Imagine an entire website for nerds trying to talk about Football like they ever played sports.

1  2019-02-04 by Powneramic

Incoming: mArChInG bAnD iS a SpOrT



Yikes u seem upset froendo

Not a fan of either team, but it’s like I love how most of these people try to join in on football talk like they know anything about it. Willing to bet most of them have only ever read memes about why they should hate Tom Brady, and feel like that validates their opinion.

Simply put, you probably don’t even watch football let alone know anything about it, so don’t act like it.

I know a trumpeter that lost a bunch of teeth in marching band.

Seems like his unathletic ability led him to not properly even hold a trumpet. I’m guessing he tripped and fell on the trumpet with his mouth still on the guard.

Very close, the guy fainted at a ceremony for something and fell forwards, trumpet on face. D:

checked your post history sweaty and it’s all “social skills” and “Star Wars”. Imagine trying to attack others when you’re too much of a pussy to even go near a football or a girl 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. I feel sorry for your father.

I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having a boy. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a boy for at least 18 years solely so he can go and get ravaged by another man. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little boy - reading him stories at bedtime, making him go to sports practice, making sure he had a healthy diet, educating him, playing with him. All of it has one simple result: his body is more enjoyable for the men that will eventually fuck him in every hole.

Raised the perfect boy? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random man who had nothing to do with the way he grew up, who marries him. He gets to fuck his tight bussy every night. He gets the benefits of his kind and sweet personality that came from the way you raised him.

As a man who has a boy, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to raise a boy for another man to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically.

Imagine someone getting defensive because what I said was true about them.

Cry harder 😭😭😭😂😂😂 can’t hide behind your downvoted forever pussy

Am I crying? Who got downvoted again? 👂👂 Type another paragraph bitch loool

20 bucks I have more testosterone in one arm than you have in your entire fucking body mongloroid. Maybe try talking to a f*male for once in your life sad little bitch boy. 😭👌👌👌

Such projection 😂. Bro I literally have a post on ask women about whether or not my ex was a psycho, you’re just showing how you really view yourself, which is apparently a scrawny feminine freak. Its funny because I can guarantee I’m more attractive than you. And that no women would ever talk to you based off your personality.

From what I gather you’re an insecure insel whose trying to take his problems out on people on the internet.

ask women

Are you actually so much of a pussy you can’t figure out f*males on your own? Stop taking advice from women. That’s an actual tip I’m going to give you before you grow up. Try to listen.

You’re one wound up little bigot. Probably think the coloreds don’t belong in our great ‘Murica either lmao. Honestly dude who hurt you? I’m sorry you could never come out to your republican parents because God wouldn’t approve, but don’t make an ass of yourself on the internet. No ones interested in what you have to say or your petty little insults.

You’ve just proven your inferiority, and I won’t be responding to you as your words are that of a lesser male, a harmless and nonthreatening beta. Now go, have the satisfaction of getting in the last word, as I know you will because that’s what your kind does. Pound on your keyboard, and write something equally as imbecilic as everything else you’ve wrote, hit send, and wait in anticipation of a reply from me, but know you won’t get it.. because a lion odoesn’t concern himself with the opinions of sheep. Like an owner to his dog, I throw my final bone, go fetch it.

So mad 😂😂👌👌 can’t respond cause pussy. Has to make up story about why he won’t If you think I’m a recucklican than you’re a fucking idiot.

LMAOOOO WHAT A FUCKING BODY 💀💀 You got clowned on

Why are you so mad dude? This is literally the most triggered I’ve seen anyone ever get over something so stupid lol.

Why is everyone on this subreddit such a pussy now? I make fun of the introvert freak and suddenly I’m the retard.

No one’s a pussy we’re just not egotistical fucking assholes. Quit being a complete cunt how about? Lmao

I don’t gloat and don’t rlly care about social status but take this from someone who actually has a decent amount of friends in real life. You seem like the most unlikable person I’ve ever talked to. Like actually I couldn’t imagine anyone wanting to be your friend, or talk to much less. You need a serious reality check cause it seems like you believe this is what popular people act like. News flash you’re acting like a dick, no one wants to be friends with someone like that.

TBF if I ever went to school with you two I’d choose to be friends with Powneramic, not even if I HAD to choose one he just seems chill.

All I have to say. You seem like you got some issues you need to work, and I hope you eventually do cause the way you act is just sad.

Oh and Powneramic HMU with ur snap if u want, we can go see Star Wars together or some shit.🤙🏼🤙🏼

I hope you have fun jacking off your internet friends cock. Please tell me if soyboys are a real thing when you make it to the theater.

😂 You got totally fucked up in this argument by Powneramic by the way. Kid said you were a sheep and he was a lion, like an owner to his dog 😂 fucking gold. Hope you got a grave buried for that murder he just committed on you.

I’ve had my grave ready for a long time kid.

Yeah I’m sure you’ve been real close to ending it all a few times 😂. Can’t imagine the amount of bullying and abuse you’d need to endure to say some of the stupid shit you said on here. Absolutely sad loool

Does American football even count as a sport though? They only ever seem to run like five metres then take a break.

Wdym? Lol.

You can hate Things that are American all you want but you can’t dispute that it’s a sport. It’s 100% more physically demanding than soccer/football and if you want more proof just put a rugby player side by side with a football player.