Drama in WholesomeMemes when posters can't agree if po' school kids should be punished for misbehaviour, or if you should give up on discipline and blame everything on the mayos instead

1  2019-02-02 by strallus



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Still amazes me how educators get paid less than their worth to society (imo).

Ohhh boy here we go

Especially ironic how these same people are against school choice voucher systems that would give good educators the opportunity to receive higher pay when they are recruited by competing schools.

This what happens when idiots don't know how scaling works.

Pretty ridiculous that this is even a discussion.

I know from reading my bible that's the solution is neither because everything is actually the fault of the jews illuminati.

I swear these wholesome subs are making me uncomfortable.

they just say "wholesome" every post while constantly pushing for huge social changes instead of posting random nice things that happen. its bizarre

They got a pretty good thing going. They can pretend to be wholesome while banning anyone who disagrees with their hivemind under the guise of "not being wholesome enough."

They should save time and just officially announce their new religion, happy happyism

They don't even know what wholesome means, it's batshit insane.

Happy family photo at 4th of July picnic? Better use the comments to bitch about how terrible Americans, the military, white people, suburbs, and nuclear families are.

white people

Mayos are pretty terrible though.

This but funironically

It’s the physical manifestation of this smile.

that descrobes my smile to a tee. what are you tryin to say by posting that?

Wholesome subs are basically cults in disguise.

I think they started off with good intentions but like most subreddits they turned into another way for millenial neo-liberals to masturbate about their ideologies.

I wouldn’t give a fuck about them but they ruin every fucking sub.

At first it was about giving edgy memes a twist and make the wholesome

Whoa, I go to /r/wholesomememes to see 10 posts/day about trans acceptance, not for this!


Where's the "I was a white kid who went to an all black school"? There's always one of them in these posts.

The comment chain where everyone says I love you makes me really uneasy.

It’s almost as bad as Reddit’s obsession with the phrase “sexy times”

Was just about to have sexy times with my gamer gf when I read this, had to upboat you good sir

replace gf with "SO" and throw in a "le"

What's the problem? It's true that black people can't be successful, so it's just better for the principle to tell them in a safe space.

If you want to empower black people, just keep telling their kids that no matter how hard they try, they will always fail because whitey hates them.

I honestly can't see any way this attitude could cause damage to a community.