Gussy falsely accuses Go-Jek (think Uber) driver of kidnapping her

1  2019-02-03 by DerekSavageCoolCuck


anyone got a link to her facebook??

She got doxxed and took down her facebook, Instagram, etc

i was just wondering if she was hot.

You're not shit next to me. My genes are just light years superior to yours and I don't even need to look at you.


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The Chinese love publicly shaming their own like this, it's weird. And I mean more than if it happened somewhere in North America, they take it personally as if this person represents all of China.

Chinese social media is vicious

Back to middle school geography with u

The girl in the video is Chinese.

Yes and trump is german and his tweets represent germany

are you illiterate?

She's referring to ethnicity and not nationality

Are you having a stroke?

Only by race - she's a Singaporean

Almost like they’re afraid of being mistaken for one another...

Malaysian here,I'm pretty sure shes either Singaporean or Malaysian,the driver and the person outside are Malay.She pulled out the race card because the dude outside doesn't believes shes being kidnapped her.

Yellow gussy 🤢🤢🤢

Worst still to think that I came out of one 🤮🤮🤮

Don't know deh wae

I laughed at that and I'm very disappointed in myself


Daily reminder that looking in the direction of a wamen will almost certainly get 5-10 years in a Federal "Pound me in the ass" Prison.

Daily reminder that you can just use /r/drams's new "Twinkr" app to hook up with someone like JoanWayneGacy or SerialFlamingo and BE the one who does the ass-pounding with no one calling the police.

A fair outcome has been reached with the driver partner and we are of the view that the matter is now concluded

apparently the driver's being punished for taping his car now. Fair outcome my hairy asshole

When we're done teaching boys not to rape, then we need to teach girls not to be bossy and get all hysterical when they don't get their way.

Yeah good luck with that.

Boys already know not to rape. The problem is that they're not teaching it to psychopaths and when looking at a wamen the wrong way qualifies as rape, the lines get a little blurred.

Malaysian drama

If you can name a country outside Africa and South India with less evolved inhabitants, I'll post hog

/r/chinesetourist is your new favourite subreddit.

after watching enough asians in asia freakout, accusing someone of kidnapping over perceived poor customer service is exactly what I would expect from asian foids.

Another post from you. I'm sure this one will be great. I'm sure I won't be disappointed in the least.


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