Anarchist in Chapo gets flashbacks to high school when a few users praise a high school principal. Are teachers reactionary and oppressive?

1  2019-02-03 by GodOfWisdomWarWine04


Drama posting as a whole rots your brain, the sub is easily one of the most transphobic subreddits filled with Enlightened centrists and alt-light trolls, the mod team is a bunch of weirdo nominally left succdems who post on Stupidpol about how they're the bastion of left thought.

One of them made a post about how they used to be a SJW but alienated all their friends and family and now decries idpol, when in reality they're probably just insufferable to be around


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Who downvoted snappy?! 😀

she will be spared

They really love being LARPers

LARPers get the lightning bolt too, comrade. πŸŒ©πŸ§™πŸΏβ€β™‚οΈβš‘οΈ

I started my blackpill scientist laroing as a joke and now I can't stop. I guess I'll get the bullet too 😒😒 It's over

It was always over for Stoklasacels. πŸ™…πŸΏβ€β™€οΈπŸ§”πŸ»πŸŽ¬πŸ“½πŸ₯Ά

IDK, he was pretty hot when he was young. He went downhill after Revenge of the Sith

He was Mayo groce from Phantom onward.

It's like reading a left wing /pol/.

I bet pussies like this will be the first guys shot in their revolution. Provided they don't die of CO poisoning from the leaking furnace in their mother's basement first.

there's only so much you can do in a system where children who often for good reasons don't want to be there are forced to be there through the threat of state violence (see truancy laws) and where at the end of the day, you have to teach to the standardized test,

Yeah it's not like kids are a fucking stupid and if they had the choice, would make terrible long-term choices like not going to school because it's boring and it sucks. We should totally let them play fortnite all day. Would be a shame if they had to demonstrate basic competance in an organized manner.

It's a leap to go from the premise that kids wouldn't choose to go to school on their own to the conclusion that there should be government legislation to force them to. Ever heard of the term nanny state, dummy?

bruh, imagine a nanny state ruled over by nanny dogs

I don't know what this means. The funny thing about the reactionaries here is that when they are refuted (like you were), they just post dumb shit and try to troll me. Maybe you should re-evaluate your support of racist legislation for example truancy laws.

oh shit you were serious. go to school you fucking dumbass

First of all, it's sunday so that doesn't make sense because i don't have school today. Second, you just proved me right by attempting an ad hominem .

Go to Sunday school

Lol okay, I understand why you're a reactionary now. "Sunday school", more like "fundie school"

Lol of course you're still a dumbass high schooler

Yet another ad hominem. Wow, do people here really not understand how to participate in proper discourse? That's sad. Also of course I'm in high school, wtf, are there older people using reddit?

The world isn't your debate club and nobody wants to participate in "proper discourse" with a high school anarchist.

Making fun of me for being in high school only tells me that you are middle-aged and probably white.

Wrong on all counts. Try again sweaty.

This kid is why we need another Vietnam to thin out the herd....

"Thin out the herd". Post hog, fash.

I thought you were better than that smh πŸ₯Ί

Wow that's got me all hot and bothered 😍

Okay, I'm supposed to listen to some reactionary and racist middle-aged white man who has done nothing to disprove my arguments except post ad-hominems?

Somehow you managed to be even more wrong about me despite me telling you to try again πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Stay in school anarkiddie.

Yeah, I've analyzed your post history. I don't talk to fascists.

So sad that you can't even identify one of the few unironic lefties on this sub. Then again you probably don't think succdems are real lefties anyway

social democrats are leftists. communists are not.


Everyone makes fun of high schoolers because they're retarded. When I turned 17 I made fun of them.

Yikes. Let's unpack this. Oof that's pretty problematic. Sit down, shut up and listen: The adults are speaking.

probably white


probably white

look the little shit is returning ad hominems. do us a favor and stuff yourself in a locker with your Sartre and hentai

Christ almighty.

Alright I’m going to give you some advice. Advice I wish I had listened to in high school.

You are not the smartest person in the world, your ideas are cringy and you will look back on them in shame. Being a political revolutionary in high school is just like being a goth.

Sleep more, start working out, and try to find a hobby.

Your friends will not all succeed, some will and some will burn out, don’t be the burn out. Try to make good long term choices and give a shit about what you are doing.

Your parents love you and are trying their best. It’s hard for them too. They are litterally just normal people, so don’t look down on them. Do your best to make their lives easier. Start doing your laundry and cleaning up, even if they don’t ask you to.

I have nothing to say to you.

Just for anyone who wants to know, I've checked this user's profile history and apparently he's a fan of using slurs like r-t-rd.

I would legit think about the advice dude. In about 10 years you will look back at yourself and wonder what the fuck you were thinking.

Perspective is a wonderful thing, please try to listen to those with more experience who were a lot like you as a kid.

I would legit reconsider using slurs "dude". I would say that you'll look back in a decade and resent yourself for it, but fascists never change.

Words only have power if you give it to them. Another desperately important piece of advice.

And minorities can't have power if you kill them. That's what you want, ultimately, isn't it? All of you rightists and fascists just want to strip power from the most vulnerable people in our society. And yet you tell me that I need to change.

We are all minorities in some way or another. Humans are human, with millions of different variables and experiences and ideas. Maybe instead of grouping people up, do the hard thing and look at people as individuals, use empathy, it’s hard but think about other people from their parents perspective.

Post hog

Seriously dude, find something to be responsible for and carry some of the weight.

We appreciate and love you. Give me a kiss baby. Please do your best in school

shut up, nigger

LMAO look at this retard.

Wait are drama retards actually still falling for your bait? This is why we need to go privat again.

hahaha. your shaming someone in drama for using the word retard? are you legitimately retarted or just bait?

This but incredibly unironically

racist legislation for example truancy laws

How are truancy laws racist. Please be extremely clear.

The nanny state always makes laws (drug prohibition, truancy, etc.) designed to give police reason to arrest black people. They don't say "this only applies to black people" but the police are mostly racists so that's what happens.

So you are saying black people get arrested for truancy even if they aren't truant? Wouldn't that be extremely easy to prove in court that they weren't truant?


There's a prescient example of this effect: evidence suggests that all races and ethnicities use drugs at more-or-less the same rate, and yet black people are disproportionately incarcerated for non-violent drug offenses.

Sweaty, we're talking about truancy laws, because you just had to call them racist with no proof.

I know you have never been pressed to actually rationalize empty platitudes that come out of your mouth, but please explain to me how truancy laws are racist. And again, I can't stress this enough, please be specific.

Yeah, I already told you... seems like someone needs to learn how to listen to others

Yeah, I already told you

No, you didn't.

I guess it's unlucky for you someone decided to question what you said, but you should just admit you were wrong and move on.

Do you remember submitting this comment in which you used the slur rtrded? Just thought I'd show everyone what kind of person you are.

That's his word and he's allowed to use it.

Hey, everyone look! This retard spent probably 30 minutes going through my comment history and the worst they could find was that I said retard.

Please keep doing desperate retarded things to distract from the fact that you were completely destroyed in this argument. I'm really close to finishing.

I'm seriously done here. Do you know what you are? A bully.

Do you know what I am? Your worse nightmare.

Lol you got cyber bullied.


I'm seriously done here. Do you know what you are? A bully.

Do you know what I am? Your worst nightmare.

Are people supposed to be scared of a retard that runs away from internet bullies? Up your trolling bruh.






Kamala Harris supported one and she's a treat to Bernie basically.

LOL Harris is a "threat"? There is no way that Sanders doesn't win the nomination at this point


Bruh Biden's ahead of him by 10 points. Only people Biden doesn't have is Redditors

Biden is old as fuck and so boring. Why do you think people will vote for him?

Polls lmao

Said every dumbass lib before Trump was elected.

National polls were like 1% off last time. Primaries are 35 Biden 20 Sanders, and national are 55 Biden 42 Trump. 1% won't make a difference

Ahaha yeah not true. when the bourgeois mass-media reported it they say that trump has no chance of being elected, and yet they looked in astonishment as he won almost every state. when the debates happen you'll see that people will hate biden because he is boring, futhermore, he is old.

Bernie is old and boring, and it doesn't matter if anyone wants to vote for Biden because he's in the Pizzagate club so he's got connections where it matters.

Bernie is inspiring.

About as inspiring as a day old plain bagel. No thanks.

So all you have is slander, fascist? Post hog or leave. Because I'm getting really sick of all you fucking fascists who think that you are so good and smart when you insult me and post dumb things and insult people like Bernie who are trying to do good things for leftist and for America.

I don't think calling Bernie "a day old bagel" really meets the legal definition of slander. It was kinda mean and inaccurate though, I give you that.

To bagels, I mean, which are great even a day old. You can still toast them and they're great.

Democratic socialism, meanwhile, is such a misguided philosophy that even Bernie himself doesn't believe in it, whatever he says.


πŸ–πŸ· πŸ—


Post hog or leave

What sub do you think you're on. We ask for bussy kiddo 😎😎😎

The people who actually vote? Meaning not teenagers

Bernie is older than Biden you goober

Wait what Biden isnt popular with reddit anymore?

People falling for your bait, again

Surrounded by morons I am

It's /r/drama. The morons here fall for bait from a guy literally named "RecallRethuglicans"

Dis is some good trolling. Im surprised nobody clued in sooner.

Yeah we got an influx onlf new retards somehow and they keep seriousposting


It would cut down on people with too many kids and the feral cat population.

Like the one in Peter Pan?

Dogs correct behavior by biting. I for one welcome out new pitbull overlords.

there should be government legislation to force them to

Because the alternative is to have the majority of our population become totally useless and unemployable. The policy that forces children to go to school makes everyone better off, therefore it's good.

broke: addressing the structural problems that leave kids growing up in conditions conducive to missing/skipping school (i.e. socioeconomic immiseration)

woke: write on a piece of paper that kids have to go to school and arrest the ones who dont

Since it's 'unethical' to genetically engineer N-words into becoming better citizens, our best option is to just threaten them with legal consequences.

Wow, seriously? This is the type of discourse that we're going to allow here now?

I remember when this subreddit, while it wasn't perfect, at least had some tact. It wasn't dominated by fascists and alt-right trolls. Now I have to deal with literal Nazis who believe in genocide every day. White people ruin everything.


This is why censorship doesnt work. Shut down a bunch of "hate subs" and guess where those people go?

To the Moon?

Everything here is ironic unless it isn't.


Imagine unironically seeing those as mutually exclusive



Take a little break until the /r/all -fugees forgot about your schtick?

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Good to see you back. How's the war against sex-bots going?

Lol they we're helping people sign up for loans in class the year I graduated high school

Bro we all know twitch streaming is where the job markets heading

But seriously, High School is an antiquated waste of time.

teachers as they exist in our society are pretty authoritarian though, and there's a ton of room to reconceptualize how we think about the teacher-student relationship

read Pedagogy of the Oppressed by Paulo Freire

Lmao Paulo Freire was a fascist boot licker by CTH standards:

The oppressed, instead of striving for liberation, tend themselves to become oppressors

Proof anarchists are just fags who failed out of high school.

Day of the icepick when?

lol OP was suspended

That chapo post unironically makes me so mad I almost serious posted about it.

Chapos are universally retarded, nothing there is worth getting upset at.

I was talking about the picture in the post. The number of people who support the asinine idea of not punishing students is surprising.

That's because chapo userbase are 14 yo.

when the revolution comes

Ah so never

non-hierarchical self-directed learning facilitator

I really want to see how many children would want to drill themselves to learn anything in school if they are not required to do so.

It's funny because anyone who has worked with children knows they need structure.

Parents are the real fascists imho

She calls us to her office and explains how society was built down around us.

am i retarded? i understand all these words but i honestly don’t get what he’s saying here..?

Basically, they live in a society.

i'm an anarchist and teachers generally have to earn my disrespect.

I'm sure that's high on their list of things to do.

anyone who makes me feel less woke is an idiot and a troll: the /r/chapotraphouse story

I would say that it seems those chaps are becoming self-aware, but then again, this is apparently controversial to them.

fighting against the real class power: people who won't let me wear my earbuds in class >:(