Buzzfeed asks twitter "If You Were A Fart, What Kind Of Fart Would You Be?". No BRRRAAAAAPPPPS are had in response.

1  2019-02-03 by TheButtholeOfBravery


Hell hath no fury like a suburban soccer mom cucked, I guess.


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Snappy wants dem soccer mom BBBRRRRAAAAAPPPPPPPSSSS

Quintessential BuzzFeed right there.

I just can't imagine why they'd need to be laying off writers. Such an upstanding, quality journalism outlet.

I think they peaked with their Questions For White People series to be fair. A lot of eye opening, intellectual discourse in those videos. I especially liked the question about why white people don't season their food. The person who asked that is so woke he avoids eating white food altogether, such as Italian and Greek.

If pandering won awards, their writers would walk around with their heads an inch from the ground medals dragging from their necks, and they certainly aren't alone. It's a good thing the ownership companies are firing so many of them, night of the long lefty media knives.

These are the writers good enough to survive the layoffs

be me

have a few years experience writing news for buzzfeed

meuller cucks my workplace into submission

boss calls me into office

"I'm sorry, but I'm afraid that we will have to let you go"

I'm unemploymed

have to learn C++

check buzzfeed to see what they are publishing

its braaaapppp quizes

i got fired instead of someone who writes about farting


You know they'd end up learning JS or Ruby and then just write CoCs

These are the writers good enough to survive the layoffs that don't get paid.


It's beginning for braphog-cels

"Buzzfeed is actually good now"

I'd be the slippery diarrhea disguised as a fart.

These are the people they didn't fire

And these are the POC non binary yall spewing folks I'm supposed to care about; and avoid telling to learn to code right?

Pulitzer prize winning journalists.