Woke Twitter pats itself on the back after bullying an Asian woman into not publishing her book.

1  2019-02-02 by Cone_heath


They targeted gamers. Gamers.


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Asians=Gamers. Based snappy.

What was in the book that got twitter screeching at her in the first place?

She wrote a fantasy book that featured some reference to fantasy slavery in a fantasy world. Unfortunately, the denizens of Twitter can't quite separate fact from fiction, stating with no irony that it is in fact incredibly racist for anyone that is not black to write about slavery.

Imagine being a woke writer, put a lot of effort writing a book over 2 years and use common themes to its a bit relatable and can open discussions on progressive issues, and get bullied into a corner by your intended audience because you did not make a perfect product. Kinda sad for the writer .

the denizens of Twitter can't quite separate fact from fiction,

There has to be a Harry Potter metaphor for this

I’d like to know what an acceptable piece of literature to these people would be. Maybe picture books about rainbows having sex with fluffy clouds?

In her fantasy world “slavery knew no skin color” or some bullshit so they took offense to her fantasy world not making only POCs the slaves who have to rise up against whitey.

Also there is a blue eyed bronze skinned character who has some bad stuff happen so of course it meant it was racist against blacks and how dare you give a black person blue eyes!

One more time for the people in the back: 👱🏻‍♂️👱🏼‍♂️👱🏽‍♂️👱🏾‍♂️👱🏿‍♂️



The POCs can NOT appropriate my hyper-mayoid hair color.

"Ottoman Empire? What the fuck is a Ottoman Empire?"

2nd comment

I think she’s listened to valid feedback and made a decision to do better based on that.

Let's see what the "valid feedback" is from my comment yesterday:

A flurry of additional accusations followed: that Zhao had plagiarized a death scene from The Hunger Games, lifted a line from Tolkien, gotten the conventions wrong on her Russian-inspired characters’ names, and indulged in problematic world-building by putting a slave auction scene in her book — in which a black character was ignominiously killed off.

Twitter needs to die the most torturous death.

A black character that was "bronze Skinned and blue eyed"

She was obviously talking about some greasy dago, why do blacks always have to make everything about themselves?

Wasn't just the blacks. Basically Woke Twitter™ can't imagine a slave auction where someone gets killed and they aren't black. That's why you get those dumbasses asking why the "black" person had blue eyes.

Time to reboot the simulation this one's too corrupted

Just shut the whole thing down and put everyone out of their misery.

On one hand, I genuinely feel sorry for her scrolling through her Twitter. All that excitement about her first book coming out taken away by an angry mob of "progressive" Twitter blowhards.

On the other hand, she put pronouns in her bio and caved in to the retards. Sometimes people need to learn how to grow a backbone. Hard to feel sorry for someone who caves in to these retards, it's not like The Man came to her house.

She definitely handled it badly, most likely made the whole situation a lot worse for herself, by this point people should know better. But there's just something about a bunch of mongoloids who contribute literally nothing but retarded hot takes telling others what to do that just grates on me.

Anyone who has ever written anything and gotten it reviewed online knows that this is how maybe 10% of readers will react to any race or sex issue presented unless it's completely clearly pro leftist. You either deal with it or you stop writing. It's the same for all writers.

She shouldn't have caved to idiots on Twitter who love to be offended. It's funny that one of the women defending her decision not to publish a book ALSO has a YA book she's trying to push 🤔🤔🤔.

Hard take: She's pathetic for giving in.

Never. EVER. Apologize to the internet.

No sympathy for this 'woke' gash.

black supremacists are real

This whole thing finally made me delete my Twitter. I don’t want to willingly exist on the same plane of the internet as people like those idiots anymore.

You willingly exist on reddit tho

Deciding not to publish something because others have raised concerns is NOT an infringement of free speech. It would be an infringement of free speech if Amelie published her book and was arrested for its content.

Ah yes, because only the government can infringe on free speech. A mob constantly shouting at someone until they shut their mouth DEFINATELY doesn't go against any of the principles of free speech.