Lol this articles written like an obituary

1  2019-02-01 by watermark03alt


I may be a 🎅 white 🏳nationalist 👏 but If 😏 I see 😘 a fine 👯 asian 🍜 ass 👌 my bloodline 💦💦 bout to 💆become 🍘 a 🍙 riceline 🍱


  1. This Post - Outline

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No way are you a bot

That’s racist

You were put down, in the future please refrain from discussing subjects you have no education in.


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mfw I voted for a guy who's probably gonna resign for being in blackface

I have reached the peak of my life now.

Mfw when i helped organize a fund raiser for him.

Dont really give a shit, he shouldn’t resign

probably not but they just forced a republican secretary of state to resign for the same shit. glass houses and all that.

Corey Stewart was the GOP nominee for Senate and he’s done shit just as bad if not worse than this

post the picture of him in blackface

Ill post a picture of your mom with my cummies on her face

Wow how did you manage to make your cum black?

Black cum and white cum are the same color you fucking racist

Yeah but one of them creates babies and the other creates criminals.

Corey Stewart literally called his opponent a cuckservative when he was running for governor in 2017

What the fuck this guy sounds awesome

Real question is was he the one in blackface or the KKK robe

Why not both?

blackface or the KKK robe

You mean the Navy Seal or ghost

r/politics in serious COPE mode right now

The northamcels on /r/politics are absolutely S E E T H I N G right now with RAAAAGE

the tone between articles reporting past racist shit surfacing between the two parties is hilariously different. From nearly giddy outrage and vast generalizations to somber reporting with semi-deflections

The comments below that article are fantastic.

People realizing their idols may not be as pure as they were led to believe they are.

I actually pity those people who invest themselves - in fucking 2019 - so emotionally into this shit.

it's almost like racism is normal, healthy and fucking hilarious.

journos are truly the most scum-sucking of hypocrites. Journocide when?

Day of the snopes

"Democrats are not the real raci-"

Governor’s career terminated in 230th trimester.

Just looking at Ralph Northam I'm seriously wondering if he and Roy Moore were twins separated at birth.

Democrats: "MAGA hats are the new white hood."

Ralph Northam: "Thank God I got one of the old ones."

“Black face in any manner is always racist and never okay,” tweeted Derrick Johnson, president of the NAACP.

Somebody's never seen Lethal Weapon 5.