Circumcels defend their deformed penises from the Anteater dick master race

1  2019-02-02 by camdemonium


Promoting anarchofascism for 9 years and counting.


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Hot take: We shouldn't cut pieces of children's genitals off

My Rabbi chewed my foreskin off with his teeth and I haven't had any issues. It's s simple procedure really.

I mean really, who doesn't want a decrepit 89 year old man with rotten teeth to gnaw off a chunk of their penis? Sign me up.

Is he willing to do this for non babies? I wanna sign up

Mmm sounds yummy

Your mohel would not chew your foreskin off, he would use a knife. But he may suck some blood out, as is tradition, possibly giving you herpes in the process.

Nah bro, some bitch said dicks look weird or something so (((circumcision))) is legit.

Don’t tell me what do with my future son thanks. 100% getting snipped.

Don't circumcise me or my son ever again

woke <--------------this




big smoke

Remember that name.

My superior and esthetic penis disagrees.

My penis has a nice turtleneck which is much more stylish than your V-Neck dick

Nothing says soy like wearing a turtleneck.

You're just jealous that your didk isn't out here inventing iPads.

And dying of pancreatic cancer.

We should be attaching more foreskin on to them to use as an emergency parachute

How Can The Patriarchy Be Real If Our Foreskin Isn't

How dare you have a conversation about this without talking about the suffering of women and female genital mutilation.

How do you even stop ritual genital sacrifice?

With circumcision you just send a memo "Surgeon General says chill on the dick sculpting" but with everything else you'd have to watch every religious person 24/7 to make sure they don't buy any scalpels.

On the other hand, being uncircumcized in a society in which it's the norm can lead to some shitty situations in bed. It's pretty fucked up that circumcision kind of perpetuates itself due to social norms.

Imagine not having your whole penis and claiming that you are a man.

Imagine being a r/drama user and thinking you have even half a penis.

Uncut girldick masterrace

Post feminine penis please.

Nah. However i will post small boobs if you want me to

Porn ruined me. I don't like uncut dicks. I fully admit I've been brainwashed, but I just can't bring myself to look at an uncut dick and want it anywhere near me.

But they keep your feet warm at night. why would you hate them

That’s what I thought too but my boyfriend is uncut and I like that.

If a foid gives you her opinion, disregard it automatically.

  • Pizzashill (PBUH)


Well, it helps that his is BBC. So, cut or uncut doesn’t really matter.

Yeah okay cool nobody asked

Big British cuck?

black x Asian is haram. Why can't you be a good girl like your Asian friends and date a nice white boy?

Their pee pee is pale and small 😔

that's racist, double so if you consider the stereotype about Asian guys

We all know that’s a myth about asian men created by mayo men who are insecure about their size 🤷🏻‍♀️

is it true btw that Asian guys have usually lower testosterone levels than white and black guys? I noticed there's a lot of skinny fat young Asian guys in comparison and I feel like this could be the reason

Honestly, I don’t know but most are definitely not “less manly” than men of any other races.

what do you mean by manly? From my pov it seems like a lot of young Asian guys (e.g. early 20s) are often physically not as strong as white guys for instance, they appear to have less muscle mass, seem more out of shape. Could also be due to different physical activities but I just looked it up and it seems like there might really be a difference in testosterone production, found a study that says Swedish men had naturally higher levels than Korean guys which could explain the difference in muscle mass.

I don’t know about in general but most Mayo dudes who come after me are scrawny and short. That’s why they go after asian girls anyway to appear larger than they really are. So, I just draw my comparisons from that group.

That’s why they go after asian girls anyway to appear larger than they really are.

I thought they did so because they're weebs with an Asian fetish (that would explain the scrawny part too since weebs despise physical activity)? In any case it's over for 5'5 120 lbs gels.

Yeah but ur probably just gay

I really thought I had seen everything.

Whole bunch of turtlenecks up in here missing out on a handsome penis.

handsome penis

Dont you mean being a dicklet

Imagine coping this hard. Lmao @ dicklets

It's aesthedick you mong.

Foreskinlets lmao

...there are solid arguments against routine infant circumcision. And good reasons FOR it sometimes too. It’s not quite as barbarous a practice as these people make it out to be, but it’s not a joke either.

Unironically on board with this enlightened centrist hot take.

Except there aren't good reasons FOR unless you have a condition that requires it, not the case in most infant circumcisions

Nah bro, it's just like how we remove the balls of every baby because they might get testicular cancer. Oh wait

More importantly you stop toxic masculinity before it ever starts

It looks nicer, and you should perform surgical procedures based on the assumed preferences of some girl ~17 years or so in the future. (having a son is the ultimate cuckold)

Well in certain circumstances, circumcision drastically reduces the instance of STIs that cause cervical cancer.

Granted those "circumstances" are deeply impoverished East Africans...

Yes, but I'd rather project my own insecurities about my dick onto others.

nobody wants less penis

Ahaha...that's good.

If you're cut you might as well be trans sweaties but its over

What if you're uncut but trans?

Low t duh

I mean I'm on HRT of course I'm going to be low t

my half-circumcised dick is why im a centrist

Imagjnjng defining your personality by a decision your parents made when you were s baby that means nothing at all and wearing this costume in public. Jesus these people are fucking embarrassing. I remember when this cult was in Boston and someone in the local sub posted about them and all of a sudden the dick police cult internet defense force came out of nowhere to post links about male mutilation nonsense.

A good way to shut them down is just to call them our for the anti semites they are.

I think one reason so many American women can’t orgasm from PiV sex is because they’re having sex with circumcised men

This was the best way this poster could broadcast that they're shit at sex

Lol. I just got banned from r/atheism for saying all the people frothing at the mouth over circumcision were just projecting their own inadequacies. Guess I was right.