahabbi Sunni are in general responsible for about 99% of these western suicide terrorist attacks.

I don't think most westerners even know about Radical Shia actions.

so will not giving up that cooter to stop a school shooter

you'd have to be a huge pussy to stop mocking incels tho

I'm picturing those crappy Flash games where you kill Taliban looking dudes that came out after 9/11

Maybe he is the developer of [this]( upcoming game

It's Hatred, but you shoot up Wales this time round

There should be a version where abdullah has to clear the remaining mayos out of the uk.

Would make sense if it's about the prophet Muhammed. Honestly would be stupid to publish that in your own name.

If you want to make a politically charged game and can't stand behind your beliefs I think you are a coward

This isn't true. Plenty of important historical and political writings were written anonymously.

You fucking little retarded oligarch cock sucker called half your country libtards, how the fuck can you be retarded enough to think anyone except a complete retard would take you seriously? Only fucking morons like yourself would be so delusional as to think that anyone would be even slightly interested in your shit little idea of a non game. Fuck off back to 4chan and infowars where you belong with your own retarded paranoid crazy people.

Someone was kind enough to let op know he isn’t the biggest autist in the thread.

I've got a family. I have kids

giant X

Tommy Robinson. A man arrested for reporting on a closed-doors islamic child trafficking gang trial, something many other reporters were doing at the time. They arrested him and made an example of him by moving him to an islam-dominated prison, where he was starved and kept in constant solitary confinement. This lasted two months before the lawyers his fans had to pay for through crowdfunding were finally able to get him out of there.

Well that didn't happen

Yes it did, they told him so.

Are gamedevs more oppressed than gamers?