I swear if I ever see one of you r/drama incels saying this shit in real life I will beat the fuck out of you!! #PunchNazis

1  2019-02-04 by Atheistsomalipirate


Are you black or something? Why do you think fathers don't exist?


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Someone's been lifting

He probably could take on an incel, tbh.

Probably beat up an incel and an /r/drama poster at the same time.

while giving an MRA user a wedge

Incels gymaxx to compensate for their ugly face

Well we all know that’s not true.

Manlets need to cope

Only gymcels, most incels don't excercise at all

Only gymcels, most incels don't excercise at all

Stop doxxin me

How is his face still so fat?

He’s anorexic.

This is what an unpassable trans man looks like.

Can't they just up the T until they have some mass?

I don't think trannies can ever escape the uncanny valley with current tech but the ones that don't even try are truly shameful and grotesque.


Aw, no...

T actually makes a lot of them fat when they first start transitioning. Adding mass with no height change is a recipe for being a fatty.

T actually makes a lot of them fat when they first start transitioning.

You say that like they werent fat to begin with

Bulimia. It causes the salivary glands to swell and gives you a puffy face.

That’s what I meant.

Side effect of holding a ring of power.

He's Irish. Aside from being bloated from all the alcohol, he's just got a fucking melon.

Because his body is still fat too. He just looks "skinny" because he has zero muscle mass. If he had the testosterone of a normal man he wouldn't look as thin. Also, soy.

Infection and/or sepsis from bad tattoos.

Pearl from Blade got lap band surgery.

Volcel if you wouldn't

What am I looking at?

A mentally ill woman who tried to become a man

Positive Masculinity


Now I understand what skinny fat means

He looks like a monster. like something out of a horror movie

It's a tranny so you're pretty spot on

Seriously? That would explain it. At first glance i thought they had some sort of genetic condition or something that caused their body proportions to be all wrong.

Seriously? That would explain it. At first glance i thought they had some sort of genetic condition or something that caused their body proportions to be all wrong.

those hands were made for fisting

Damn he bathes

Tbf i wouldnt punch him or get near him in a figth for fear of aids

He's gunna bring that avocado to his anti-opression class.

At least he isn't hurting any animals...

What the fuck?

I don't understand what I'm looking at. Is this what happens to foreskin once it's removed, and allowed to grow by warlock magic?

Taking the advice to get fit to make your dick look bigger to the extreme

If you wouldn't you're a volcel

Is this one of the supersoldiers that chappos are always on about ?

vegan footsoldier

What feller should see himself a physician, pronto.