What's the juiciest voat drama?

1  2019-02-04 by BriefSquirt

Frankly i can't be fucked actually going on that verdammt website but if any of you autists do, pls let me know. I feel there's a whole world of nazi drama out there waiting to be explored


It's not my job to educate you, sweaty.

It's garbage. I checked it out after the "banout 2018" and it's just morons linking crime statistics and calling each other niggers. I got banned from a random sub after a single pibble post with this message and realized it's just as Reddit but the other side of the spectrum. Haven't gone back since.

Voat sucks

There was that time t_d tried to immigrate there.....it did not go well

I haven't been in a while.

When I left it was that white supremacists were upset at being called Trump supporters because Trump has a Jewish son, and Hecho was posting kiddy porn in their porn subs.


There’s VOAT stuff but it’s all Qanon related. I love it.

implying anyone uses voat

Really friend

well i dont