Me on the left

1  2019-02-03 by Faze-Cumshot


Okay, so first of all, you've just made a reply to me that is in two unrelated parts. The first is unrelated to anything I said. As long as you comport yourself in this manner, you will only be met with derision. It is a nonsense method of communication.


  1. This Post -,,

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What a lovely interracial couple

not mention it being intergenerational and incestuous too

now thats wholesome 🤗❤️️

And not to mention, womention, and the childrention too.

this comment is garbage and you should be embarrassed

And not just the comment but cowomment and the cochildrenent too.

Why did I laugh

Cos you‘re a tard. Why else would you comment here?

all interracial couples besides WMAF are morally wrong

Your username is ironic.

if sending ricecels into incoherent rage is wrong I don’t wanna be right

fucking a soulless plastic insect

gonna be a no for me fam

soulless plastic insect


Because mayos don't know how to appreciate the one thing them have, he's talking about qt aznz

what do cute Asian girls have in common with soulless plastic insects? makes no sense

Because the cultural divide between the East's collectivistic culture and the West's individualistic culture is so large, many dumb pasty mayos view qt aznz as soulless worker ants, with little personal autonomy. Like how the men work themselves to death. It's just the opposite POV of the American stubborn solo retard who's proud to not give a fuck about anyone else.

he's a m*yo, thus unable to think or speak coherently.

The best pair is asian woman and black man though. Chocolate and vanilla just go together 🤷🏻‍♀️

Often the parts don’t fit, though.

You just need more foreplay 🙃

If you turn her sideways....

yeah, vanilla being white chicks. Asian women should be with white men, just as God intended

Put this in your yearbook

Say it was you then say it wasn't you then hold onto the governorship for dear life.

It says he has a pass.

Welcome to the club!

Don't be a menace (1996) introduced me the to the stereotype of blacks beings parents at very young ages, but damn, this one looks like he's 15!

/u/obama please remove this comment

Weird account

Introduced me to the fact that cheesburgers can be traded for goods and sevices.

I didnt learn that until trailer park boys

Is that a burn victim??

No it’s a black person.

why are they black ?

You ever seen a white monkey?

yes, once - it was this weird albino, outcast by the other monkeys which were mostly brown.



i frequent /r/the_donald

Good for you. I despise orange man.

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Congrats. With great power comes great responsibility.

Wrong Uncle Ben.

There is a lot happening in this picture

His pants are confusing me someone please explain

The left leg's side is the original length of the shorts, but his schlong is so long, he tapes it to his right leg and thus has to extend his shorts. Of course tiny dick mayos like you won't understand it.

Thank you very much for this enlightening reply. I feel like I have ascended into vast realms of knowledge, and just reading it has made my tiny dick enlarge alongside my brain. Thank you again.

its a black grandpa thing

Google "Final Fantasy X Tidus" and you'll understand.

I bet this was after or during a wrestling meet. That thing on the left is a knee pad for wrestling.

Yeah those look like they’re wrestling related to me (the symbol on the leg looks pretty wrestley to me). I’ve never seen a shorts/knee pad combo that looks like that before

Fag he is

Wait a minute... Those are children (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻)

Those chocolate thighs are looking mighty fine. Will they taste like chicken?

Really? I would've thought the redditor'd be the gentleman to the right, gosh you never know.

Did you two retards think this was actually funny 😤 racism is serious business 😤

I agree. That's why whenever I'm racist, I'm being super serious about it.

Thank you, the minority ethnic community is sending your N Pass in the mail as we speak

Why is it that almost everyone who makes retarded comments here has an Americuck flair?

yaaaas queen

Why aren't the guy's short symmetrical?

And how is he a grandpa looking like that. I mean I know they age well and everything, but still.

nice one, where/when are you planning on cashing it in ?

It doesn't count when they can't speak English.


This man has long arms

Oh shit! Dat boi whodatmiami is back!

Why is the white one holding an odd piece of paper instead of a whip?

Probably the only one on Earth that would give you the sacred pass

Blessed 🙇‍♀️

Ya, I wanna see the pic where you try to use that and get layed out

Wow Thanks Grandpa!

with great power comes great responsibility, remember that young man, remember it well.

who is the bottom?

What’s going on with his pant leg

Why is your arm freakishly long

Every white kids dream.

If you're gonna go to the trouble of making the certificate and posing for a picture, at least spell it in full.

And it was given to you by the worlds most amazing grandpa. What did you do to deserve this honor??

The kids are alright.

black guy that looks 18 is already a grandpa

yep that's about right

If they know he’s grandpa it would mean he stayed around. Not buying it.

oh good point

Damn Rip that burned turkey _😢

Mrs. Obama, I can say it now 😤😤😤

FreeAtLast #FreeNMovement

I think it's u/GallowBoob on the right

Can you say the n-word if a black person calls you nigga? What if you marry someone who's black? Can you call your mixed race child the n-word? There are so many things that need to be clarified for me here, especially as a privileged stright white male who have unfortunately not had the privilege of experiencing very much racial diversity in my life.

Am I the only one that thinks dude on the right looks like Ol' Greg?

black guy has legs like a female high school volleyball player

good lord

I'm so confused by this picture.

This guy does not r/drama

Who are they though?