USA Powerlifting bans all trans women from competing as women

1  2019-02-03 by CommonWrongdoer


Don't even try to kinkshame me. My kinks are my business.


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wow that thread got locked quick despite few unreasonable comments.

Locked because y’all can’t behave yourself

Doesn't really look that bad. Probably some removed posts but meh

Their excuse will be something like 'brigading' for almost everyone agreeing with the ban.

Y’all can’t behave

Looks like it’s just completely removed now in /r/news

The “bone density” red herring has been thrown out there for years, at least since MMA fighter Fallon Fox appeared on the scene. The bone density of black women is, on average, significantly higher than that of white women. In fact, some studies have shown the bone strength of black women to be higher than that of white men.

Life fuel for BBW-cels

the /r/news thread is pretty civil and already locked lol

Much like the first Justin Smollett post... and yet the second one is still up. Really dinks your donk.

Tranny mods seething

Goddamnit and I just had my balls snipped so I could compete.

It's the Japan effect.

lol at that dude breaking women's lifting record.

Just let them compete against other transwomen.

Even if there's just one competitor. Let her set the records and let the next tranny come along and break them.