Chapo soyboys on how they could totally beat up southerns and entire US military

1  2019-02-04 by normie_man


Hahaha, you were so butthurt you reported all my posts to the moderators too.

You win this one, I'm not allowed to make fun of you anymore. Enjoy living your internet life every day, goodbye.


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The minute a "chud" says the word "retard" or "tranny", Chapo-cels would all automatically convulse on the ground. Prove me wrong.

Self evident truths require no proof.

Most of the people on Chapo are trans people who would probably use the gun to kill themselves tbh.

Every time they try to get serious about the revolution they have to have people say "Whoa, whoa, slow down comrades. You're forgetting about our very important allies who will kill themselves the minute they get their hands on a loaded gun!"

Lmao I'm laughing at a bunch of chapo trannies marching up to the capitol building then blowing their brains out in front of it when it all gets too stressful

Suicide squad!!! Assemble!!!

That would have been a good Suicide Squad movie tbh

I was going for a life of Brian reference tbh.

Should've mentioned the Judean People's Front

Time to organize a die in.

I mean, it worked in Morocco

Our bodies will stop their advance

"It sends a message"

... for about 5 minutes. And then you'd realize you just won without firing a shot.

Nah, if they're willing to give up their life just to scare you, what will they do if you actually go up against them in a fight?

That was it though. Those 500 people who's brains just painted the pavement were the entirety of the Glorious Revolution, and now that your war is over you've got a bunch of disgusting bodies to deal with. And you can't just push them into a mass grave, all the rascal batteries and hair dye would destroy the environment.

Those 500 guys specifically? Probably not a lot

until you see the bill the cleaners want for scrubbing all the brains off your front sidewalk. terrifying

That's literally the end of walking dead season 8. All of Negan's guns are sabotaged so Rick wins

The Hashishim did something like that (tell a follower to jump off a cliff in front of an ambassador) to scare away enemy armies. Of course the difference is they would be killing themselves because someone said mean words on the internet not because their leader told them to

In fairness, a small army of people walking up to a civic center and committing suicide in front of it would be a pretty effective protest.


throwback to the thread in CTH where people were claiming to be too mentally ill to pick up any weapons for their revolution

I've heard about this thread but never witnessed myself. Sounds hilarious.

It's happened on more than one occasion. Basically any time they mention that you have to, you know, arm yourself if you plan on partaking in a violent revolution, the discussion pops up

Radical political types are filled with neurotic individuals. Just think of real life, does anyone you consider to be normal, successful and well adjusted subscribe to any sort of extremist view? I can't think of a single one

damn... good seriouspost

Can't say I'm surprised. I find it hilarious how these types go full keyboard warrior on Reddit about how they're gonna lead some violent revolution, kick in "Nazi" teeth, and all their other Looney toons murder fantasies while simultaneously crumbling to pieces in r/LateStageCapitalism anytime someone types the word "dumb". These people should be a goldmine of content for r/iamverybadass and r/killthosewhodisagree yet redditors give them a pass and upvote them for some reason.

do you have the thread where they were advocating making caltrops and carrying them around?

Doesn't sound familiar. Sorry bud

Please give me a link holy fuck

I’m late but thank you

My favorite was advocating for compound bows because they are harder to murk yourself with and because "they give you +2 to stealth."

(((Statistically speaking)))

Science is working on a firearm fail safe that will block guns from shooting socialists. Apparently it won't shoot within 2 meters of a food stamp card

Yeah okay, you go fire 7.62mm (Since these retards probably don't know about the AK 74) and tell me how that feels on your low-t shoulder, Chapotard.

Realistically the patriotic revolutionaries of the second American revolution will achieve socialist liberation using variants of the m16 and ar15 since that ammunition is more plentiful in fascist occupied America.

Realistically, none of you guys are ever gonna do shit and stay just as anemic as you have been for the past decades while fetishizing dictators and dreaming about non existing revolutions

You know you are going to be Gulag'd for using Capitalist weapons right?

Implying that your parents would let you revolt on a school night

Implying his parents don't already think he's revolting.

Well it's watermark so I know his parents can't stand the sight of him

Imagine being a bugman weakling and chosing an AK because you fell for Russian propaganda that the AK is the superior weapon, and having your shoulder shatter the first time you shoot it

If the USSR still existed there would be a newer version of the AK that would be amazing. It would shoot lasers, work in space and be charged by the blood of the proletariat.

If the USSR wasn't a good thing then why do my parents hate me?

Suck it liberal chuds


Oh shit you're an unironic Chapo lmfao how does it feel to be hated by your parents

my siblings are dumber than I am so I'm still the golden boy

God damn maybe your parents should wipe the slate clean and try again. Or maybe they don't have what it takes to make kids that don't suck

the latter

You win some, you lose some. Sometimes you just lose some


Don't forget to pay your rent

I own land you goon.

Don't forget to pay your parents rent


I mean AN94s are pretty cool so even the Russian Federation in the middle of Yeltsin was able to produce an interesting firearm

It's cool but it's much more complicated than the GAS PUSH METAL BACK AND PULL NEW CARTRIDGE IN of the AK pattern rifles

They're neat but they're expensive, heavy, and not useful enough to pay off.

Yo dawg I heard you like to shoot so I put a reciever on your reciever so you can shoot while you shoot!

It's a pretty good gun. It's not the most accurate or powerful rifle in the world, but it's accurate enough for most purposes, and the fucker never jams or needs maintenance.

Oh sure, I love AKs. But in some mass civil war type situation, I'd choose an AR 10 times out of 10.

And this is also assuming that they buy properly made AKs and not the cheapo american ones made of pot metal that'll blow up after 2k rounds

I agree. The AR is my favorite platform. I've only got a 15 right now, but I'm hoping to pick up an AR-10 eventually.

I like my AR because I can slap a different upper on it and shoot pretty much anything. Long term AK maintenance is also an issue, especially with the 5.45 that you'd actually want if you're planning on using an AK

It's really not bad at all, low T or not.

Who does this drowned rat think owns all the goddamned guns? The far left wankstains can't even visit a gun range without getting PTSD.

They can't even get a text without getting PTSD

You joke but these retards get anxiety when they get a phone call

good luck getting boomer gun owners to actually leave their garages though

lol. You should probably know how to use a gun before getting into a gunfight.

They keep it 100 dancing on graves and shit talking that 5'1 Jewish guy shapiro, but as soon as you make fun of Sally's 9 inch dong, its game over.

If push ever comes to shove, you'd be amazed what a kalashnikov can do to overpower...well anyone really.

Says a person who has gone to the range less than five times and couldn't hit the broad side of a barn.

Ever tried to control an AK with noodle arms? That's what he means by overpower

That makes much more sense.

That’s why you get the AK SAR-3 for the Kalashnikov aesthetic and the recoil of a 5.56

Will mom and dad fund that? Little comrade Jimmy hasn't been cleaning his room so he hasn't gotten his allowance

“Dear, let Jimmy have xis allowance xe’s been studying so hard on that raddit site”

Frankly the Ak-47 is famous because it is cheap and reliable, not because it's good. As a rifle it is mediocre compared to other platforms. It's 7.62mm round can tear someone up, sure, if you can hit it. Good luck with it's retarded recoil though past 100m.

I'd love to see any of these soyboys pick up an SVD and not dislocate their shoulders.

Infantry in modern warfare rarely actually kills anyone. Like a US soldier shoots thousands of rounds per kill. Most actually killing its done by artillery and bombing runs. The main role of the infantry is to hold territory and pin the enemy down until the big guns take them out.

The military is shifting away from automatic rifles to save on ammo usage. This doesn't necessarily go against your point though.

Semi is for accurate fire at a target, full is for suppression

I think the M16A2 went into operation without a full-auto selector back in the early 80's.

What I mean to say is, strictly semi auto.

it somewhat supports it

Human wave attacks when?!?

Whenever China goes to war.

Good God, imagine China going balls to the wall with India.

At least it'd solve the overpopulation problem.

One can only dream. We'd get to see India's shit flinging catapults powered by 10 pajeets each in action.

Army’s probably moving to a ~6.x mm round in the next ten years, for better kill potential, can’t use bombs and artillery indiscriminately anymore.

Lmao the army is going to become a bunch of hipster fags? 6.5 Grendel M4s and CZs as side arms

It was always going to go downhill once they put the greenbeans’ in theater.

What's the army for anyways? Too smart to be a marine but too dumb to do anything else?

Green Beans was like a little piece of heaven. "Midnight Chai Lattes anyone?"

Yeah never really got to enjoy it, was usually too tired on my one day off every week to do anything but sleep.

Warrant Officer school starts every two weeks.

Ha! Was a 153D, just had a lot of work.


Those statistics take into account the ammunition used for training, not just rounds fired in combat.

100m is nothing for an AK if you're not blind lmao. Even with irons

Russian made RPG is better. Just need to point near the target. So easy, child soldiers can do it.

How are you calling people soyboys yet think 7.62 x 39 recoil is massive. It's fucking tiny.

I mean it's not "massive" for most people who know what they're doing, but in these wonderbrains cases' they'd probably get PTSD just figuring out the proper way to load its magazine.

And when it comes down to it, and maybe I'm brainwahlshed by capitalism, but I subscribe to the NATO notion of hitting your target more often with 5.56mm.

I prefer 7.62 real fuckin nato

five times is pretty generous tbh, id say more like zero

I was trying to give zim the benefit of the doubt.

even Lenin acknowledged that you need the support of the Army for a true proletariat revolution otherwise you're doomed to fail

The bolsheviks won because they had the overwhelming support of the regular infantry.

so either way unless you have support of the Military your revolution is nothing more then a wet dream

Watermark, the caved in brain wojak irl

US Army


That would actually make a lot of sense if it wasn't so fucking dumb. Get rid of the ideology bullshit and that's entirely 100% correct

Honest question... How dumb do you think one can be and still work on a fighter jet, heavy ordinance... Or say run a nuclear reactor?

Its harder to enlist in the US military than get into college.

Haha, tankie


Are you a troll? You sound trollish.

Chapos would all run away if they were ever drafted into a war.

Implying they could resist access to a free gun to kill themselves with

That's just nature correcting its mistake.

If you don’t work out you’re a liberal

This but unironically. Its hard to stay a commie while working out since working out is the ultimate form of self improvement that you can claim 100% for your own effort.

liberal != commie in this context

in fact, many socialists hate liberals as much as conservatives

I'm using the 'Merican definition, the only one that counts.

A terrifying memoir from the front line of the Soy Revolution

It felt to me like a bazooka — and sounded like a cannon.

The recoil bruised my shoulder, which can happen if you don't know what you're doing. The brass shell casings disoriented me as they flew past my face. The smell of sulfur and destruction made me sick. The explosions — loud like a bomb — gave me a temporary form of PTSD. For at least an hour after firing the gun just a few times, I was anxious and irritable.

But mostly, I was just terrified.

That (((journalists))) name. Imagine not being able to handle what's basically a varmint round

I'm as skinny as the average chapo tard. I put a towel over my shoulder when I shoot my 30-.06 because it absolutely wrecks my shoulder. It would take a massive genetic deformity for a .223 to mess you up.

Wow I didn't know the ar15 round was literally the same caliber as a 22 long rifle almost.

Looking at the bullets the nato round seems to have a lot more powder, so it's more powerful. 22lr is so weak it's practically a pellet gun, I've shot an ar15 and know it's more r powerful than that. But it's not a hugely powerful round.

I've shot more powerful rounds, like we used to have a 44 magnum handgun. But I was a 20 year old libertarian and I was retarded with it. Still it didn't hurt me, but also I was 20.

an ar15 can be chambered for nearly whatever caliber you want, thats kind of the point of the design

5.56 is just cheap due to military surplus sales so thats what most seem to use

5.56 is what they use in military action. Intentionally they use a small round so that they can carry more ammunition.

If you compare the two the nato round is a noticeably larger cartridge and uses more powder than 22lr of course. I just wasn't aware that they were the same caliber because I'm not a pretentious gun nerd.

Literally learn to hold a gun correctly lmao

Well we can't all have as much adipose guarding our bones as you do.

It’s not about fat, I was shooting hundreds of rounds of 12 gauge every weekend as a 110 pound 15 year old and never bruised.

You’ve got to Learn to find then”pocket” between your deltoid and scapula, it’s entirely flabby soft tissue and tendon that won’t cause pain when pounded on.

I've done 4 day courses for ar-15 and learned how to use the pocket. I have nothing but tendon, skin and bone because of the Holocaust. A simple towel fixes the problem when shooting 30-06

I think that malnutrition may have caused autism as well buddy

My parents were wiccans who believed only in the nourishing power of paint chips.

Hopefully it was leased paint, that’s where all the iron is

My parents couldn't afford to buy, so leasing was their only option.

It’s fine mine couldn’t teach me how to spell anyway

lmao how does firing a gun give you PTSD?

It reminds the journo of all the potential refugee honour roll student future scientists being murdered by whites

The loud noise ruined my life :(

Maybe Gersh has autism???

It's loud and scary

It doesn't, the writer is just pushing a "guns are scary" agenda

In all fairness almost everyone I know has theirs chambered for 5.56 since its cheap as fuck these days.

How big are the opossums in your area, are you hunting R.O.U.Ss or some shit?

Hahaha an ar15

It's not a strong gun lol

He doesn't even understand the point of the weapon

Yep, you can shoot it One handed with almost no recoil .

How fucking wrong was he doing it that casings were flying at his face?

They must have taught him wrong as a joke.

maybe hes a lefty

a buddy of mine had to spend like $600 just to find a .22 that wouldnt eject casings in his face

I'm a lefty and I honestly never thought shooting weapons that eject rounds out the right was a big deal.

I personally love shooting ak's because I feel like they were made for me and feel good ergonomically. But I can understand why righties wouldnt like shooting them since reloading would be awkward with the right side charging handle.

I've given this a lot and decided I would rather keep my hand on the guard than the pistol grip while reloading or clearing a jam if it can be done one handed. it's easier to keep the muzzle downrange and butt in my shoulder this way, rather than the other way around leaving the rifle unsupported like chapos collective limp dick.

I'm left handed too. You know what I do when someone hands me a right hand gun I want to shoot? I shoot it right handed. So I don't get hot casings in my face.

lol, this dude was like a lefty supremacist, lefty spatulas and shears, chef jacket with a left hand, left handed mouse and he was such a massive burnout stoner so he showed off shit every time you saw him because he couldn't remember talking about it yesterday.

had really good weed though, in his left handed pipe

The funniest part is there’s people on YouTube shooting 5.56 rifles from their noses, an AR is about as easy as it gets so even noodle arms can handle them


Recoil bruised my shoulder

Gersh Kuntzman confirmed human-banana hybrid

By Gersh Kuntzman

Soyboys can't even own a gun without turning it on themselves.

Though I hadn't admitted this to myself earlier, it was perhaps inevitable that the very first thing I did when I brought the gun home and was alone with it was to put it in my mouth. Unloaded at first, then loaded (which may account for my difficulty loading the magazine).

Also, "I know absolutely nothing about guns, but let me tell you about my strong support of gun control"

We need to hand out hi points to every Chapo and soy boy. The good they can do in both of those communities will pay for the guns 100x

Jesus christ how big of a pussy do you have to be to write something like this.

God, I loved this article.

I remember reading a parody article where Kuntzman visited an animal shelter and pissed himself in terror when he met a kitten.

Jesus H. Christ, how did the ideology that spawned Lenin and the Stasi and Che Guevara (forget about right and wrong, those guys did not fuck around) get taken over by such absolute pussies?

I'm sure those guys still exist, these chapo fags would get the rope from a communist revolution though

Not purging the troskysts was a mistake.

Well Lenin was a bitch tho.

Stalin had at least balls of steel.

even then Lenin acknowledged that you need the support of the Army for a true proletariat revolution otherwise you're doomed to fail

Or the truth was Lenin was a shill for the Germans.

That backfired pretty hard on the Germans. The Soviets totally unified Russia. The empire was rotting from within and would have been a less formidable enemy in the long term.

The plan was to get Russia out of the war. Which it did and got a lot of territory from Lenin.

But our boy Stalin fixed the German problem afterwards.

Lenin was merely a puppet for the eternal {{{Teuton}}}

Stalin is also basically Steel in Russian too

I though it was more like "man of steel"


Stal is steel

I thought it was more like gimpy-armed cuck who died shitting his pants whilst his subordinates talked shit about how everyone hated him knowing that he could do nothing about it.

Not as manly as Stalin, but at least we got from him this:

"Comrades! The insurrection of five kulak districts should be pitilessly suppressed. The interests of the whole revolution require this because 'the last decisive battle' with the kulaks is now under way everywhere. An example must be demonstrated.

Hang (and make sure that the hanging takes place in full view of the people) no fewer than one hundred known landlords, rich men, bloodsuckers. Publish their names. Seize all their grain from them. Designate hostages in accordance with yesterday's telegram. Do it in such a fashion that for hundreds of kilometres around the people might see, tremble, know, shout: "they are strangling, and will strangle to death, the bloodsucking kulaks".

Telegraph receipt and implementation.

Yours, Lenin.

Find some truly hard people

The first thing Lenin did after taking power was butcher the children of his enemies

Did he shoot the children himself?

90% Stalin was the one behind that.

Stalin was the opposite of Lenin in that regard, guy's public speaking was nothing short of embarrassing.

My personal opinion is that it's some amazing cointelpro work from the boys in the FBI, who've successfully made online American communists a fucking joke.

It's not like conservative fucks are any better though, the majority of them are either too old or have the physique of ben shapiro.

Yeah, and the Air Force and the officer corps are not Trump-friendly. The only guys who you can almost be certain like Trump are enlisted Marines.

All that crayon eating in the military does a number on your cerebral lobes

Based Navy maintaining our normal non extremist selves

They didn't like Hillary either, though.

Who did?

As far as I know, non-western leftists are the same “we don’t fuck around” types you mentioned.

Guevara was an absolute brainlet, his failed revolution in Bolivia sounds like a Cohen Brothers flick.

>set up camp in a literal swamp, stubbornly refuse to move to a better site

>don't bother to tell the local communist partisans you're there until after you start the revolution, be shocked when they tell you to fuck off

>have your soldiers learn Quechua to talk to the local Injins, totally oblivious to the fact Bolivian natives speak Guarani

>act like such an arrogant, pompous cunt you manage to piss off the local peasants they actually start snitching on you to the government

>make it it extremely obvious to everyone that Che's in town to liberate you, attracting the attention of the CIA so that soon the entire region is swarming with agents

>split your already small group into two units, who proceed to lose track of each other in the dense jungle because your maps are out of date and inaccurate to boot

>get sick and realise you didn't bring any medicine, raid local hospitals pissing off the locals even more

>attract so much attention the CIA manages to track you down and blow you away

He's lucky he was good looking.

I especially love his jaunt to Africa where he basically blamed everyone but himself, got half of his people killed, and bitch\moaned like a fucking emo.

He also wouldn't stop calling the natives "nigger".

wtf i love che now

If you don’t work out you’re a liberal

This but entirely unironically.

Bullshit. Just happens lifting appeals even more to macho idiots, granted


Holy fuck I'm a liberal???? 😨😨

But didn't antifa beat up two marines recently? Checkmate, fascist chuds!

Reservists, which are like the participation trophy version of Marines. And it still took eight of them, the element of surprise, and a sackful of bricks to do it.

Lol a lot of my friends have what could be described as arsenals and have spent decades and thousands of dollars on ammo. What's the over/under on how many Chapos it would take to kill the average 35 year old conservative Idahoan? Betting starts at 30.

(Tranny immediately after getting zipped by 5.56) “Mods? Mods???”

Why would we attack to kill? We don't care about your friends, if he stays in his dumb house with his guns we couldn't give less of a shit.

If there were an honest to God violent uprising by 120 lb genderqueers anywhere in the usa, Leroy and Titus would be there.

No self-respecting redneck would pass up the chance to "I doubt it" some commie.

Assuming you beat the military which you wouldn't, you'd be fighting random rednecks for the country

You'd attack with all forces because it would take all of you to handle all the spicy recoil of a 22



Is that including all the Chapos that would kill themselves?

What's the over/under on how many Chapos it would take to kill the average 35 year old conservative Idahoan?

Probably one Chapotard could take out a whole hamlet in ID. Just set up a free heroin table and let nature do its magic.

Um we take our fentanyl tablets with diet coke like any civilized group of people.

Actually that got me curious.

Turns out Idaho has a lower drug overdose mortality rate than any state east of the Mississippi (except somehow Mississippi). It boggles my mind that Nebraska and the Dakota are significantly less overdosy than New England.

not saying i support nazis, but the gleaming muscles of an ubermensch could surely crush the neck of an effete soviet partisan, tearing his girly body in twain, pecs rippling in the light of the sun

Stop getting me hard at work

Where's the lie?

u/remove_honk doesn’t work.

Please please PLEASE start something. I would love to shoot a communist. It’s my lifelong ambition.

You won't get a chance. 4chan has prepared operation:an hero.


In a civil war both sides are going to be vast majority drafted, the peace time regular military will be dwarfed and not firm the core of either force. After a couple years of real military action that doesn't consist of curb stomping third worlders with overwhelming supply it won't matter anyway. Physical strength is irrelevant, an effete nerd with an ak47 beats the most swole redneck magatard in the world every time. What soldiers need is endurance, not physical strength that is only relevant in hand to hand combat they will almost never actually be in.


You can tell they watch too much anime and shit from the fact that they think that their skellington frames give them more speed and endurance.

a tiny transgender commie can carry a 100 lb supply pack for miles and miles while the steroid overdosed proudboy will crumple up like a paper bag within ten minutes

If I hold my arms behind me when I run I can reach speeds of up to 100mph, good luck hitting me, MAGAtard

It's basic game balance m9

Scout has less HP but runs faster and has more mobility with his double jumps, while heavy has more HP and moves slower.

Basic game design. A skilled scout can take on an unsuspecting heavy in an ambush assuming the heavy isn't using the fists of steel.

Soldier is definitely the white nationalist tho

I mean to be fair the average infantryman is a twink

You still need to be able to carry a bunch of shit over long distances. And in all likelihood be able to carry other people.

Basically anyone can do that after a few days of practice

do these guys forget that military has more technology than just guns?

They know to shoot down fighter jets with bow and arrows like they read in the Hunger Games.

I wonder how many combat tours that guy has under his belt. I have three and he sounds really uninformed, but what do I know.

220 lb former lineman

been to jail

mfw that night i spent in the drunk tank makes me a chapoposter's nightmare

Why are people so focused on guns? In a real struggle against an organized armed force asymmetric warfare with IED’s and car bombs is the way to go.

This. It's relatively easy to fuck up supply lines and use guerilla tactics. Even then the ratio would be 1000:1 if the army has artillery and air support

This. It's relatively easy to fuck up supply lines and use guerilla tactics. Even then the ratio would be 1000:1 if the army has artillery and air support

This. It's relatively easy to fuck up supply lines and use guerilla tactics. Even then the ratio would be 1000:1 if the army has artillery and air support


Can't go wrong with the ol' poop on a sharp stick route.

Why are people focused on commies at all? They don't have the minerals to revolt

> Oh right, I forgot guns don't exist


Yeah and who the fuck do you think has them all you stupid bitch?


Also mods removed:


>To be fair this is the sub that has posted warnings not to buy guns since you guys will just use them to kill yourselves




> Not only do we have large groups of people who are completely anti-gun and are essentially protesting the government as being proto-fascists whilst simultaneously demanding that the same government disarms the populace, but I've actually seen threads of people arguing against the idea of going to the gym because studies have shown that gym bros tend to be right wing.


LMAO the edgy dirtbag-left has to make sure nobody knows they're too weak and frail to fight and if they ever had guns they'd probably suck-start them before using them against the "fash"

Yeah I always thought it was strange that the some of the more ‘revolutionary’ contingent of the left who consist of noodle armed suburbanites who’ve never shot a gun would advocate for violence or civil war.

They have no intention of fighting the war themselves, their excuse being they'll blow a hole in their heads if they're entrusted with a gun.

Oh right, I forgot guns don't exist

To be honest, this is the subreddit that had a sticky saying not to buy guns because you guys would probably use them to kill yourselves


Oh right, I forgot guns don't exist

To be honest, this is the subreddit that had a sticky saying not to buy guns because you guys would probably use them to kill yourselves

Of course that comment got deleted by a mod lmao

As a leftist this makes me afraid of the future. The people who can actually wage a revolution were brainwashed away from the left (and probably also turned away from it by the left's bullshit)

It's pretty funny that your side has a monopoly on the people who fetishize mental illness on a political level.

Funny right now, I mean. Gonna suck for everyone once shit gets real.

I mean republicans are the one supporting a senile dude and transness being a mental illness is pretty shakey and an idea most of the medical community disagrees with

i dont think anyone disagrees that trannies make awful soldiers

yup, almost all. pre-transition trans women and post-transition trans men tho

transness being a mental illness is pretty shakey and an idea most of the medical community disagrees with

Right next to the same medical community supporting liposcutions as the cure for anorexia.

I mean HRT unironically almost always helps trans people

Sure. And liposuciton unironically almost always helps anorexic people. If you're dead then you got nothing to be depressed about.

It causes cancer, cardiovascular disease, sterility, doesen't actually fix the suicide rate, and in some cases makes it worse than before.

I mean, getting them to kill themselves faster is a fix I suppose.

Is it just me, or do online TERFs often seem to fetishize violent hypermasculinity?

truly perplexing ?

Tbf the guys in that Antifa group ‘redneck revolt’ had impressively long necks. That’s gotta give some sort of competitive advantage!

Are people here seriously down voting that thread? Don't fucking bury the drama, dont downvote lolcows.

I want to see these retards try to invade Texas just to see what would happen. It would ultimately be best for Dramacoin

implying there aren't enough suicidal folx y'all on that sub to significantly damage the country's infrastructure

Am country bumpkin, daughter, and sister of veterans. Lmao 😂😂😂

All you have to do is watch vids of angry little antifa fuckers trying to intimidate young “right wing” men to get an idea of what these dumbasses would be up against. In fact, knowing my culture, most good ole boy types would probably hesitate to hit them because of how goddamn scrawny they are 😂

I got banned from CTH for posting in this thread. Not sure whether it was for pointing out that the top post (which claims the poster must be a nazi sympathiser) is unlikely to be accurate given that the OP is from /r/gendercritical, or for pointing out that the OP basically has a good point because an overwhelming number of leftists are soyboys who argue that the government is fascist whilst simultaneously demanding said government disarms them, or claim going to the gym is a bad idea because it will make you right-wing.