r/Politics Has Found Their Dividing Issue: Calling for Northam to Resign

1  2019-02-03 by Ghdust2


I spend more time with women on any given Tuesday than any unloved, lonely shut-in Chapo poster has in his whole fucking life. I might make jokes about women on /r/drama, but IRL I'm one of the fucking girls and fine with it.

When any of them open up to me about their experiences with harassment or assault, it is never - NEVER. FUCKING. EVER. - about a MAGA bro or a frat boy. It is always at the hands of some sensitive feminist "woke" boy.

The "frat boy rapist" thing is a myth that dangerous dudes like this are happy to perpetuate, because it takes the heat off of them, i.e. the real threats to the goddamn wimminz.


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CNN already labeled him a sith... Come to the dark side

I think the problem is that ShareBlue has largely been quiet on the matter, so the users are left to thinking this one through on their own.

lol Shariablue amiritefolks?


Aww it's trying to communicate!

Imagine being a chapo and thinking your opinion matters in r/drama

this sub is already gone


And /r/politics has been led by the bose for so long that they can’t do that anymore

/r/The_Democrat /r/politics did nothing wrong. How dare you?

The_Donald exists for a reason. You go there instead of being here please ty

redditor for 1 month


Because there are no new people on reddit

There are new people on reddit, you are just some schmucks alt who won't post with a main.

LOL sure

I'm calling you a liar.

Let me simplify this for you yanqui. /r/politics is The_Donald...just the other side of the coin. To pretend it isn't the opposite number is delusional. As a πŸ˜πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦ I am fascinated with all 2 parties and wonder who (if I were a burger gross) who liked abortion and death penalties would I vote for.

Very good for international dramacoin πŸ˜πŸ‡·πŸ‡Ί

Imagine thinking this unironically

It's rare that the lolcows herd themselves here willingly

No bigger lolcow than a DDF member

Imagine sucking off r/politics. Get help, you need it.

It really is too easy to get you guys pissy

Sweaty, t_D is shit too, but leftoids are being dumb right now so it's THEIR TURN to get dunked on, thus is the natural order of /r/drama


Remember before the election when you were all "lol remind me!" and then Trump won? That was great.

Get his ass.

I hope you didn't bet a paycheck

I'll admit you came through. Weak ass reply though.

You're not really worth much effort

I meant in reply to our favorite conservacuck Chicup.

He btfo your boring ass.

And he hasn't won since

Aww it's retarded!

Exactly what has Trump accomplished?

Dramacoin is at an all time high, you pleb.

Do you think Trump will get re-elected?

It's 50-50 at this point, but I'm spite of his godawful incompetence, I can see him winning in 2020 If the Dems don't put out a good candidate

It's 50-50 at this point, but I'm spite of his godawful incompetence, I can see him winning in 2020 If the Dems don't put out a good candidate

My tax cut, and non-activist supreme court would like a word with you.

Non activist yeah conservative as hell.

And I highly doubt you're eligible for that tax cut

I hope you enjoy being wrong.

Remember when the retard said this and all the SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED people's brains forgot how to process information?

That was such a fun day over at TD.

ok but how can I make this about T_D

> your faggy ass

Shareblue in 2019

  • A bunch of mentally challenged rednecks.

Tbh I hate Trump and am pretty liberal but I also believe you should be able to buy machineguns at any gun store

Not all pasts are the same...

Exactly, driving drunk could actually kill someone.


May Allah forgive me for even acknowledging these faggots. How does r/politics manage to be so aggressive in tone yet simultaneously so fucking pathetic at the same time.

They figured out that if they just act reeeaaally aggressive, maybe they can be just like Daddy.

Dumb party pictures from 30 years ago is exactly what the vast majority of the American electorate vote on. Not silly things lile the economy. Thank you Democratic party for being the heroes we need.

Snapchat politics is gonna be fuckin awesome I tell you hwhaht

Wait what did he do

Some newspaper found a picture of him in blackface from around 30 years ago.

Lmao fuck that

Live by the sword; die by the sword.

She's right. That dude needs to go.


You've taken a nuanced, complex issue and completely reduced it to a single logical fallacy. Amazing.

Bretty gud tbh

It's extremely nuanced and complex to wear a legit KKK outfit?

Might have been in black face

Like I don't lose on this either way, Justin Fairfax would be an awesome governer. I just hope Northam moonwalks before giving in.

The fuck happened in this post. What is all this seriousposting shit ?

this sotry has been totally forgotten. just sayin