Gaymer ghazians have a struggle session on how the left is losing the battle of weebshit by shitting all over anime(which is literally the only thing leftoids can all agree on)

1  2019-02-02 by Strictlybutters


I am thoroughly trouncing you. I've seen your mo and I spanked you at your own game. I found your flaw and exploited it quite nicely, my slaughtered braised goose.


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Imagine whiteknighing for weebshit 🤢🤢🤮🤮

Imagine crusading against western cosplay

Imagine getting triggered over people whiteknighting for weebshit 🤢🤢🤮🤮

posts in r/manga

S E E T H I N G weebfag 🤣

You just jelly because I have a hobby aside from drama 🤣

Sure thing, weeb.

Degeneracy isn’t a hobby

B-b-but she's a 9000 yo dragon? 😭😭😭

Anime is for complete fucking degenerates. Like honestly, who could watch this without immediately cringing to death?

Thanks, I'm fucking dead


That's why I said thanks

Hey, Girls und Panzer is better than most American shows

You have to go back.

You should watch it if you hate it that much.

Get out, weeb.


Go back to your games, nerd.

it's true, anime is a lot more enjoyable than American television.

More enjoyable, if u are pedophile

probably, it does have some cute young girls

That's like saying that you'd rather eat shit from someone who doesn't eat peanuts.

In the end, you are still eating shit.

Better for pedos, you mean

it's just entertaining and has cute girls

Why didn't you delete your old account before switching to this one?

Why are you the way you are? Why can you not like good anime and not the fucking retarded loli moe shit?

idk, I like shows with cute girls and SoL I enjoy as well. What do you consider good anime? I don't only watch that one kind of show

Jojo/Hxh/YuYuHakusho are good. Fav anime is probably Gurren Lagann tho. I dont care much for moe shit.

I've seen and am currently following Jojo too. HxH I haven't seen yet but probably want to watch eventually. Gurren Lagann I've been watching for like two months now, I think I'm at episode ten but I don't really enjoy it that much tbh, maybe it gets better though?

Battle shounen kind of shows I don't really watch that often, doesn't help that they're often super long.

Gurren Lagann gets better the longer it goes on imo, but if it does not grab you by episode 15 its probably better to drop it.

For longer shounen stuff I read the manga more than I watch the anime tbh.

Pedo commie?

/u/shortcakespecial gefällt es dir?

I have contracted AnimAIDS. Great.

Play safely!

holy fuck was 2 nukes too much or not enough?

Can you please stop using such words. I find that to be problematic.

Holy shit, this actually was aired?

Yes. There's even real life versions.

Can we just collectively make the Japanese nation a mod?


Still less creepy than Ballet.

There's like 10 unique frames of animation in that entire clip.



These imperialist Japanese pigs are BUTCHERING my beautiful language!

They literally are pronouncing their Rs as Ls. How the fuck does that even happen? Japanese doesn't have the L sound.

wtf i love leftoids now

Watching anime should put you on the same watchlist as potential school shooters.

well, nonce list at the very least.

You should be a potential school shooter.

I'm not american, sorry to disappoint you sweaty.

SJWs are coping. They are even starting to lose ground in videogames.

Only tangentially related, but has anyone else noticed this: Reddit trannies are very often communist weebs

Well it is called ChapoTraphouse

That's just common knowledge

"Plenty of anime is absolutely toxic incel wish fulfillment garbage," to quote the linked OP

So how come the Asians don’t get the woke culture pass other POCs get? If these were Muslim cartoons or from Africa it would become a conversation abou “colonizing” those cultures.

Asians are white passing

They took a trick out of old Adolf's playbook and consider them honourary aryans

Asians are whiter than whites.

this but unironically

Asians succeed in school and businesses and jobs, leftist brains consider that white supremacy.


I mean the word 'toxic' is pretty yikes, but where's the lie?

degenerates flock to fringe communities which are more accepting of them than mainstream culture? You're surprised?

Pardon me, I'm new to degenerate communities

Inb4 "said in r/drama"

Most Reddit trannies are from America where they assume le universal healthcare is socialism so they support the communism due to that reason. The anime fetish might be due to them not leaving their computers often. These people are كافر to me. They literally make me feel repulsed for being a degenerate. Only good thing is I don't have to meet these people offline. One of the good parts of living in poorest country in World 😎

Unironic question, you seem to live in an Islamic 3rd world nation, so how did you transition?

🙄 I wouldn't call India to be Islamic nation yet. We are close to outnumbering the كافر
but they are still majority.

Aah! Kya aap hijra hain?

No I am not those filthy beggars. Closeted lifestyle bhai 😎

Bahot sahi. Aapka khayal rakhna

Retarded question, mudslimes are way more open to troons than the gays


It’s كفار

Wait what is the difference? They all look like gibberish to me 🤔

Singular vs. plural

Imagine being a street shitter and trying to feel superior to anyone.

It is Hindu كافر who does street shitting. Us Muslims do not do these things. Please do not confuse us with them or else I will personally behead you. No offense. I am non-violent person personally.

Yeah ok roadcrapper

Is this what you say to make yourself feel better about the fact that your entire Western culture is cucked infidel? How does it feel to know it takes one of us to bring you idiots out of degeneracy?:

We were bidding our time by supporting your freaks. Now we are showing our true colors. الموت الانحطاط الغربي! قد تقتل SJW أنفسهم.

I can feel superior because I will never type that many words

I can't wait for the Musloid vs Leftoid war. It will be glorious.

It's as if degenerate lifestyles and cultural subversion are pushed by Marxist ideologues installed in educational institutions and the media

Watching large amounts of anime degrades your social skills and turns you into a disgusting neckbeard. I have never known anyone who watched a lot of anime who was able to function in society.

I have a job and watch anime in public pretty often, so ...

You can be a gigantic sperg and still have a job. Have you ever been inside gamestop? Or a tabletop game store?

can't say I have

degrades your social skills

I [...] watch anime in public pretty often

Not like around people I know. But I don't care whether others who I don't even know see.

that's a yikes from me fam.

I'm on whatever side of the political aisle hates anime the most


Then you ain't the radical centrist this sub wants.

Idk seems like both far leftoids and far rightoids are more prone to weebism than normal people.

I don't know what you're talking about.

Maybe for your world view.

I think you're actually right... Sigh

I was wrong:

Don’t ever question horseshoe theory in r drama ever again. Now say 5 hail bussys as repentance.

Radical centrist take is so trivial it doesn't even need to be mentioned. We must strive to make anime real so that was can finally kill it.

Both sides hate it!

Conservative hate it because they think it's "perverted".

Leftists hate it because they think it's "perverted".

That's why I'm a radical centrist.

“You don’t understand, anime is actually pretty good because of the adult themes in animation! You don’t get that anywhere else!”

only watches show of high school girls making weird noises every second with the budget all going to boob physics

There are several genres of anime! They're just animated!

There are some that cater to those kind of people, and there are some with more serious edgy themes.

These people hold steven universe up as the height of western television.

I like JoJo and if Leftoids think they can take that away from me they'll have to take it from my cold greasy hands

WASPs are hella the same as those Leftoids!

I like JoJo


Sexist against men is bad because it also attacks women dressing up as men.

Very woke.

After anime, what's next? Rap music?

You guys should check out the linked video from that thread, its like you condensed the most retarded parts of the left into one video. It's also a really shitty attempt at leftoid video essays, complete with the colorful lighting.

Trans Mommy is literally the only "video essayist" whose videos don't make my eyes up and roll out of my skull.

Yea she's great

Hontra has her own issues, but yeah, at least she's entertaining and has fairly OK quality production.

I just wish she'd either get facial reconstruction surgery to stop looking so hon-y, or just lean into it and stop trying to mask it with soft lighting and a bunch of makeup and accessories. Either own the fact your cheekbones make you look like a man, or fix it with your patreonbux. Like come on, that should not be hard...

Ehhh I’d say a boob job should come first, then maybe a slight rhinoplasty. A lot of famous women look slightly mannish in the face. Have you seen Giselle Bündchen or Heidi Klum?

I think she looks hot already

Hot and hon-y are two separate things imo. Like, you can be a really cute twinkhon who is way hotter than some cis fat NEET fujo, but still is in boymode and not passing at all.

I don't disagree that Contra is attractive in some sense. Her features are symmetric, she's got good skin, healthy looking hair... from an objective beauty standpoint, she's certainly better than the average, and far better than the average overweight Ameriburger.

But she also still looks a bit dude-ish.

Yea I see what you're saying. Tbf i just like masculine features on women in general.

Tbf i just like masculine features on women in general.

Tay is gonna be PISSED

Pretty sure that literally makes you gay as fuck dude

You also gotta remember that with a lot of cosmetic surgeries, you don't immediately look great after the procedure, and sometimes you actually look worse. Like, I had one bit of work done, hair restoration, and it is admittedly an extreme outlier in terms of wait time before you see results, but there's also a two-week period after the operation when the blood flows from the surgical site down into your face and you look like you got beaten up. The healthier you are and the better your circulation is, the worse the post-op swelling actually gets.

dude, I cringed myself out after 9 mins

and there is over 30min more

Ikr, its amazingly boring.

(Condensing the most retarded parts of the left into one link.)[]

Wow rude 😡😡😡😡😡

its like you condensed the most retarded parts of the left into one video

But leftists are 100% retarded parts?

It's also a really shitty attempt at leftoid video essays, complete with the colorful lighting.

The flashing, pretty lights are necessary to keep leftist mogoloids watching; they'd all be on twitter looking at Steven Universe .gifs otherwise.

Distortedlines, is the real reason you felt the need to pin this comment to the top of the thread that you yourself are a leftist and you're upset that people are being mean about your failed ide0ology and social cancer?

Be honest, we're all friends here :)

Distortedlines, is the real reason you felt the need to pin this comment to the top of the thread that you yourself are a leftist and you're upset that people are being mean about your failed ide0ology and social cancer?

No, the reason I pinned this is that I'm an attention whore who wants people to see my comments. That's mostly why I pin my own shit to begin with. I also unironically think I'm smarter and more logical than 95% of you peasants.

Weeb here. It's funny because they are actually right. Leftoids are so scared of sexy anime girls that they ignore the hobby completely, leaving the remaining people mostly centrist and right-wing. Weebs are actually conservative as fuck.

But again, leftoids can't handle cute 15 year old anime girls so they can't actually unite and fight back as we can see in that thread.

right cons hate anime too, you know?

The only conservatives I know of who are fine with anime are those who aren't as puritanical as the older generation.

No we don't.

Some think it's childish, and if you still watch it, then you need to grow up. That's their mindset!

That's not my mindset. Watch whatever you want, mang. Especially if it has sexy girls in it.

I'm not saying all conservatives.

I didn't paint them in broad strokes as you did with leftists.

But this thread isn't about a bunch of leftoids that hate anime. Why are you one defensive mode?

Why would they be conservative? Conservatives still cater to the religious right shmucks who would happily get rid of porn and shit like that for being sinful or whatever.

Let me make this easier to understand:

Leftoids hate anime much more than conservatives do. Most people hate it in general, but leftists by far avoid it the most making most anime fans center/right.


first they came for our yidya, now they're coming for our waifus... soon they will come for our tendies

I've gotta say, the one thing that I love about Japan is how little they give a shit about anybody outside of their country. People in western countries can screech and scream about "problematic" anime all they want and the Japs will just ignore them.