Common dreams takes a common dump on centrism

1  2019-02-03 by DerekSavageCoolCuck


Jews did this


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Leopold (the author) sounds dutch my bot, but I did find this:

There is nothing in the economic universe that will automatically rescue us from runaway inequality. There is no pendulum, no invisible political force that “naturally” will swing back towards economic fairness. Climate change is not going to heal itself. Either we wage a large-scale battle for economic, social and environmental justice, or we will witness the continued deterioration of the world we inhabit. The arc of capitalism does not bend towards justice. We must bend it.

“Woke capitalism” is just gommunism with extra steps

Snappy no!

Oh, in these troubled times, aren't such moderates—beloved as they are by right-wingers like Bret Stephens—desperately needed?

Lol, implying Bret Stephens, or anyone who writes for the New York Times is a right winger is some real white people nonsense.

There probably are some "real" right wingers at NYT and WaPo and others, just not openly because they are paid to act and write like left wingers, and they need a job. Vice versa at places like Fox.

I can't believe there hasn't been a scandal with a pundit being exposed as supporting the party they publicly oppose. There has been so many with anti-gay pastors being outed as gay, I know there has to be at least more than a few, the only one I know of currently is that guy Joe Muto who was at Fox.

This is a good point and it would be very amusing and quiet dramatic of Ben Shapiro was outed as a progressive reformed Jew.

The NYT OpEd page is made up almost entirely of center-left to center right writers.

They employ tons of Republicans, as long as they are never-trump republicans.

You mean the Republicans who actually have any principles?

not wanting to pay taxes on your trust fund arent principles lol

they misspelled principal

how the fuck are they not right wingers?

Stephens is a NeverTrump neocon. He got ousted from WSJ and the Times picked him up to play house conservative.

centrist extremists

Imagine not having a grasp of the English language.

"You are extremely neutral and it displeases me. STOP REFUSING TO PICK A SIDE!"

What makes a man go neutral?

It's like the Militant Agnostics. I DON'T KNOW IF THERE'S A GOD AND NEITHER DO YOU!

Yeah, we're radical centrists

I'm a radical centrist.

I believe in taxing the rich in order to pay for fire bombing abortion clinics.

I believe in invading Middle Eastern countries and forcing them to generate 100% solar energy.

I believe in gay marriage and polygamy, and everyone who takes a wife, must take a husband as well.

The absolute middle of the horseshoe

Yea I'm not gonna click on that and take up 1 of my 5 NYT monthly articles

The warning signs are flashing red: Democracy is under threat. Across Europe and North America, candidates are more authoritarian, party systems are more volatile, and citizens are more hostile to the norms and institutions of liberal democracy.

These trends have prompted a major debate between those who view political discontent as economic, cultural or generational in origin. But all of these explanations share one basic assumption: The threat is coming from the political extremes.

On the right, ethno-nationalists and libertarians are accused of supporting fascist politics; on the left, campus radicals and the so-called antifa movement are accused of betraying liberal principles. Across the board, the assumption is that radical views go hand in hand with support for authoritarianism, while moderation suggests a more committed approach to the democratic process.

Is it true?

Maybe not. My research suggests that across Europe and North America, centrists are the least supportive of democracy, the least committed to its institutions and the most supportive of authoritarianism.

I examined the data from the most recent World Values Survey (2010 to 2014) and European Values Survey (2008), two of the most comprehensive studies of public opinion carried out in over 100 countries. The survey asks respondents to place themselves on a spectrum from far left to center to far right. I then plotted the proportion of each group’s support for key democratic institutions.

Graph 1

Respondents who put themselves at the center of the political spectrum are the least supportive of democracy, according to several survey measures. These include views of democracy as the “best political system,” and a more general rating of democratic politics. In both, those in the center have the most critical views of democracy.

Graph 2

Some of the most striking data reflect respondents’ views of elections. Support for “free and fair” elections drops at the center for every single country in the sample. The size of the centrist gap is striking. In the case of the United States, fewer than half of people in the political center view elections as essential.

graph 3

Of course, the concept of “support for democracy” is somewhat abstract, and respondents may interpret the question in different ways. What about support for civil rights, so central to the maintenance of the liberal democratic order? In almost every case, support for civil rights wanes in the center. In the United States, only 25 percent of centrists agree that civil rights are an essential feature of democracy.

Graph 4

One of the strongest warning signs for democracy has been the rise of populist leaders with authoritarian tendencies. But while these leaders have become more popular, it is unclear whether citizens explicitly support more authoritarian styles of government. I find, however, evidence of substantial support for a “strong leader” who ignores his country’s legislature, particularly among centrists. In the United States, centrists’ support for a strongman-type leader far surpasses that of the right and the left.

Graph 5

What Does It All Mean?

Across Europe and North America, support for democracy is in decline. To explain this trend, conventional wisdom points to the political extremes. Both the far left and the far right are, according to this view, willing to ride roughshod over democratic institutions to achieve radical change. Moderates, by contrast, are assumed to defend liberal democracy, its principles and institutions.

The numbers indicate that this isn’t the case. As Western democracies descend into dysfunction, no group is immune to the allure of authoritarianism — least of all centrists, who seem to prefer strong and efficient government over messy democratic politics.

Strongmen in the developing world have historically found support in the center: From Brazil and Argentina to Singapore and Indonesia, middle-class moderates have encouraged authoritarian transitions to bring stability and deliver growth. Could the same thing happen in mature democracies like Britain, France and the United States?


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Thank you. Can I use your NYTimes account?

lmao, sorry I'm worried the capitalist political police will find me if I do it too much

Common faggots

Imagine there being people calling themselves Radical Centrists as a meme and shitposting on the internet, and you write an article unironically calling something Centirst Extremists.

I'd neck myself.

Counterrevolutionaries will get the bullet.


The Left making more Republucans with each passing day.

Inshallah -- Trump 2020 here we come!

With the Democratic party wanting to shift so far to the "insane left" of unchecked illegal aliens, removing the rights of the people for "safety", and throwing away our value as Americans.... It isn't surprising that they would start trying to talk shit about moderates.

I'm a moderate registered democrat who voted democrat my entire life until 2016! Voted for Bernie in the primaries and Trump in the end!

They realize how many registered Dems voted for Trump so they're trying to make it seem like a bad thing. It won't work.

Guess they think they didn't turn on their voters hard enough in 2016. Gotta get on it sooner for 2020 so they can beat Trump.

Wow, you just proved what an absolute retard you are.


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Christ, these people are stupid.

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Left Populists account for 44.6 percent of the electorate according to this study

Where the fuck was this poll taken? College campuses?